Source code for gramps.gen.datehandler._date_de

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006  Donald N. Allingham
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

German-specific classes for parsing and displaying dates.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Python modules
import re

# GRAMPS modules
from import Date
from ._dateparser import DateParser
from ._datedisplay import DateDisplay
from ._datehandler import register_datehandler

# German parser
[docs]class DateParserDE(DateParser): month_to_int = DateParser.month_to_int # Always add german and austrian name variants no matter what the current # locale is month_to_int["januar"] = 1 month_to_int["jan"] = 1 month_to_int["jänner"] = 1 month_to_int["jän"] = 1 # Add other common latin, month_to_int["januaris"] = 1 month_to_int["januarii"] = 1 month_to_int["januarius"] = 1 month_to_int["februaris"] = 2 month_to_int["februarii"] = 2 month_to_int["februarius"] = 2 month_to_int["martii"] = 3 month_to_int["martius"] = 3 month_to_int["aprilis"] = 4 month_to_int["maius"] = 5 month_to_int["maii"] = 5 month_to_int["junius"] = 6 month_to_int["junii"] = 6 month_to_int["julius"] = 7 month_to_int["julii"] = 7 month_to_int["augustus"] = 8 month_to_int["augusti"] = 8 month_to_int["septembris"] = 9 month_to_int["7bris"] = 9 month_to_int["september"] = 9 month_to_int["october"] = 10 month_to_int["octobris"] = 10 month_to_int["8bris"] = 10 month_to_int["novembris"] = 11 month_to_int["9bris"] = 11 month_to_int["november"] = 11 month_to_int["decembris"] = 12 month_to_int["10bris"] = 12 month_to_int["xbris"] = 12 month_to_int["december"] = 12 # local and historical variants month_to_int["jenner"] = 1 month_to_int["feber"] = 2 month_to_int["merz"] = 3 month_to_int["augst"] = 8 month_to_int["7ber"] = 9 month_to_int["8ber"] = 10 month_to_int["9ber"] = 11 month_to_int["10ber"] = 12 month_to_int["xber"] = 12 # old german names month_to_int["hartung"] = 1 month_to_int["eismond"] = 1 month_to_int["hornung"] = 2 month_to_int["schmelzmond"] = 2 month_to_int["taumond"] = 2 month_to_int["narrenmond"] = 2 month_to_int["rebmond"] = 2 month_to_int["hintester"] = 2 month_to_int["lenzing"] = 3 month_to_int["lenzmond"] = 3 month_to_int["launing"] = 4 month_to_int["ostermond"] = 4 month_to_int["winnemond"] = 5 month_to_int["weidenmonat"] = 5 month_to_int["blumenmond"] = 5 month_to_int["brachet"] = 6 month_to_int["brachmond"] = 6 month_to_int["heuert"] = 7 month_to_int["heumond"] = 7 month_to_int["ernting"] = 8 month_to_int["erntemond"] = 8 month_to_int["bisemond"] = 8 month_to_int["scheiding"] = 9 month_to_int["herbstmond"] = 9 month_to_int["gilbhard"] = 10 month_to_int["gilbhart"] = 10 month_to_int["windmond"] = 11 month_to_int["nebelung"] = 11 month_to_int["wintermond"] = 11 month_to_int["julmond"] = 12 month_to_int["heilmond"] = 12 month_to_int["christmond"] = 12 month_to_int["dustermond"] = 12 modifier_to_int = { 'vor' : Date.MOD_BEFORE, 'nach' : Date.MOD_AFTER, 'gegen' : Date.MOD_ABOUT, 'um' : Date.MOD_ABOUT, 'etwa' : Date.MOD_ABOUT, 'circa' : Date.MOD_ABOUT, 'ca.' : Date.MOD_ABOUT, } calendar_to_int = { 'gregorianisch' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN, 'greg.' : Date.CAL_GREGORIAN, 'julianisch' : Date.CAL_JULIAN, 'jul.' : Date.CAL_JULIAN, 'hebräisch' : Date.CAL_HEBREW, 'hebr.' : Date.CAL_HEBREW, 'islamisch' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC, 'isl.' : Date.CAL_ISLAMIC, 'französisch republikanisch': Date.CAL_FRENCH, 'franz.' : Date.CAL_FRENCH, 'persisch' : Date.CAL_PERSIAN, 'schwedisch' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH, 's' : Date.CAL_SWEDISH, } quality_to_int = { 'geschätzt' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED, 'gesch.' : Date.QUAL_ESTIMATED, 'errechnet' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, 'berechnet' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, 'ber.' : Date.QUAL_CALCULATED, } bce = ["vor unserer Zeitrechnung", "vor unserer Zeit", "vor der Zeitrechnung", "vor der Zeit", "v. u. Z.", "v. d. Z.", "v.u.Z.", "v.d.Z.", "vor Christi Geburt", "vor Christus", "v. Chr."] + DateParser.bce
[docs] def init_strings(self): DateParser.init_strings(self) self._span = re.compile("(von|vom)\s+(?P<start>.+)\s+(bis)\s+(?P<stop>.+)", re.IGNORECASE) self._range = re.compile("zwischen\s+(?P<start>.+)\s+und\s+(?P<stop>.+)", re.IGNORECASE) self._text2 = re.compile('(\d+)?.?\s+?%s\s*((\d+)(/\d+)?)?' % self._mon_str, re.IGNORECASE) self._jtext2 = re.compile('(\d+)?.?\s+?%s\s*((\d+)(/\d+)?)?' % self._jmon_str, re.IGNORECASE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # German display # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DateDisplayDE(DateDisplay): """ German language date display class. """ long_months = ( "", "Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember" ) short_months = ( "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez" ) calendar = ( "", "julianisch", "hebräisch", "französisch republikanisch", "persisch", "islamisch", "schwedisch" ) _mod_str = ("", "vor ", "nach ", "etwa ", "", "", "") _qual_str = ("", "geschätzt ", "errechnet ") _bce_str = "%s v. u. Z." formats = ( "JJJJ-MM-DD (ISO)", "Numerisch", "Monat Tag Jahr", "MONAT Tag Jahr", "Tag. Monat Jahr", "Tag. MONAT Jahr" ) # this definition must agree with its "_display_gregorian" method def _display_gregorian(self, date_val): """ display gregorian calendar date in different format """ # this must agree with its locale-specific "formats" definition year = self._slash_year(date_val[2], date_val[3]) if self.format == 0: return self.display_iso(date_val) elif self.format == 1: # day.month_number.year if date_val[3]: return self.display_iso(date_val) else: if date_val[0] == date_val[1] == 0: value = str(date_val[2]) else: value = self._tformat.replace('%m', str(date_val[1])) value = value.replace('%d', str(date_val[0])) value = value.replace('%Y', str(date_val[2])) elif self.format == 2: # month_name day, year if date_val[0] == 0: if date_val[1] == 0: value = year else: value = "%s %s" % (self.long_months[date_val[1]], year) else: value = "%s %d, %s" % (self.long_months[date_val[1]], date_val[0], year) elif self.format == 3: # month_abbreviation day, year if date_val[0] == 0: if date_val[1] == 0: value = year else: value = "%s %s" % (self.short_months[date_val[1]], year) else: value = "%s %d, %s" % (self.short_months[date_val[1]], date_val[0], year) elif self.format == 4: # day. month_name year if date_val[0] == 0: if date_val[1] == 0: value = year else: value = "%s %s" % (self.long_months[date_val[1]], year) else: value = "%d. %s %s" % (date_val[0], self.long_months[date_val[1]], year) else: # day. month_abbreviation year if date_val[0] == 0: if date_val[1] == 0: value = year else: value = "%s %s" % (self.short_months[date_val[1]], year) else: value = "%d. %s %s" % (date_val[0], self.short_months[date_val[1]], year) if date_val[2] < 0: return self._bce_str % value else: return value
[docs] def display(self, date): """ Return a text string representing the date. """ mod = date.get_modifier() cal = date.get_calendar() qual = date.get_quality() start = date.get_start_date() newyear = date.get_new_year() qual_str = self._qual_str[qual] if mod == Date.MOD_TEXTONLY: return date.get_text() elif start == Date.EMPTY: return "" elif mod == Date.MOD_SPAN: d1 = self.display_cal[cal](start) d2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date()) scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear) return "%s%s %s %s %s%s" % (qual_str, 'von', d1, 'bis', d2, scal) elif mod == Date.MOD_RANGE: d1 = self.display_cal[cal](start) d2 = self.display_cal[cal](date.get_stop_date()) scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear) return "%szwischen %s und %s%s" % (qual_str, d1, d2, scal) else: text = self.display_cal[date.get_calendar()](start) scal = self.format_extras(cal, newyear) return "%s%s%s%s" % (qual_str, self._mod_str[mod], text, scal) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Register classes # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
register_datehandler(('de_DE', 'german', 'German', 'de_AT', 'de_CH', 'de_LI', 'de_LU', 'de_BE', 'de'), DateParserDE, DateDisplayDE)