# coding: utf8
Demonstration and testing application for Flask-WeasyPrint.
:copyright: (c) 2012 by Simon Sapin.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from flask import (Flask, render_template, request, abort, redirect, url_for,
except NameError: # Python 3
unicode = str
[docs]def run():
"""A more involved application, with a dynamic SVG graph.
Run it with ``python -m flask_weasyprint.test_app`` or have a look
at the source code.
# This function exits mostly to make a "view source" link in the docs.
# Disable the Flask’s default static file handling. (See below.)
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=None)
### This is a pretty standard Flask app with a dynamic SVG graph.
### Of course the data here is always the same, but in a real app
### it could come from a database or be computed on the fly.
### We could also make prettier graphs with Pygal: http://pygal.org/
class Config:
GRAPH_COLORS = ['#0C3795', '#752641', '#E47F00']
def index():
return redirect(url_for('document_html'))
def document_html():
return render_template(
'document.html', data=[42, 27.3, 63], labels=['Lorem', 'ipsum', 'sit'])
def graph():
svg = render_template(
# Turn ?data=3,2,1&labels=A,B,C into
# [(0, ('A', 3, color0)), (1, ('B', 2, color1)), (2, ('C', 1, color2))]
map(float, request.args['data'].split(',')),
return svg, 200, {'Content-Type': 'image/svg+xml'}
### The code specific to Flask-WeasyPrint follows. Pretty simple, eh?
from flask_weasyprint import render_pdf, HTML
def document_pdf():
return render_pdf(url_for('index'))
def document_png():
# We didn’t bother to make a ``render_png`` helper
# but of course you can still use WeasyPrint’s PNG output.
return Response(HTML('/').write_png(), mimetype='image/png')
### End of code specific to Flask-WeasyPrint.
### The templates and static files are inlined here and served from memory.
### This is a bit unusual but allows us to keep this app in a single file.
### We could just as well use normal templates and static files.
from jinja2 import DictLoader
app.jinja_env.loader = DictLoader({
'document.html': '''
<!doctype html>
<title>Test document</title>
<link rel=stylesheet href="{{ url_for('static',
filename='style.css') }}" />
<h1><a href="http://packages.python.org/Flask-WeasyPrint/">
Flask-WeasyPrint</a> demo</h1>
<nav>Get this document <a href="/foo.pdf">as PDF</a> or
<a href="/foo.png">as PNG</a>.</nav>
<p>This vector graph was generated dynamically:</p>
<img src=graph?data={{ data|join(',')
}}&labels={{ labels|join(',') }}>
'graph.svg': '''
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
width="1600" height="1000" viewBox="0 0 160 100">
text { text-anchor: middle; font-size: 10px }
{% for i, (label, value, color) in series %}
<rect x="{{ 10 + i * 50 }}" y="{{ 75 - value }}"
width="40" height="{{ value }}"
fill="{{ color }}" stroke="#333" rx="5" ry="5" />
<text x="{{ 30 + i * 50 }}" y="90">{{ label }}</text>
{% endfor %}
STATIC_FILES = {'style.css': ('text/css', '''
html { font-family: Fontin Sans, sans-serif }
section { width: 80%; margin: 2em auto }
a { color: inherit }
img { width: 100%; max-width: 600px; box-sizing: border-box;
border: 1px solid #888; }
/* Print-specific styles, ignored when rendering to screen: */
@page { size: A5; margin: 1cm }
@media print { nav { display: none } }
def static(filename):
if filename in STATIC_FILES:
content_type, body = STATIC_FILES[filename]
return body, 200, {'Content-Type': content_type}
@app.route(u'/foo bar/<stuff>')
def funky_urls(stuff):
return unicode(stuff)
if __name__ == '__main__':