Welcome to Flask-Scss’s documentation!

Author:Bruno Carlin
Date:July 10, 2015
Homepage:Flask-Scss Homepage
Download:Flask-Scss on PyPI
License:MIT License
Source code:Github project
Issue tracker:Github project

This extension brings Scss support to Flask apps.

It is far from perfect or complete. Current features are the following:

  • Automatic discovery of .scss assets
  • Automatic compilation of .scss files
  • Automatic refreshing of resulting .css files when .scss sources have changed (only if app.testing or app.debug are True)
  • Configuration variables can be either set on the app config or given as an option (it makes it easier to have different dev/test/prod settings)
  • Graceful handling of partials
  • Compatible with any scss framework (like Compass)
  • Asset tree is kept when it is converted to css (e.g: {assets}/foo/bar.scss will be compiled in {static}/foo/bar.css)

Scss files compilation is done by the pyScss implementation by German M. Bravo (Kronuz). Refer to this package documentation to see the supported scss syntax.


To install Flask-Scss, you can use pip:

pip install Flask-Scss

You can also checkout the development version

git clone https://github.com/bcarlin/flask-scss.git

or using pip:

pip install git+https://github.com/bcarlin/flask-scss.git#egg=Flask-Scss-dev


To get started all you need to do is to instanciate a Scss object after configuring the application:

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.scss import Scss

app = Flask(__name__)


The import method has changed with Flask 0.8. If you used a previous version, please update your imports of Flask-Scss. The “old way will still work, but it is deprecated!

Flask-Scss will determine if it must refresh css files before each request by looking at your application configuration. If app.testing or app.debug are True, it will refresh the .css file if the matching .scss file has been modified.

You will then have to generate css files yourself for other setups (WSGI server, etc...)

For each .scss file found in the “asset” directory, a corresponding .css file will be created.

The class Scss can take two additionnal optionnal parameters:

  • asset_dir: specifies the directory where to look for .scss files
  • static_dir: specifies the directory where to put generated .css files

For example, calling:

Scss(app, static_dir='static', asset_dir='assets')

will expect the following layout:

  ...other files...

Configuration options

The following parameters are looked for first in the arguments given to the Scss class. if they are not found, they will be searched in the application configuration (app.config).

static_dir SCSS_STATIC_DIR The path to the static directory of your application
asset_dir SCSS_ASSET_DIR The path to the assets directory where Flask-Scss will search .scss files
load_paths SCSS_LOAD_PATHS A list of folders to add to pyScss load_paths (for ex., the path to a library like Compass)

.scss files discovery rules

Flask-Scss will try to find the .scss files in an asset directory. The asset directory will be selecting according to the following rules:

  1. If asset_dir option is given to the class Scss:
    1. {asset_dir}/scss if this folder exists
    2. {asset_dir} if this folder exists
  2. If app.config['SCSS_ASSET_DIR'] option is is set on the application:
    1. {app.config['SCSS_ASSET_DIR']}/scss if this folder exists
    2. {app.config['SCSS_ASSET_DIR']} if this folder exists
  3. If asset_dir option is NOT given to the class Scss and app.config['SCSS_ASSET_DIR'] is not set:
    1. {app.root_dir}/assets/scss if this folder exists
    2. {app.root_dir}/assets if this folder exists

If no asset directory is found, Flask-Scss will not be activated.

static directory discovery rules

Flask-Scss will put the .css files it generates in your static directory. The static directory will be resolved according to the following rules:

  1. If static_dir option is given to the class Scss:
    1. {static_dir}/css if this folder exists
    2. {static_dir} if this folder exists
  2. If app.config['SCSS_STATIC_DIR'] option is is set on the application:
    1. {app.config['SCSS_STATIC_DIR']}/css if this folder exists
    2. {app.config['SCSS_STATIC_DIR']} if this folder exists
  3. If asset_dir option is NOT given to the class Scss and app.config['SCSS_STATIC_DIR'] is not set, Flask-Scss will build a “default” path from app.root_path and app.static_path (app is your Flask based application). following paths will then be tried:
    1. {default_static_dir}/css if this folder exists
    2. {default_static_dir} if this folder exists

If no static directory is found, Flask-Scss will not be activated.

Scss libraries search path

Scss frameworks like Compass heavily use @import directives.

You can specify the search path for such libraries by passing an extra argument to Scss

Scss(app, load_paths=[

or by setting an option in your app config:

app.config['SCSS_LOAD_PATHS'] = [


class flask_scss.Scss(app, static_dir=None, asset_dir=None, load_paths=None)

Main and only class for Flask-Scss. It is in charge on the discovery of .scss files and compiles them every time they are modified.

Any application that wants to use Flask-Scss must create a instance of this class

See .scss files discovery rules and static directory discovery rules for more information about the impact of static_dir and asset_dir parameters.

Parameters here has preedence over Parameters found in the application config.

  • app – Your Flask Application
  • static_dir – The path to the static directory of your application (optional)
  • asset_dir – The path to the assets directory where Flask-Scss will search .scss files (optional)
  • load_paths – A list of folders to add to pyScss load_paths (for ex., the path to a library like Compass)


0.5 (2015/07/10)

  • Fixes setup.py (#15)

0.4 (2015/07/10)

  • Compatibility with python 3.3+
  • Fixed partial compilation bug (Vail Gold)
  • Fix spelling error in docstring (Tobias Widén)
  • Comply with Flask import scheme (http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/extensiondev/)
  • Makes flask scss work with pyScss new API
  • Allow utf-8 output in generated css files (#14)

0.3 (2013/03/15)

  • Changes to stay compatible with pyScss 1.1.5 (James Ouyang)
  • Changes in pyScss broke support for python 2.5. it is suspended for now.

0.2 (2012/10/07)

  • Main enhancements and bugfixes:
    • New import scheme conforiming to Flask-0.8 flask.ext.* . The change is backward-compatible (although deprecated!)
    • Asset tree is preserved during compilation to css
    • Asset dir is searched recursively (as it was expected!)
    • Do not compile scss files starting with an “_” anymore (they are considered as partials)
    • Recompilation of all CSS files if a partial has been modified
    • Scss can be configured in app.config (it allows for different dev/test/prod settings)
    • pyScss scss files search path can be configured by passing it to Scss() or by adding an option to the app config
    • Looks for app.debug or app.testing to decide if it must automatically refresh css before each requests or not
  • Other internal changes:
    • migration to git and Github
    • Updates a lot of things to make the packages follow standard guidelines
    • Adds setup.cfg to automate doc build and upload
    • Moves tests out of the main package

0.1 (2011/07/08)

  • Initial release