
Content negotiation utility for Flask apps.


Install with pip:

$ pip install Flask-Negotiate


Create an app:

from flask import Flask
from flask_negotiate import consumes, produces

app = Flask(__name__)

Setup a route that will only consume requests with a Content-Type of application/json, otherwise return a HTTP 415 (Unsupported Media Type) error:

def consumes_json_only():
    return 'consumes json only'

Setup a route that will only allow an Accept header of application/json, otherwise return a HTTP 406 (Unacceptable) error:

def consumes_json_and_html():
    return 'produces json only'

If you want to specify more than one Content-Type or Accept header just pass additional paramters:

@consumes('application/json', 'text/html')
def route():

Indices and tables

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