# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2002 Gary Shao
# Copyright (C) 2007 Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2009 Benny Malengier
# Copyright (C) 2009 Gary Burton
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# python modules
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
from StringIO import StringIO
from io import BytesIO
import tempfile
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import sys
# GRAMPS modules
from ...const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
_ = glocale.translation.gettext
from ...utils.file import search_for
from . import BaseDoc
from ..menu import NumberOption, TextOption, EnumeratedListOption, \
from ...constfunc import win
# set up logging
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(".graphdoc")
# Private Constants
_FONTS = [ { 'name' : _("Default"), 'value' : "" },
{ 'name' : _("PostScript / Helvetica"), 'value' : "Helvetica" },
{ 'name' : _("TrueType / FreeSans"), 'value' : "FreeSans" } ]
_RANKDIR = [ { 'name' : _("Vertical (↓)"), 'value' : "TB" },
{ 'name' : _("Vertical (↑)"), 'value' : "BT" },
{ 'name' : _("Horizontal (→)"), 'value' : "LR" },
{ 'name' : _("Horizontal (←)"), 'value' : "RL" } ]
_PAGEDIR = [ { 'name' : _("Bottom, left"), 'value' :"BL" },
{ 'name' : _("Bottom, right"), 'value' :"BR" },
{ 'name' : _("Top, left"), 'value' :"TL" },
{ 'name' : _("Top, Right"), 'value' :"TR" },
{ 'name' : _("Right, bottom"), 'value' :"RB" },
{ 'name' : _("Right, top"), 'value' :"RT" },
{ 'name' : _("Left, bottom"), 'value' :"LB" },
{ 'name' : _("Left, top"), 'value' :"LT" } ]
_RATIO = [ { 'name' : _("Compress to minimal size"), 'value': "compress" },
{ 'name' : _("Fill the given area"), 'value': "fill" },
{ 'name' : _("Expand uniformly"), 'value': "expand" } ]
_NOTELOC = [ { 'name' : _("Top"), 'value' : "t" },
{ 'name' : _("Bottom"), 'value' : "b" }]
if win():
_DOT_FOUND = search_for("dot.exe")
if search_for("gswin32c.exe") == 1:
_GS_CMD = "gswin32c.exe"
elif search_for("gswin32.exe") == 1:
_GS_CMD = "gswin32.exe"
_GS_CMD = ""
_DOT_FOUND = search_for("dot")
if search_for("gs") == 1:
_GS_CMD = "gs"
_GS_CMD = ""
# GVOptions
[docs]class GVOptions():
Defines all of the controls necessary
to configure the graph reports.
def __init__(self):
self.h_pages = None
self.v_pages = None
self.page_dir = None
self.dpi = None
[docs] def pages_changed(self):
This method gets called every time the v_pages or h_pages
options are changed; when both vertical and horizontal
pages are set to "1", then the page_dir control needs to
be unavailable
if self.v_pages.get_value() > 1 or \
self.h_pages.get_value() > 1:
# GVDoc
[docs]class GVDoc(object):
Abstract Interface for Graphviz document generators. Output formats
for Graphviz reports must implement this interface to be used by the
report system.
[docs] def add_node(self, node_id, label, shape="", color="",
style="", fillcolor="", url="", htmloutput=False):
Add a node to this graph. Nodes can be different shapes like boxes and
:param node_id: A unique identification value for this node.
Example: "p55"
:type node_id: string
:param label: The text to be displayed in the node.
Example: "John Smith"
:type label: string
:param shape: The shape for the node.
Examples: "box", "ellipse", "circle"
:type shape: string
:param color: The color of the node line.
Examples: "blue", "lightyellow"
:type color: string
:param style: The style of the node.
:type style: string
:param fillcolor: The fill color for the node.
Examples: "blue", "lightyellow"
:type fillcolor: string
:param url: A URL for the node.
:type url: string
:param htmloutput: Whether the label contains HTML.
:type htmloutput: boolean
:return: nothing
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_link(self, id1, id2, style="", head="", tail="", comment=""):
Add a link between two nodes.
:param id1: The unique identifier of the starting node.
Example: "p55"
:type id1: string
:param id2: The unique identifier of the ending node.
Example: "p55"
:type id2: string
:param comment: A text string displayed at the end of the link line.
Example: "person C is the son of person A and person B"
:type comment: string
:return: nothing
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def start_subgraph(self, graph_id):
Start a subgraph in this graph.
:param id: The unique identifier of the subgraph.
Example: "p55"
:type id1: string
:return: nothing
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def end_subgraph(self):
End a subgraph that was previously started in this graph.
:return: nothing
raise NotImplementedError
# GVDocBase
[docs]class GVDocBase(BaseDoc, GVDoc):
Base document generator for all Graphviz document generators. Classes that
inherit from this class will only need to implement the close function.
The close function will generate the actual file of the appropriate type.
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
BaseDoc.__init__(self, None, paper_style)
self._filename = None
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
self._dot = StringIO()
self._dot = BytesIO()
self._paper = paper_style
get_option_by_name = options.menu.get_option_by_name
get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()
self.dpi = get_value('dpi')
self.fontfamily = get_value('font_family')
self.fontsize = get_value('font_size')
self.hpages = get_value('h_pages')
self.nodesep = get_value('nodesep')
self.noteloc = get_value('noteloc')
self.notesize = get_value('notesize')
self.note = get_value('note')
self.pagedir = get_value('page_dir')
self.rankdir = get_value('rank_dir')
self.ranksep = get_value('ranksep')
self.ratio = get_value('ratio')
self.vpages = get_value('v_pages')
self.usesubgraphs = get_value('usesubgraphs')
paper_size = paper_style.get_size()
# Subtract 0.01" from the drawing area to make some room between
# this area and the margin in order to compensate for different
# rounding errors internally in dot
sizew = ( paper_size.get_width() -
self._paper.get_left_margin() -
self._paper.get_right_margin() ) / 2.54 - 0.01
sizeh = ( paper_size.get_height() -
self._paper.get_top_margin() -
self._paper.get_bottom_margin() ) / 2.54 - 0.01
pheight = paper_size.get_height_inches()
pwidth = paper_size.get_width_inches()
xmargin = self._paper.get_left_margin() / 2.54
ymargin = self._paper.get_top_margin() / 2.54
sizew *= self.hpages
sizeh *= self.vpages
'digraph GRAMPS_graph\n'
' bgcolor=white;\n'
' center="true"; \n'
' charset="utf8";\n'
' concentrate="false";\n' +
' dpi="%d";\n' % self.dpi +
' graph [fontsize=%d];\n' % self.fontsize +
' margin="%3.2f,%3.2f"; \n' % (xmargin, ymargin) +
' mclimit="99";\n' +
' nodesep="%.2f";\n' % self.nodesep +
' outputorder="edgesfirst";\n' +
('#' if self.hpages == self.vpages == 1 else '') +
# comment out "page=" if the graph is on 1 page (bug #2121)
' page="%3.2f,%3.2f";\n' % (pwidth, pheight) +
' pagedir="%s";\n' % self.pagedir +
' rankdir="%s";\n' % self.rankdir +
' ranksep="%.2f";\n' % self.ranksep +
' ratio="%s";\n' % self.ratio +
' searchsize="100";\n' +
' size="%3.2f,%3.2f"; \n' % (sizew, sizeh) +
' splines="true";\n' +
'\n' +
' edge [len=0.5 style=solid fontsize=%d];\n' % self.fontsize
if self.fontfamily:
self.write( ' node [style=filled fontname="%s" fontsize=%d];\n'
% ( self.fontfamily, self.fontsize ) )
self.write( ' node [style=filled fontsize=%d];\n'
% self.fontsize )
self.write( '\n' )
[docs] def write(self, text):
""" Write text to the dot file """
self._dot.write(text.encode('utf8', 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
[docs] def open(self, filename):
""" Implement GVDocBase.open() """
self._filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filename))
[docs] def close(self):
This isn't useful by itself. Other classes need to override this and
actually generate a file.
if self.note:
# build up the label
label = ''
for line in self.note: # for every line in the note...
line = line.strip() # ...strip whitespace from this line...
if line != '': # ...and if we still have a line...
if label != '': # ...see if we need to insert a newline...
label += '\\n'
label += line.replace('"', '\\\"')
# after all that, see if we have a label to display
if label != '':
'\n' +
' label="%s";\n' % label +
' labelloc="%s";\n' % self.noteloc +
' fontsize="%d";\n' % self.notesize
self.write( '}\n\n' )
[docs] def add_node(self, node_id, label, shape="", color="",
style="", fillcolor="", url="", htmloutput=False):
Add a node to this graph. Nodes can be different shapes like boxes and
Implements GVDocBase.add_node().
text = '['
if shape:
text += ' shape="%s"' % shape
if color:
text += ' color="%s"' % color
if fillcolor:
text += ' fillcolor="%s"' % fillcolor
if style:
text += ' style="%s"' % style
# note that we always output a label -- even if an empty string --
# otherwise GraphViz uses the node ID as the label which is unlikely
# to be what the user wants to see in the graph
if label.startswith("<") or htmloutput:
text += ' label=<%s>' % label
text += ' label="%s"' % label
if url:
text += ' URL="%s"' % url
text += " ]"
self.write(' %s %s;\n' % (node_id, text))
[docs] def add_link(self, id1, id2, style="", head="", tail="", comment=""):
Add a link between two nodes.
Implements GVDocBase.add_link().
self.write(' %s -> %s' % (id1, id2))
if style or head or tail:
self.write(' [')
if style:
self.write(' style=%s' % style)
if head:
self.write(' arrowhead=%s' % head)
if tail:
self.write(' arrowtail=%s' % tail)
if head:
if tail:
self.write(' dir=both')
self.write(' dir=forward')
if tail:
self.write(' dir=back')
self.write(' dir=none')
self.write(' ]')
if comment:
self.write(' // %s' % comment)
[docs] def start_subgraph(self, graph_id):
""" Implement GVDocBase.start_subgraph() """
' subgraph cluster_%s\n' % graph_id +
' {\n' +
' style="invis";\n' # no border around subgraph (#0002176)
[docs] def end_subgraph(self):
""" Implement GVDocBase.end_subgraph() """
self.write(' }\n')
# GVDotDoc
[docs]class GVDotDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .gv text file. """
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVDotDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-3:] != ".gv":
self._filename += ".gv"
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = open(self._filename, "w")
dotfile = open(self._filename, "wb")
# GVPsDoc
[docs]class GVPsDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .ps file using Graphviz. """
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
# DPI must always be 72 for PDF.
# GV documentation says dpi is only for image formats.
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
# GV documentation allow multiple pages only for ps format,
# But it does not work with -Tps:cairo in order to
# show Non Latin-1 letters. Force to only 1 page.
# See bug tracker issue 2815
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVPsDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-3:] != ".ps":
self._filename += ".ps"
# Create a temporary dot file
(handle, tmp_dot) = tempfile.mkstemp(".gv" )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "w")
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "wb")
# Generate the PS file.
# Reason for using -Tps:cairo. Needed for Non Latin-1 letters
# Some testing with Tps:cairo. Non Latin-1 letters are OK i all cases:
# Output format: ps PDF-GostScript PDF-GraphViz
# Single page OK OK OK
# Multip page 1 page, OK 1 page,
# corrupted set by gramps
# If I take a correct multip page PDF and convert it with pdf2ps I get
# multip pages, but the output is clipped, some margins have
# disappeared. I used 1 inch margins always.
# See bug tracker issue 2815
# :cairo does not work with Graphviz 2.26.3 and later See issue 4164
command = 'dot -Tps:cairo -o"%s" "%s"' % (self._filename, tmp_dot)
dotversion = str(Popen(['dot', '-V'], stderr=PIPE).communicate(input=None)[1])
# Problem with dot 2.26.3 and later and multiple pages, which gives "cairo: out of
# memory" If the :cairo is skipped for these cases it gives acceptable
# result.
if (dotversion.find('2.26.3') or dotversion.find('2.28.0') != -1) and (self.vpages * self.hpages) > 1:
command = command.replace(':cairo','')
# Delete the temporary dot file
# GVSvgDoc
[docs]class GVSvgDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .svg file using Graphviz. """
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
# GV documentation allow multiple pages only for ps format,
# which also includes pdf via ghostscript.
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVSvgDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-4:] != ".svg":
self._filename += ".svg"
# Create a temporary dot file
(handle, tmp_dot) = tempfile.mkstemp(".gv" )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "w")
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "wb")
# Generate the SVG file.
os.system( 'dot -Tsvg:cairo -o"%s" "%s"' % (self._filename, tmp_dot) )
# Delete the temporary dot file
# GVSvgzDoc
[docs]class GVSvgzDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .svg file using Graphviz. """
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
# GV documentation allow multiple pages only for ps format,
# which also includes pdf via ghostscript.
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVSvgzDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-5:] != ".svgz":
self._filename += ".svgz"
# Create a temporary dot file
(handle, tmp_dot) = tempfile.mkstemp(".gv" )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "w")
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "wb")
# Generate the SVGZ file.
os.system( 'dot -Tsvgz -o"%s" "%s"' % (self._filename, tmp_dot) )
# Delete the temporary dot file
# GVPngDoc
[docs]class GVPngDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .png file using Graphviz. """
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
# GV documentation allow multiple pages only for ps format,
# which also includes pdf via ghostscript.
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVPngDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-4:] != ".png":
self._filename += ".png"
# Create a temporary dot file
(handle, tmp_dot) = tempfile.mkstemp(".gv" )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "w")
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "wb")
# Generate the PNG file.
os.system( 'dot -Tpng -o"%s" "%s"' % (self._filename, tmp_dot) )
# Delete the temporary dot file
# GVJpegDoc
[docs]class GVJpegDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .jpg file using Graphviz. """
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
# GV documentation allow multiple pages only for ps format,
# which also includes pdf via ghostscript.
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVJpegDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-4:] != ".jpg":
self._filename += ".jpg"
# Create a temporary dot file
(handle, tmp_dot) = tempfile.mkstemp(".gv" )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "w")
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "wb")
# Generate the JPEG file.
os.system( 'dot -Tjpg -o"%s" "%s"' % (self._filename, tmp_dot) )
# Delete the temporary dot file
# GVGifDoc
[docs]class GVGifDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .gif file using Graphviz. """
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
# GV documentation allow multiple pages only for ps format,
# which also includes pdf via ghostscript.
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVGifDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-4:] != ".gif":
self._filename += ".gif"
# Create a temporary dot file
(handle, tmp_dot) = tempfile.mkstemp(".gv" )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "w")
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "wb")
# Generate the GIF file.
os.system( 'dot -Tgif -o"%s" "%s"' % (self._filename, tmp_dot) )
# Delete the temporary dot file
# GVPdfGvDoc
[docs]class GVPdfGvDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .pdf file using Graphviz. """
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
# DPI must always be 72 for PDF.
# GV documentation says dpi is only for image formats.
# GV documentation allow multiple pages only for ps format,
# which also includes pdf via ghostscript.
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVPdfGvDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-4:] != ".pdf":
self._filename += ".pdf"
# Create a temporary dot file
(handle, tmp_dot) = tempfile.mkstemp(".gv" )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "w")
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "wb")
fname = self._filename
# Generate the PDF file.
os.system( 'dot -Tpdf -o"%s" "%s"' % (fname, tmp_dot) )
# Delete the temporary dot file
# GVPdfGsDoc
[docs]class GVPdfGsDoc(GVDocBase):
""" GVDoc implementation that generates a .pdf file using Ghostscript. """
def __init__(self, options, paper_style):
# DPI must always be 72 for PDF.
# GV documentation says dpi is only for image formats.
GVDocBase.__init__(self, options, paper_style)
[docs] def close(self):
""" Implements GVPdfGsDoc.close() """
# Make sure the extension is correct
if self._filename[-4:] != ".pdf":
self._filename += ".pdf"
# Create a temporary dot file
(handle, tmp_dot) = tempfile.mkstemp(".gv" )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "w")
dotfile = os.fdopen(handle, "wb")
# Create a temporary PostScript file
(handle, tmp_ps) = tempfile.mkstemp(".ps" )
os.close( handle )
# Generate PostScript using dot
# Reason for using -Tps:cairo. Needed for Non Latin-1 letters
# See bug tracker issue 2815
# :cairo does not work with Graphviz 2.26.3 and later See issue 4164
command = 'dot -Tps:cairo -o"%s" "%s"' % ( tmp_ps, tmp_dot )
dotversion = str(Popen(['dot', '-V'], stderr=PIPE).communicate(input=None)[1])
# Problem with dot 2.26.3 and later and multiple pages, which gives "cairo: out
# of memory". If the :cairo is skipped for these cases it gives
# acceptable result.
if (dotversion.find('2.26.3') or dotversion.find('2.28.0') != -1) and (self.vpages * self.hpages) > 1:
command = command.replace(':cairo','')
# Add .5 to remove rounding errors.
paper_size = self._paper.get_size()
width_pt = int( (paper_size.get_width_inches() * 72) + 0.5 )
height_pt = int( (paper_size.get_height_inches() * 72) + 0.5 )
# Convert to PDF using ghostscript
command = '%s -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=%d' \
' -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=%d -sOutputFile="%s" "%s" -c quit' \
% ( _GS_CMD, width_pt, height_pt, self._filename, tmp_ps )
# Various Graphviz formats.
if _GS_CMD != "":
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "gspdf",
'ext' : "pdf",
'descr': _("PDF (Ghostscript)"),
'mime' : "application/pdf",
'class': GVPdfGsDoc }]
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "gvpdf",
'ext' : "pdf",
'descr': _("PDF (Graphviz)"),
'mime' : "application/pdf",
'class': GVPdfGvDoc }]
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "ps",
'ext' : "ps",
'descr': _("PostScript"),
'mime' : "application/postscript",
'class': GVPsDoc }]
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "svg",
'ext' : "svg",
'descr': _("Structured Vector Graphics (SVG)"),
'mime' : "image/svg",
'class': GVSvgDoc }]
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "svgz",
'ext' : "svgz",
'descr': _("Compressed Structured Vector Graphs (SVGZ)"),
'mime' : "image/svgz",
'class': GVSvgzDoc }]
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "jpg",
'ext' : "jpg",
'descr': _("JPEG image"),
'mime' : "image/jpeg",
'class': GVJpegDoc }]
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "gif",
'ext' : "gif",
'descr': _("GIF image"),
'mime' : "image/gif",
'class': GVGifDoc }]
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "png",
'ext' : "png",
'descr': _("PNG image"),
'mime' : "image/png",
'class': GVPngDoc }]
FORMATS += [{ 'type' : "dot",
'ext' : "gv",
'descr': _("Graphviz File"),
'mime' : "text/x-graphviz",
'class': GVDotDoc }]