Source code for

# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2007  Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009  Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2008       James Friedmann <>
# Copyright (C) 2010       Jakim Friant
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

A collection of utilities to aid in the generation of reports.

# Standard Python modules
import os
from ...const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
_ = glocale.translation.gettext

# GRAMPS modules
from ...datehandler import get_date
from ...utils.file import media_path_full
from ..docgen import IndexMark, INDEX_TYPE_ALP
from ...constfunc import cuni

#  Convert points to cm and back
[docs]def pt2cm(pt): """ Convert points to centimeters. Fonts are typically specified in points, but the :class:`.BaseDoc` classes use centimeters. :param pt: points :type pt: float or int :returns: equivalent units in centimeters :rtype: float """ return pt/28.3465
[docs]def cm2pt(cm): """ Convert centimeters to points. Fonts are typically specified in points, but the :class:`.BaseDoc` classes use centimeters. :param cm: centimeters :type cm: float or int :returns: equivalent units in points :rtype: float """ return cm*28.3465
[docs]def rgb_color(color): """ Convert color value from 0-255 integer range into 0-1 float range. :param color: list or tuple of integer values for red, green, and blue :type color: int :returns: (r, g, b) tuple of floating point color values :rtype: 3-tuple """ r = float(color[0])/255.0 g = float(color[1])/255.0 b = float(color[2])/255.0 return (r, g, b) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Roman numbers # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def roman(num): """ Integer to Roman numeral converter for 0 < num < 4000 """ if not isinstance(num, int): return "?" if not 0 < num < 4000: return "?" vals = (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1) nums = ( 'M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I') retval = "" for i in range(len(vals)): amount = int(num / vals[i]) retval += nums[i] * amount num -= vals[i] * amount return retval #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def place_name(db, place_handle): if place_handle: place = db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle).get_title() else: place = "" return cuni(place) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Functions commonly used in reports # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def insert_image(database, doc, photo, user, w_cm=4.0, h_cm=4.0, alt=""): """ Insert pictures of a person into the document. """ object_handle = photo.get_reference_handle() media_object = database.get_object_from_handle(object_handle) mime_type = media_object.get_mime_type() if mime_type and mime_type.startswith("image"): filename = media_path_full(database, media_object.get_path()) if os.path.exists(filename): doc.add_media_object(filename, "right", w_cm, h_cm, alt=alt, style_name="DDR-Caption", crop=photo.get_rectangle()) else: user.warn(_("Could not add photo to page"), "%s: %s" % (filename, _('File does not exist'))) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # find_spouse # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def find_spouse(person, family): if person.get_handle() == family.get_father_handle(): spouse_handle = family.get_mother_handle() else: spouse_handle = family.get_father_handle() return spouse_handle #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # find_marriage # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def find_marriage(database, family): for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): event = database.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if (event and event.type.is_marriage() and event_ref.role.is_family()): return event return None #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Indexing function # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_person_mark(db, person): """ Return a IndexMark that can be used to index a person in a report :param db: the Gramps database instance :param person: the key is for """ if not person: return None name = person.get_primary_name().get_name() birth = " " death = " " key = "" birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref() if birth_ref: birthEvt = db.get_event_from_handle(birth_ref.ref) birth = get_date(birthEvt) death_ref = person.get_death_ref() if death_ref: deathEvt = db.get_event_from_handle(death_ref.ref) death = get_date(deathEvt) if birth == death == " ": key = name else: key = "%s (%s - %s)" % (name, birth, death) return IndexMark( key, INDEX_TYPE_ALP ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Address String # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_address_str(addr): """ Return a string that combines the elements of an address :param addr: the Gramps address instance """ str = "" elems = [ addr.get_street(), addr.get_locality(), addr.get_city(), addr.get_county(), addr.get_state(), addr.get_country(), addr.get_postal_code(), addr.get_phone() ] for info in elems: if info: if str == "": str = info else: # translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise str = _("%(str1)s, %(str2)s") % {'str1':str, 'str2':info} return str #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # People Filters # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def get_person_filters(person, include_single=True): """ Return a list of filters that are relevant for the given person :param person: the person the filters should apply to. :type person: :class:`~.person.Person` :param include_single: include a filter to include the single person :type include_single: boolean """ from ...filters import GenericFilter, rules, CustomFilters from import displayer as name_displayer if person: name = name_displayer.display(person) gramps_id = person.get_gramps_id() else: # Do this in case of command line options query (show=filter) name = _("PERSON") gramps_id = '' if include_single: filt_id = GenericFilter() filt_id.set_name(name) filt_id.add_rule(rules.person.HasIdOf([gramps_id])) all = GenericFilter() all.set_name(_("Entire Database")) all.add_rule(rules.person.Everyone([])) des = GenericFilter() # feature request 2356: avoid genitive form des.set_name(_("Descendants of %s") % name) des.add_rule(rules.person.IsDescendantOf([gramps_id, 1])) df = GenericFilter() # feature request 2356: avoid genitive form df.set_name(_("Descendant Families of %s") % name) df.add_rule(rules.person.IsDescendantFamilyOf([gramps_id, 1])) ans = GenericFilter() # feature request 2356: avoid genitive form ans.set_name(_("Ancestors of %s") % name) ans.add_rule(rules.person.IsAncestorOf([gramps_id, 1])) com = GenericFilter() com.set_name(_("People with common ancestor with %s") % name) com.add_rule(rules.person.HasCommonAncestorWith([gramps_id])) if include_single: the_filters = [filt_id, all, des, df, ans, com] else: the_filters = [all, des, df, ans, com] the_filters.extend(CustomFilters.get_filters('Person')) return the_filters