Source code for gramps.gen.datehandler._date_sr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2004-2007  Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

# Serbian version by Vlada Perić <>, 2009.
# Based on the Croatian DateHandler by Josip

Serbian-specific classes for parsing and displaying dates.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Python modules
import re

# GRAMPS modules
from import Date
from ._dateparser import DateParser
from ._datedisplay import DateDisplay
from ._datehandler import register_datehandler

# Serbian parser
[docs]class DateParserSR(DateParser): """ Converts a text string into a Date object """ month_to_int = DateParser.month_to_int month_to_int["januar"] = 1 month_to_int["januara"] = 1 month_to_int["jan"] = 1 month_to_int["јан"] = 1 month_to_int["јануара"] = 1 month_to_int["јануар"] = 1 month_to_int["i"] = 1 month_to_int["februar"] = 2 month_to_int["februara"] = 2 month_to_int["feb"] = 2 month_to_int["феб"] = 2 month_to_int["фебруар"] = 2 month_to_int["фебруара"] = 2 month_to_int["ii"] = 2 month_to_int["mart"] = 3 month_to_int["marta"] = 3 month_to_int["mar"] = 3 month_to_int["мар"] = 3 month_to_int["март"] = 3 month_to_int["марта"] = 3 month_to_int["iii"] = 3 month_to_int["april"] = 4 month_to_int["aprila"] = 4 month_to_int["apr"] = 4 month_to_int["апр"] = 4 month_to_int["април"] = 4 month_to_int["априла"] = 4 month_to_int["iv"] = 4 month_to_int["maj"] = 5 month_to_int["maja"] = 5 month_to_int["мај"] = 5 month_to_int["маја"] = 5 month_to_int["v"] = 5 month_to_int["jun"] = 6 month_to_int["juna"] = 6 month_to_int["јун"] = 6 month_to_int["јуна"] = 6 month_to_int["vi"] = 6 month_to_int["jul"] = 7 month_to_int["jula"] = 7 month_to_int["јул"] = 7 month_to_int["јула"] = 7 month_to_int["vii"] = 7 month_to_int["avgust"] = 8 month_to_int["avgusta"] = 8 month_to_int["avg"] = 8 month_to_int["авг"] = 8 month_to_int["август"] = 8 month_to_int["августа"] = 8 month_to_int["viii"] = 8 month_to_int["septembar"] = 9 month_to_int["septembra"] = 9 month_to_int["sep"] = 9 month_to_int["сеп"] = 9 month_to_int["септембар"] = 9 month_to_int["септембра"] = 9 month_to_int["ix"] = 9 month_to_int["oktobar"] = 10 month_to_int["oktobra"] = 10 month_to_int["okt"] = 10 month_to_int["окт"] = 10 month_to_int["октобар"] = 10 month_to_int["октобра"] = 10 month_to_int["x"] = 10 month_to_int["novembar"] = 11 month_to_int["novembra"] = 11 month_to_int["nov"] = 11 month_to_int["нов"] = 11 month_to_int["новембар"] = 11 month_to_int["новембра"] = 11 month_to_int["xi"] = 11 month_to_int["decembar"] = 12 month_to_int["decembra"] = 12 month_to_int["dec"] = 12 month_to_int["дец"] = 12 month_to_int["децембар"] = 12 month_to_int["децембра"] = 12 month_to_int["xii"] = 12 modifier_to_int = { 'pre' : Date.MOD_BEFORE, 'posle' : Date.MOD_AFTER, 'oko' : Date.MOD_ABOUT, 'cca' : Date.MOD_ABOUT, 'пре' : Date.MOD_BEFORE, 'после' : Date.MOD_AFTER, 'око' : Date.MOD_ABOUT, } calendar_to_int = { 'gregorijanski' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN, 'greg.' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN, 'julijanski' : Date.CAL_JULIAN, 'jul.' : Date.CAL_JULIAN, 'hebrejski' : Date.CAL_HEBREW, 'hebr.' : Date.CAL_HEBREW, 'islamski' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC, 'isl.' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC, 'francuski republikanski': Date.CAL_FRENCH, 'franc.' : Date.CAL_FRENCH, 'persijski' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN, 'pers. ' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN, 'švedski' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH, 'šv.' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH, 'грегоријански' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN, 'грег.' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN, 'јулијански' : Date.CAL_JULIAN, 'јул.' : Date.CAL_JULIAN, 'хебрејски' : Date.CAL_HEBREW, 'хебр.' : Date.CAL_HEBREW, 'исламски' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC, 'исл.' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC, 'француски републикански': Date.CAL_FRENCH, 'франц.' : Date.CAL_FRENCH, 'персијски' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN, 'перс. ' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN, 'шведски' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH, 'шв' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH, } quality_to_int = { 'procenjeno' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED, 'pro.' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED, 'izračunato' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, 'izr.' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, 'процењено' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED, 'про.' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED, 'израчунато' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, 'изр.' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, } bce = ["пре нове ере", "пре Христа", "п.н.е." "pre nove ere", "pre Hrista", "p.n.e."] + DateParser.bce
[docs] def init_strings(self): """ compiles regular expression strings for matching dates """ DateParser.init_strings(self) # match 'Day. MONTH year.' format with or without dots self._text2 = re.compile('(\d+)?\.?\s*?%s\s*((\d+)(/\d+)?)?\.?\s*$' % self._mon_str, re.IGNORECASE) # match Day.Month.Year. self._numeric = re.compile("((\d+)[/\. ])?\s*((\d+)[/\.])?\s*(\d+)\.?$") _span_1 = ['od', 'од'] _span_2 = ['do', 'до'] _range_1 = ['između', 'између'] _range_2 = ['i', 'и'] self._span = re.compile("(%s)\s+(?P<start>.+)\s+(%s)\s+(?P<stop>.+)" % ('|'.join(_span_1), '|'.join(_span_2)), re.IGNORECASE) self._range = re.compile("(%s)\s+(?P<start>.+)\s+(%s)\s+(?P<stop>.+)" % ('|'.join(_range_1), '|'.join(_range_2)), re.IGNORECASE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Serbian display # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DateDisplaySR_latin(DateDisplay): """ Serbian (latin) date display class """ long_months = ("", "januara", "februara", "marta", "aprila", "maja", "juna", "jula", "avgusta", "septembra", "oktobra", "novembra", "decembra" ) short_months = ("", "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "maj", "jun", "jul", "avg", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec" ) roman_months = ( "", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII" ) calendar = ( "", "julijanski", "hebrejski", "francuski republikanski", "persijski", "islamski", "švedski" ) _mod_str = ("", "pre ", "posle ", "oko ", "", "", "") _qual_str = ("", "procenjeno ", "izračunato ") _bce_str = "%s p.n.e." formats = ( "GGGG-MM-DD (ISO-8601)", "Numerički (DD.MM.GGGG.)", "D. MMM GGGG.", "D. Mesec GGGG.", "D. Rb GGGG." ) # this definition must agree with its "_display_gregorian" method def _display_gregorian(self, date_val): """ display gregorian calendar date in different format """ # this must agree with its locale-specific "formats" definition year = self._slash_year(date_val[2], date_val[3]) if self.format == 0: return self.display_iso(date_val) elif self.format == 1: # day.month_number.year. if date_val[3]: return self.display_iso(date_val) else: if date_val[0] == 0 and date_val[1] == 0: value = str(date_val[2]) else: value = self._tformat.replace('%m', str(date_val[1])) value = value.replace('%d', str(date_val[0])) value = value.replace('%Y', str(abs(date_val[2]))) #some locale magic already provides the right separator #value = value.replace('/', '.') elif self.format == 2: # day. month_abbreviation year. if date_val[0] == 0: if date_val[1] == 0: value = "%s." % year else: value = "%s %s." % (self.short_months[date_val[1]], year) else: value = "%d. %s %s." % (date_val[0], self.short_months[date_val[1]], year) elif self.format == 3: # day. month_name year. if date_val[0] == 0: if date_val[1] == 0: value = "%s." % year else: value = "%s %s." % (self.long_months[date_val[1]], year) else: value = "%d. %s %s." % (date_val[0], self.long_months[date_val[1]], year) else: # day. Roman_number_month year. if date_val[0] == 0: if date_val[1] == 0: value = "%s." % year else: value = "%s %s." % (self.roman_months[date_val[1]], year) else: value = "%d. %s %s." % (date_val[0], self.roman_months[date_val[1]], year) if date_val[2] < 0: return self._bce_str % value else: return value
[docs] def display(self, date): """ Return a text string representing the date. """ mod = date.get_modifier() cal = date.get_calendar() qual = date.get_quality() start = date.get_start_date() newyear = date.get_new_year() qual_str = self._qual_str[qual] if mod == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY: return date.get_text() elif start == Date.EMPTY: return "" elif mod == Date.MOD_SPAN: d_1 = self.display_cal[cal](start) d_2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date()) scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear) return "%s%s %s %s %s%s" % (qual_str, 'od', d_1, 'do', d_2, scal) elif mod == Date.MOD_RANGE: d_1 = self.display_cal[cal](start) d_2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date()) scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear) return "%s%s %s %s %s%s" % (qual_str, 'između', d_1, 'i', d_2, scal) else: text = self.display_cal[date.get_calendar()](start) scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear) return "%s%s%s%s" % (qual_str, self._mod_str[mod], text, scal) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Register classes # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
register_datehandler(('sr', 'serbian', 'srpski', 'sr_RS'), DateParserSR, DateDisplaySR_latin)