flask-paginate 0.5.0 documentation¶
Latest version: 0.5.0
flask-paginate is a simple paginate extension for flask which is reference to will_paginate, and use bootstrap as css framework.
0.2 update: foundation is now supported (use css_framework parameter):
pagination = Pagination(..., css_framework='foundation', **kwargs)
Note: Python 2.6+ is required (string.format is used to format text)
{{ pagination.info }}


{{ pagination.links }}

Install the extension with one of the following commands:
$ easy_install -U flask-paginate
or alternatively if you have pip installed:
$ pip install -U flask-paginate
If you want to show the pagination information, add below lines to your css file.
.pagination-page-info {
padding: .6em;
padding-left: 0;
width: 40em;
margin: .5em;
margin-left: 0;
font-size: 12px;
.pagination-page-info b {
color: black;
background: #6aa6ed;
padding-left: 2px;
padding: .1em .25em;
font-size: 150%;
Test file was added since 0.4.6 (thanks to Rdbaker):
$ pip install -r test-requirements.txt
$ cd tests
$ pytest tests.py
How to use¶
In your flask views file (e.g. views/users.py):
from flask import Blueprint
from flask_paginate import Pagination, get_page_parameter
mod = Blueprint('users', __name__)
def index():
search = False
q = request.args.get('q')
if q:
search = True
page = request.args.get(get_page_parameter(), type=int, default=1)
users = User.find(...)
pagination = Pagination(page=page, total=users.count(), search=search, record_name='users')
# 'page' is the default name of the page parameter, it can be customized
# e.g. Pagination(page_parameter='p', ...)
# or set PAGE_PARAMETER in config file
# also likes page_parameter, you can customize for per_page_parameter
# you can set PER_PAGE_PARAMETER in config file
# e.g. Pagination(per_page_parameter='pp')
return render_template('users/index.html',
In the users/index.html:
{{ pagination.info }}
{{ pagination.links }}
{% for user in users %}
<td>{{ loop.index + pagination.skip }}</td>
<td>{{ user.name }}</td>
<td>{{ user.email }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{{ pagination.links }}
Note: 0.2.9 requires click to run example.
$cd example
$python sql.py --help
$python sql.py init_db
$python sql.py fill_data --total=300
$cp app.cfg.example app.cfg
$echo edit app.cfg
$python app.py --port 5000
Open http://localhost:5000 to see the example page.

Deep into the Pagination¶
Below are the params for Pagination.__init__(), you can change the settings here.
found: used when searching
page: current page
per_page: how many records displayed on one page
page_parameter: a name(string) of a GET parameter that holds a page index. Use it if you want to iterate over multiple Pagination objects simultaniously. defautl is ‘page’.
per_page_parameter: a name for per_page likes page_parameter. default is ‘per_page’.
inner_window: how many links arround current page
outer_window: how many links near first/last link
prev_label: text for previous page, default is ‘«’
next_label: text for next page, default is ‘»’
search: search or not?
total: total records for pagination
display_msg: text for pagation information
search_msg: text for search information
record_name: record name showed in pagination information
link_size: font size of page links
alignment: the alignment of pagination links
href: Add custom href for links - this supports forms with post method. MUST contain {0} to format page number
show_single_page: decide whether or not a single page returns pagination
bs_version: the version of bootstrap, default is 2
css_framework: the css framework, default is ‘bootstrap’
anchor: anchor parameter, appends to page href
format_total: number format total, like 1,234, default is False
format_number: number format start and end, like 1,234, default is False
(found=0, **kwargs)¶ A simple pagination extension for flask.
¶ Get the pagination information.
¶ Get all the pagination links.
Version 0.5.0¶
- Make clear and easy customized for page/per_page parameter per on issue 50
- add get_page_parameter and get_per_page_parameter for customization
Version 0.4.6¶
(bug fix release, released on May 31th 2017)
- bug fix: - Incorrect right-most window value on outer_window=0 issue 51
- add tests file
Version 0.4.5¶
Added new parameter page_parameter to simultaniously interate over multiple Pagination objects. See documentation
Version 0.4.4¶
bug fix: - TypeError: url_for() got multiple values for keyword argument ‘page’ issue 47
Version 0.4.3¶
use flask_paginate insetad of flask.ext.paginate for new version of flask
Version 0.4.2¶
add get_page_args() function, and change the way to get url args
Version 0.4.1¶
remove href for disabled links to prevent navigating to top of page when clicks
Version 0.3.2¶
0.3.1 file upload failed, increase the version number.
Version 0.3.1¶
(bug fix release, released on Apr 18th 2015)
- URL has no necessary to unquote for links issue 26
Version 0.3.0¶
(small feature release, released on Apr 14th 2015)
- Add option to number format total issue 29, and also can format start and end
Version 0.2.9¶
(bugfix release, released on Apr 13th 2015)
- Last release did not fix the bug bug 24 actually. Thanks MasterMind2k fix it finally.
- Use click for example code
Version 0.2.8¶
(bugfix release, released on Nov 2nd 2014)
- Flat args for non-multi values style urls. This is used to fix the bug https://github.com/lixxu/flask-paginate/issues/24 when generated url likes this (http://xxxxxx/something/[u’param’]?page=2)
- Use http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/api/#flask.Markup when generating url so that template no need to use safe filter any more.