Source code for flask_sqlalchemy_booster.dictizable_mixin

A mixin class to add `todict` method to objects.


from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import AssociationProxy
from .utils import is_list_like, is_dict_like
from toolspy import deep_group
import json
from .json_encoder import json_encoder

[docs]def serialized_list(olist, rels_to_expand=[]): return map( lambda o: o.todict( rels_to_expand=rels_to_expand), olist)
[docs]class DictizableMixin(object): """ Attributes ---------- _attrs_to_serialize_ : list of str The columns which should be serialized as a part of the output dictionary _key_modifications_ : dict of str,str A dictionary used to map the display names of columns whose original name you want to be modified in the json _rels_to_serialize_ : list of (str, str) A list of tuples. The first element of the tuple is the relationship that is to be serialized. The second element it the name of the attribute in the related model, the value of which is to be used as the representation _rels_to_expand_ : list of str A list of relationships to expand. You can specify nested relationships by placing dots. _group_listrels_by_ : dict of str, list of str A dictionary representing how to hierarchially group a list like relationship. The relationship fields are the keys and the list of the attributes based on which they are to be grouped are the values. """ _attrs_to_serialize_ = [] _key_modifications_ = {} _rels_to_serialize_ = [] _rels_to_expand_ = [] _group_listrels_by_ = {} @classmethod
[docs] def is_list_attribute(cls, rel): if rel in cls.__mapper__.relationships: return cls.__mapper__.relationships[rel].uselist rel_instance = getattr(cls, rel) if isinstance(rel_instance, AssociationProxy): return cls.__mapper__.relationships[ rel_instance.target_collection].uselist return False
[docs] def to_serializable_dict(self, attrs_to_serialize=None, rels_to_expand=None, rels_to_serialize=None, key_modifications=None): """ Just an alias for some functions which might still use old name """ return self.todict( attrs_to_serialize=attrs_to_serialize, rels_to_expand=rels_to_expand, rels_to_serialize=rels_to_serialize, key_modifications=key_modifications) # Version 5.0
[docs] def todict(self, attrs_to_serialize=None, rels_to_expand=None, rels_to_serialize=None, group_listrels_by=None, key_modifications=None): """Converts an instance to a dictionary form Parameters ---------- attrs_to_serialize : list of str The columns which should be serialized as a part of the output dictionary key_modifications : dict of str,str A dictionary used to map the display names of columns whose original name you want to be modified in the json rels_to_serialize : list of (str, str) A list of tuples. The first element of the tuple is the relationship that is to be serialized. The second element it the name of the attribute in the related model, the value of which is to be used as the representation rels_to_expand : list of str A list of relationships to expand. You can specify nested relationships by placing dots. group_listrels_by : dict of str, list of str A dictionary representing how to hierarchially group a list like relationship. The relationship fields are the keys and the list of the attributes based on which they are to be grouped are the values. """ # Never replace the following code by the (attrs = attrs or # self._attrs_) idiom. Python considers empty list as false. So # even if you pass an empty list, it will take self._x_ value. But # we don't want that as the empty list is what we use to end # the recursion attrs_to_serialize = ( self._attrs_to_serialize_ if attrs_to_serialize is None else attrs_to_serialize) rels_to_serialize = ( self._rels_to_serialize_ if rels_to_serialize is None else rels_to_serialize) rels_to_expand = ( self._rels_to_expand_ if rels_to_expand is None else rels_to_expand) key_modifications = ( self._key_modifications_ if key_modifications is None else key_modifications) group_listrels_by = ( self._group_listrels_by_ if group_listrels_by is None else group_listrels_by) # Convert rels_to_expand to a dictionary rels_to_expand_dict = {} for rel in rels_to_expand: partitioned_rels = rel.partition('.') if partitioned_rels[0] not in rels_to_expand_dict: rels_to_expand_dict[partitioned_rels[0]] = ( [partitioned_rels[-1]] if partitioned_rels[-1] else []) else: if partitioned_rels[-1]: rels_to_expand_dict[partitioned_rels[0]].append( partitioned_rels[-1]) # # Convert grouplistrelsby to a dict # group_listrels_dict = {} # for rel_to_group, grouping_keys in group_listrels_by.iteritems(): # partitioned_rel_to_group = rel_to_group.partition('.') # if partitioned_rel_to_group[0] not in group_listrels_dict: # group_listrels_dict[partitioned_rel_to_group[0]] = ( # {partitioned_rel_to_group[-1]: grouping_keys} # if partitioned_rel_to_group[-1] else grouping_keys) # else: # if partitioned_rel_to_group[-1]: # group_listrels_dict[ # partitioned_rel_to_group[0]][ # partitioned_rel_to_group[-1]] = grouping_keys # Serialize attrs result = self.serialize_attrs(*attrs_to_serialize) # Serialize rels if len(rels_to_serialize) > 0: for rel, id_attr in rels_to_serialize: rel_obj = getattr(self, rel, None) if rel_obj is not None: if is_list_like(rel_obj): if (group_listrels_by is not None and rel in group_listrels_by): result[rel] = deep_group( rel_obj, attr_to_show=id_attr, keys=group_listrels_by[rel] ) else: result[rel] = [getattr(item, id_attr) for item in rel_obj] elif is_dict_like(rel_obj): result[rel] = {k: getattr(v, id_attr) for k, v in rel_obj.iteritems()} else: result[rel] = getattr(rel_obj, id_attr) # Expand some rels for rel, child_rels in rels_to_expand_dict.iteritems(): rel_obj = getattr(self, rel, None) if rel_obj is not None: if is_list_like(rel_obj): if (group_listrels_by is not None and rel in group_listrels_by): result[rel] = deep_group( rel_obj, keys=group_listrels_by[rel], serializer='todict', serializer_kwargs={'rels_to_expand': child_rels} ) else: result[rel] = [i.todict(rels_to_expand=child_rels) if hasattr(i, 'todict') else i for i in rel_obj] # result[rel] = serialized_list( # rel_obj, rels_to_expand=child_rels) elif is_dict_like(rel_obj): result[rel] = {k: v.todict() if hasattr(v, 'todict') else v for k, v in rel_obj.iteritems()} else: result[rel] = rel_obj.todict( rels_to_expand=child_rels) if hasattr( rel_obj, 'todict') else rel_obj for key, mod_key in key_modifications.items(): if key in result: result[mod_key] = result.pop(key) return result
[docs] def serialize_attrs(self, *args): """Converts and instance to a dictionary with only the specified attributes as keys Parameters ---------- *args : args list of str The arguments to serialize Examples -------- >>> customer = Customer.create(name="James Bond", email="", phone="007", city="London") >>> customer.serialize_attrs('name', 'email') {'name': u'James Bond', 'email': u''} """ return dict([(a, getattr(self, a)) for a in args])
[docs] def tojson(self, attrs_to_serialize=None, rels_to_expand=None, rels_to_serialize=None, key_modifications=None): return json.dumps( self.todict( attrs_to_serialize=attrs_to_serialize, rels_to_expand=rels_to_expand, rels_to_serialize=rels_to_serialize, key_modifications=key_modifications), default=json_encoder)