Source code for gramps.gen.plug.docgen.stylesheet

# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2007  Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2002       Gary Shao
# Copyright (C) 2007       Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2009       Benny Malengier
# Copyright (C) 2009       Gary Burton
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

# standard python modules
import os
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

[docs]def escxml(string): """ Escapes XML special characters. """ return escape(string, { '"' : '"' } ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
from .paragraphstyle import ParagraphStyle from .fontstyle import FontStyle from .tablestyle import TableStyle, TableCellStyle from .graphicstyle import GraphicsStyle from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import logging log = logging.getLogger(".stylesheet") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # SAX interface # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: from xml.sax import make_parser, handler, SAXParseException except ImportError: from _xmlplus.sax import make_parser, handler, SAXParseException #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # cnv2color # #------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def cnv2color(text): """ converts a hex value in the form of #XXXXXX into a tuple of integers representing the RGB values """ return (int(text[1:3], 16), int(text[3:5], 16), int(text[5:7], 16)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # StyleSheetList # #------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class StyleSheetList(object): """ Interface into the user's defined style sheets. Each StyleSheetList has a predefined default style specified by the report. Additional styles are loaded from a specified XML file if it exists. """ def __init__(self, filename, defstyle): """ Create a new StyleSheetList from the specified default style and any other styles that may be defined in the specified file. file - XML file that contains style definitions defstyle - default style """ defstyle.set_name('default') = { "default" : defstyle } self.__file = filename self.parse()
[docs] def delete_style_sheet(self, name): """ Remove a style from the list. Since each style must have a unique name, the name is used to delete the stylesheet. name - Name of the style to delete """ del[name]
[docs] def get_style_sheet_map(self): """ Return the map of names to styles. """ return
[docs] def get_style_sheet(self, name): """ Return the StyleSheet associated with the name name - name associated with the desired StyleSheet. """ return[name]
[docs] def get_style_names(self): "Return a list of all the style names in the StyleSheetList" return list(
[docs] def set_style_sheet(self, name, style): """ Add or replaces a StyleSheet in the StyleSheetList. The default style may not be replaced. name - name associated with the StyleSheet to add or replace. style - definition of the StyleSheet """ style.set_name(name) if name != "default":[name] = style
[docs] def save(self): """ Saves the current StyleSheet definitions to the associated file. """ xml_file = open(self.__file, "w") xml_file.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n') xml_file.write('<stylelist>\n') for name in sorted( # enable diff of archived copies if name == "default": continue sheet =[name] xml_file.write('<sheet name="%s">\n' % escxml(name)) for p_name in sheet.get_paragraph_style_names(): # Get variables for substitutions para = sheet.get_paragraph_style(p_name) font = para.get_font() rmargin = float(para.get_right_margin()) lmargin = float(para.get_left_margin()) findent = float(para.get_first_indent()) tmargin = float(para.get_top_margin()) bmargin = float(para.get_bottom_margin()) padding = float(para.get_padding()) bg_color = para.get_background_color() # Write out style definition xml_file.write( '<style name="%s">\n' % escxml(p_name) + '<font face="%d" ' % font.get_type_face() + 'size="%d" ' % font.get_size() + 'italic="%d" ' % font.get_italic() + 'bold="%d" ' % font.get_bold() + 'underline="%d" ' % font.get_underline() + 'color="#%02x%02x%02x" ' % font.get_color() + '/>\n' + '<para ' + 'description="%s" ' % escxml(para.get_description()) + 'rmargin="%.3f" ' % rmargin + 'lmargin="%.3f" ' % lmargin + 'first="%.3f" ' % findent + 'tmargin="%.3f" ' % tmargin + 'bmargin="%.3f" ' % bmargin + 'pad="%.3f" ' % padding + 'bgcolor="#%02x%02x%02x" ' % bg_color + 'level="%d" ' % para.get_header_level() + 'align="%d" ' % para.get_alignment() + 'tborder="%d" ' % para.get_top_border() + 'lborder="%d" ' % para.get_left_border() + 'rborder="%d" ' % para.get_right_border() + 'bborder="%d" ' % para.get_bottom_border() + '/>\n' + '</style>\n' ) xml_file.write('</sheet>\n') xml_file.write('</stylelist>\n') xml_file.close()
[docs] def parse(self): """ Loads the StyleSheets from the associated file, if it exists. """ try: if os.path.isfile(self.__file): parser = make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(SheetParser(self)) the_file = open(self.__file) parser.parse(the_file) the_file.close() except (IOError, OSError, SAXParseException): pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # StyleSheet # #------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class StyleSheet(object): """ A collection of named paragraph styles. """ def __init__(self, obj=None): """ Create a new empty StyleSheet. :param obj: if not None, creates the StyleSheet from the values in obj, instead of creating an empty StyleSheet """ self.para_styles = {} self.draw_styles = {} self.table_styles = {} self.cell_styles = {} = "" if obj is not None: for style_name, style in obj.para_styles.items(): self.para_styles[style_name] = ParagraphStyle(style) for style_name, style in obj.draw_styles.items(): self.draw_styles[style_name] = GraphicsStyle(style) for style_name, style in obj.table_styles.items(): self.table_styles[style_name] = TableStyle(style) for style_name, style in obj.cell_styles.items(): self.cell_styles[style_name] = TableCellStyle(style)
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """ Set the name of the StyleSheet :param name: The name to be given to the StyleSheet """ = name
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Return the name of the StyleSheet """ return
[docs] def clear(self): "Remove all styles from the StyleSheet" self.para_styles = {} self.draw_styles = {} self.table_styles = {} self.cell_styles = {}
[docs] def is_empty(self): "Checks if any styles are defined" style_count = len(self.para_styles) + \ len(self.draw_styles) + \ len(self.table_styles) + \ len(self.cell_styles) if style_count > 0: return False else: return True
[docs] def add_paragraph_style(self, name, style): """ Add a paragraph style to the style sheet. :param name: The name of the :class:`.ParagraphStyle` :param style: :class:`.ParagraphStyle` instance to be added. """ self.para_styles[name] = ParagraphStyle(style)
[docs] def get_paragraph_style(self, name): """ Return the :class:`.ParagraphStyle` associated with the name :param name: name of the :class:`.ParagraphStyle` that is wanted """ return ParagraphStyle(self.para_styles[name])
[docs] def get_paragraph_style_names(self): "Return the list of paragraph names in the StyleSheet" return list(self.para_styles.keys())
[docs] def add_draw_style(self, name, style): """ Add a draw style to the style sheet. :param name: The name of the :class:`.GraphicsStyle` :param style: :class:`.GraphicsStyle` instance to be added. """ self.draw_styles[name] = GraphicsStyle(style)
[docs] def get_draw_style(self, name): """ Return the :class:`.GraphicsStyle` associated with the name :param name: name of the :class:`.GraphicsStyle` that is wanted """ return GraphicsStyle(self.draw_styles[name])
[docs] def get_draw_style_names(self): "Return the list of draw style names in the StyleSheet" return list(self.draw_styles.keys())
[docs] def add_table_style(self, name, style): """ Add a table style to the style sheet. :param name: The name of the :class:`.TableStyle` :param style: :class:`.TableStyle` instance to be added. """ self.table_styles[name] = TableStyle(style)
[docs] def get_table_style(self, name): """ Return the :class:`.TableStyle` associated with the name :param name: name of the :class:`.TableStyle` that is wanted """ return TableStyle(self.table_styles[name])
[docs] def get_table_style_names(self): "Return the list of table style names in the StyleSheet" return list(self.table_styles.keys())
[docs] def add_cell_style(self, name, style): """ Add a cell style to the style sheet. :param name: The name of the :class:`.TableCellStyle` :param style: :class:`.TableCellStyle` instance to be added. """ self.cell_styles[name] = TableCellStyle(style)
[docs] def get_cell_style(self, name): """ Return the :class:`.TableCellStyle` associated with the name :param name: name of the :class:`.TableCellStyle` that is wanted """ return TableCellStyle(self.cell_styles[name])
[docs] def get_cell_style_names(self): "Return the list of cell style names in the StyleSheet" return list(self.cell_styles.keys()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # SheetParser # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class SheetParser(handler.ContentHandler): """ SAX parsing class for the StyleSheetList XML file. """ def __init__(self, sheetlist): """ Create a SheetParser class that populates the passed StyleSheetList class. sheetlist - :class:`StyleSheetList` instance to be loaded from the file. """ handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self) self.sheetlist = sheetlist self.f = None self.p = None self.s = None self.sname = None self.pname = None
[docs] def startElement(self, tag, attrs): """ Overridden class that handles the start of a XML element """ if tag == "sheet": self.s = StyleSheet(["default"]) self.sname = attrs['name'] elif tag == "font": self.f = FontStyle() self.f.set_type_face(int(attrs['face'])) self.f.set_size(int(attrs['size'])) self.f.set_italic(int(attrs['italic'])) self.f.set_bold(int(attrs['bold'])) self.f.set_underline(int(attrs['underline'])) self.f.set_color(cnv2color(attrs['color'])) elif tag == "para": if 'description' in attrs: self.p.set_description(attrs['description']) self.p.set_right_margin(glocale.float(attrs['rmargin'])) self.p.set_left_margin(glocale.float(attrs['lmargin'])) self.p.set_first_indent(glocale.float(attrs['first'])) try: # This is needed to read older style files # lacking tmargin and bmargin self.p.set_top_margin(glocale.float(attrs['tmargin'])) self.p.set_bottom_margin(glocale.float(attrs['bmargin'])) except KeyError: pass self.p.set_padding(glocale.float(attrs['pad'])) self.p.set_alignment(int(attrs['align'])) self.p.set_right_border(int(attrs['rborder'])) self.p.set_header_level(int(attrs['level'])) self.p.set_left_border(int(attrs['lborder'])) self.p.set_top_border(int(attrs['tborder'])) self.p.set_bottom_border(int(attrs['bborder'])) self.p.set_background_color(cnv2color(attrs['bgcolor'])) elif tag == "style": self.p = ParagraphStyle() self.pname = attrs['name']
[docs] def endElement(self, tag): "Overridden class that handles the start of a XML element" if tag == "style": self.p.set_font(self.f) self.s.add_paragraph_style(self.pname, self.p) elif tag == "sheet": self.sheetlist.set_style_sheet(self.sname, self.s)