Cheat Sheet

Writing a test using Funk

import funk

def test_tag_displayer_writes_all_tag_names_in_alphabetical_order_onto_separate_lines(context):
    # Create mocks
    # Set up expectations
    # Call code under test
    # Perform assertions

For instance:

from import assert_equals
import funk
from funk import expects

def test_tag_displayer_writes_all_tag_names_in_alphabetical_order_onto_separate_lines(context):
    tag_repository = context.mock(TagRepository)
    expects(tag_repository).fetch_all(sorted=False).returns([Tag('python'), Tag('debian')])

    tag_displayer = TagDisplayer(tag_repository)
    assert_equals(tag_displayer.display_all(), 'debian\npython')

Creating mock objects

# Only methods defined on TagRepository can be mocked
tag_repository = context.mock(TagRepository)

# Without a base class, any method can be mocked
database = context.mock(name="database")

Setting expectations

expects() and allows() can be imported from funk.

Expectations look like this:


For instance:

# Allows database.fetch_all to be called exactly once with the positional
# argument Tag and the keyword argument sorted=False and return the list of
# two tags. The test will fail if the method is never called::
expects(database).fetch_all(Tag, sorted=False).returns([Tag("debian"), Tag("python")])

# Allows to be called any number of times, including none,
# with any arguments. Every call to ```` will raise a TypeError.

Invocation counts

expects() Expects the method to called exactly once.
allows() Allows the method to be called any number of times, including none.


If no arguments are specified, then any arguments will be accepted. Otherwise, both positional and keyword arguments will be checked for equality.

To use different constraints on arguments, use matchers. For instance, if we expect to save an instance of Tag with the attribute name set to "python", and we don’t care what the value of the commit argument is:

from funk.matchers import is_a, has_attr, and, any_value
# ...
expects(database).save(and(is_a(Tag), has_attr(name="python")), commit=any_value())
any_value() Matches anything
is_a(type_) Matches actual if isinstance(actual, type_)
has_attr(**attrs) Matches actual if, for each (key, value) pair in **attrs, actual.key matches value
equal_to(value) Matches actual if actual == value
is_(value) Matches actual if actual is value
not_(matcher) Matches actual if matcher does not match actual
all_of(*matchers) Matches actual if, for each matcher in matchers, matcher matches actual
any_of(*matchers) Matches actual if there is a matcher in matchers that matches actual


(No action) Returns None.
raises(e) Raise e.
returns(value) Returns value.


A sequence object can be created using sequence(). The sequencing on objects can then be defined using in_sequence(). For instance, to ensure a file is written to before it is closed:

file_ = context.mock(file)
file_ordering = context.sequence()


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