
Flask-JSON is a simple extension that adds better JSON support to Flask application.

It helps to handle JSON-based requests and provides the following features:


Install the extension with:

$ easy_install Flask-JSON


$ pip install Flask-JSON


Before using Flask-JSON features you have to create FlaskJSON instance and initialize it with the Flask application instance. As with common Flask extension there are two ways.

First way is to initialize the extension on construction:

app = Flask(__name__)
json = FlaskJSON(app)

Another way is to postpone initialization and pass Flask application to the init_app() method:

app = Flask(__name__)
json = FlaskJSON()

Flask-JSON provides few decorators and you can use them before and after initialization:

# Use decorator before initialization.
json = FlaskJSON()

def custom_encoder(o):

# Use decorator after initialization.
json = FlaskJSON(app)

def custom_encoder(o):

Basic usage

This section provides simple examples of usage with minimum comments just to demonstrate basic features. Next sections describes features more detailed.

First example shows how to use json_response(), @as_json and JsonError to create JSON responses:

from datetime import datetime
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_json import FlaskJSON, JsonError, json_response, as_json

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_time():
    now = datetime.utcnow()
    return json_response(time=now)

@app.route('/increment_value', methods=['POST'])
def increment_value():
    # We use 'force' to skip mimetype checking to have shorter curl command.
    data = request.get_json(force=True)
        value = int(data['value'])
    except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        raise JsonError(description='Invalid value.')
    return json_response(value=value + 1)

def get_value():
    return dict(value=12)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Example responses:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/get_time
{"status": 200, "time": "2015-04-14T08:44:13.973000"}

$ curl http://localhost:5000/get_value
{"status": 200, "value": 12}

$ curl -X POST --data 'bla' http://localhost:5000/increment_value
{"status": 400, "description": "Not a JSON."}

$ curl -X POST --data '{"value": "txt"}' http://localhost:5000/increment_value
{"status": 400, "description": "Invalid value."}

$ curl -X POST --data '{"value": 41}' http://localhost:5000/increment_value
{"status": 200, "value": 42}

In more advanced example we change configuration and set custom error handler:

from datetime import datetime
from flask import Flask, request
from flask_json import FlaskJSON, JsonError, json_response

app = Flask(__name__)
json = FlaskJSON(app)

app.config['JSON_ADD_STATUS'] = False
app.config['JSON_DATETIME_FORMAT'] = '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'

def custom_error_handler(e):
    raise JsonError(status=418, hint="RTFM")

# ... the rest is the same as before ...

Now responses looks like that:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/get_time
{"time": "14/04/2015 09:26:15"}

$ curl -X POST --data 'bla' http://localhost:5000/increment_value
{"hint": "RTFM"}

$ curl -X POST --data '{"value": "txt"}' http://localhost:5000/increment_value
{"description": "Invalid value."}

$ curl -X POST --data '{"value": 41}' http://localhost:5000/increment_value
{"value": 42}


There are few examples available on GitHub.

You also may take a look at tests.

Creating JSON responses

The main purpose of the Flask-JSON extension is to provide a convenient tool for creating JSON responses. This section describes how you can do that.

Most important function to build JSON response is json_response(). All other response related features uses it.

With json_response() you can:

  • Create JSON response by passing keyword arguments:

    json_response(server_name='norris', available=True)
  • Create JSON response with arrays or single values (new in 0.3.2):

    json_response(data_=[1, 2, 3])
  • Specify HTTP status code for response:

    json_response(status_=400, server_name='norris', available=True)
  • Specify custom HTTP headers for response:

    json_response(server_name='norris', headers_={'X-STATUS': 'ok'})

By default json_response() adds HTTP status code to the response JSON:

{"status": 200, "server_name": "norris"}

but you can disable this or change status field name (see Configuration for more info).

Note what if you use data_ then HTTP status is not added unless you pass a dictionary.

Another way is to wrap a view with @as_json decorator and return json content:


def my_view():
    return dict(server_name="norris")

def my_view2():
    return [1, 2, 3]  # New in 0.3.2

The decorator calls json_response() internally and provides the same features. You also can return HTTP status and headers:

def my_view():
    return dict(server_name="norris"), 401, dict(MYHEADER=12)

@as_json expects the following return values:

def my_view():
    return json_content
    # or
    return json_content, http_status
    # or
    return json_content, custom_headers
    # or
    return json_content, http_status, custom_headers
    # or
    return json_content, custom_headers, http_status

json_content may be None, in such situation empty JSON response will be generated:

def my_view():
def my_view():
    return None, 400  # same as {}, 400

If you return already created JSON response then it will be used as is:

def my_view():
    return json_response(some=value)

def my_view2():
    return json_response(_data=[1, 2, 3], headers_={'X-STATUS': 'ok'})

And one more way to create JSON response is to raise JsonError:

def my_view():
    raise JsonError(error_description='Server is down')

It will generate HTTP 400 response with JSON payload.

JsonError’s constructor has the same signature as json_response() so you can force HTTP status and pass custom headers:

def my_view():
    raise JsonError(status_=401,
                    headers_=dict(MYHEADER=12, HEADER2='fail'),
                    error_description='Server is down')

Encoding values

Flask-JSON supports encoding for several types out of the box and also provides few ways to extend it.


Any iterable type will be converted to list value:

# set object
json_response(items=set([1, 2, 3]))
# {status=200, items=[1, 2, 3]}

# generator
json_response(items=(x for x in [3, 2, 42]))
# {status=200, items=[3, 2, 42]}

# iterator
json_response(lst=iter([1, 2, 3]))
# {status=200, items=[1, 2, 3]}

Time values

datetime, date and time will be converted to ISO 8601 or custom format depending on configuration:

json_response(datetime=datetime(2014, 5, 12, 17, 24, 10),
              date=date(2015, 12, 7),
              time=time(12, 34, 56))
# {
#   "status": 200,
#   "datetime": "2014-05-12T17:24:10",
#   "date": "2015-12-07",
#   "time": "12:34:56"
# }

JSON_*_FORMAT options allows to change result format.

Translation strings

speaklater’s _LazyString is used by Flask-Babel and Flask-BabelEx.

You can use it in JSON responses too, _LazyString will be converted to Unicode string with translation:

# {status=200, item='<translation>'}

Custom types

To encode custom types you can implement special methods __json__() or for_json():

class MyJsonItem(object):
    def __json__(self):
        return '<__json__>'

def view():
    return json_response(item=MyJsonItem())
    # {status=200, item='<__json__>'}
class MyJsonItem(object):
    def for_json(self):
        return '<for_json>'

def view():
    return json_response(item=MyJsonItem())
    # {status=200, item='<for_json>'}


To enable this approach you have to set JSON_USE_ENCODE_METHODS to True.

Another way is to use @encoder decorator:

def encoder(o):
    if isinstance(o, MyClass):
        return o.to_string()

def view():
    return json_response(value=MyClass())

Encoding order

Flask-JSON calls encoders in the following order:

  • User defined @encoder.
  • Flask-JSON encoders:
  • Flask encoders.

Errors handing

Flask-JSON allows you to change default behaviour related to errors handing by using the following decorators:

@invalid_json_error - allows to handle invalid JSON requests:

json = FlaskJSON(app)

def handler(e):
    # e - original exception.
    raise SomeThing

def view():
    # This call runs handler() on invalid JSON.
    data = request.get_json()

@error_handler - allows to handle JsonError exceptions:

json = FlaskJSON(app)

def error_handler(e):
    # e - JsonError.
    return json_response(401, text='Something wrong.')

JSONP support

If you want to generate JSONP responses then you can use @as_json_p decorator.

It expects callback name in the URL query and returns response with javascript function call.

Wrapped view must follow the same requirements as for @as_json, additionally string value is supported.


from flask import Flask, request
from flask_json import FlaskJSON, as_json_p

app = Flask(__name__)
json = FlaskJSON(app)

app.config['JSON_ADD_STATUS'] = False
app.config['JSON_JSONP_OPTIONAL'] = False

def show_message():
    return """
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <script type="application/javascript"
    """ % request.host_url

def message(text):
    return text

def show_quoted():
    return """
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <script type="application/javascript"
    """ % request.host_url

def quote_message():
    return 'Hello, "Sam".'

def dict():
    return {'param': 42}

if __name__ == '__main__':

Example responses:

$ curl http://localhost:5000/message/hello?callback=alert

$ curl http://localhost:5000/quote_message?callback=alert
alert("Hello, \"Sam\".");

$ curl http://localhost:5000/dict?callback=alert
  "param": 42

You may change default @as_json_p behaviour with configurations JSON_JSONP_STRING_QUOTES, JSON_JSONP_OPTIONAL and JSON_JSONP_QUERY_CALLBACKS.

Also there is a possibility to set configuration for the specific view via decorator parameters.


Flask-JSON also may help in testing of your JSON API calls. It replaces Flask’s Response class with custom one if TESTING config flag is enabled.

With Flask-JSON response class JsonTestResponse you can use json attribute. Here is example test project:

import unittest
from flask import Flask
from flask_json import json_response, FlaskJSON, JsonTestResponse

def our_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    app.test_value = 0

    def increment():
        app.test_value += 1
        return json_response(value=app.test_value)

    return app

class OurAppTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.app = our_app()
        self.app.config['TESTING'] = True

        # We have to change response class manually since TESTING flag is
        # set after Flask-JSON initialization.
        self.app.response_class = JsonTestResponse
        self.client = self.app.test_client()

    def test_app(self):
        r = self.client.get('/increment')

        # Here is how we can access to JSON.
        assert 'value' in r.json
        assert r.json['value'] == 1

if __name__ == '__main__':


You can configure Flask-JSON with the following options:


Put HTTP status field in all JSON responses.

Name of the field depends on JSON_STATUS_FIELD_NAME.

See json_response() for more info.

Default: True.


Name of the field with HTTP status in JSON response.

This field is present only if JSON_ADD_STATUS is enabled.

See json_response() for more info.

Default: status.


Default error response message for the invalid JSON request.

If the message is not None and not empty then description field will be added to JSON response.

Default: Not a JSON.


Format for the datetime values in JSON response.

Default is ISO 8601:


Note what it differs from the default Flask behaviour where datetime is represented in RFC1123 format:


Format for the date values in JSON response.

Default is ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DD.


Format for the time values in JSON response.

Default is ISO 8601: HH-MM-SS.


Check for __json__() and for_json() object methods while JSON encoding.

This allows to support custom objects in JSON response.

Default: False.


If a view returns a string then surround it with extra quotes.

Default: True.


Make JSONP optional. If no callback is passed then fallback to JSON response as with @as_json.

Default: True.


List of allowed JSONP callback query parameters.

Default: ['callback', 'jsonp'].

See strftime() and strptime() Behavior for more info about time related formats.


This section describes Flask-JSON functions and classes.

class flask_json.FlaskJSON(app=None)

Flask-JSON extension class.


This decorator allows to set extra JSON encoding step on response building.

JSON encoding order:

  • User defined encoding.
  • Flask-JSON encoding.
  • Flask encoding.

If user defined encoder returns None then default encoders takes place (Flask-JSON and then Flask).


json = FlaskJson(app)

def custom_encoder(o):
    if isinstance(o, MyClass):
        return o.to_string()

This decorator allows to set custom handler for the JsonError exceptions.

In custom handler you may return flask.Response or raise an exception. If user defined handler returns None then default action takes place (generate JSON response from the exception).


json = FlaskJson(app)

def custom_error_handler(e):
    # e is JsonError.
    return json_response(status=401)

Initializes the application with the extension.

Parameters:app – Flask application object.

This decorator allows to set custom handler for the invalid JSON requests.

It will be called by the request.get_json().

If the handler returns or raises nothing then Flask-JSON raises JsonError.


json = FlaskJson(app)

def invalid_json_error(e):
    raise SomeException

By default JSON response will be generated with HTTP 400:

{"status": 400, "description": "Not a JSON."}

You also may return a value from the handler then it will be used as request.get_json() result on errors.

flask_json.json_response(status_=200, headers_=None, add_status_=None, data_=None, **kwargs)

Helper function to build JSON response with the given HTTP status and fields(kwargs).

It also puts HTTP status code to the JSON response if JSON_ADD_STATUS is True:

app.config['JSON_ADD_STATUS'] = True
# {"status": 200, "test": 12}, response HTTP status is 200.

json_response(400, test=12)
# {"status": 400, "test": 12}, response HTTP status is 400.

json_response(status_=401, test=12)
# {"status": 401, "test": 12}, response HTTP status is 401.

app.config['JSON_ADD_STATUS'] = False
# {"test": 12}, response HTTP status is 200.

Name of the HTTP status filed is configurable and can be changed with JSON_STATUS_FIELD_NAME:

app.config['JSON_ADD_STATUS'] = True
app.config['JSON_STATUS_FIELD_NAME'] = 'http_status'
# {"http_status": 200, "test": 12}, response HTTP status is 200.

If kwargs already contains key with the same name as JSON_STATUS_FIELD_NAME then it’s value will be used instead of HTTP status code:

app.config['JSON_ADD_STATUS'] = True

json_response(status_=400, status=100500, test=12)
# {"status": 100500, "test": 12}, but response HTTP status is 400.

json_response(status=100500, test=12)
# {"status": 100500, "test": 12}, but response HTTP status is 200.

app.config['JSON_STATUS_FIELD_NAME'] = 'http_status'
json_response(http_status=100500, test=12)
# {"http_status": 100500, "test": 12}, but response HTTP status is 200.

You also may add custom headers to the JSON response by passing iterable or dict to headers_:

# One way.
headers = {'MY-HEADER': value, 'X-EXTRA': 123}
json_response(headers_=headers, test=12)

# Another way (tuple, list, iterable).
headers = (('MY-HEADER', value), ('X-EXTRA', 123))
json_response(headers_=headers, test=12)
  • status_ – HTTP response status code.
  • headers_ – iterable or dictionary with header values.
  • add_status_ – Add status field. If not set then JSON_ADD_STATUS is used.
  • data_ – Data to put in result JSON. It can be used instead of kwargs or if you want to pass non-dictionary value.
  • kwargs – keyword arguments to put in result JSON.

Response with the JSON content.

Return type:



Only data_ or kwargs is allowed.

If data_ is not a dict then add_status_ and JSON_ADD_STATUS are ignored and no status is stored in the result JSON.

If dict is passed via data_ then behaviour is like you pass data in the keyword arguments.

Changed in version 0.3.2: Added data_ and non-dictionary values support.


This decorator converts view’s return value to JSON response.

The decorator expects the following return values:
  • Flask Response instance (see note bellow);
  • a dict with JSON content;
  • a tuple of (dict, status) or (dict, headers) or (dict, status, headers) or (dict, headers, status).

Instead of dict you may pass None and it will be treated as empty JSON (same as dict() or {}).

In all other cases it raises an error.

The decorator provides the same features as json_response().


def view_simple():
    return dict(param=value, param2=value2)

def view_simple2():
    return [1, 2, 3]

def view_comp():
    return dict(param=value, param2=value2), 400


If wrapped view returns Flask Response then it will be used as is without passing to json_response(). But the response must be a JSON response (mimetype must contain application/json), otherwise AssertionError will be raised.

Returns:Response with the JSON content.
Return type:flask.Response
Raises:ValueError – if return value is not supported.

See also


flask_json.as_json_p(f=None, callbacks=None, optional=None, add_quotes=None)

This decorator acts like @as_json but also handles JSONP requests; expects string or any @as_json supported return value.

It may be used in two forms:

  • Without parameters - then global configuration will be applied:

    def view():
  • With parameters - then they will have priority over global ones for the given view:

    def view():

Strings may be surrounded with quotes depending on configuration (add_quotes or JSON_JSONP_STRING_QUOTES):

def view():
    return 'str'

app.config['JSON_JSONP_STRING_QUOTES'] = False
# view() ->  callback(str);

app.config['JSON_JSONP_STRING_QUOTES'] = True
# view() ->  callback("str");


If view returns custom headers or HTTP status then they will be discarded. Also HTTP status field will not be passed to the callback.

  • callbacks – List of acceptable callback query parameters.
  • optional – Make JSONP optional. If no callback is passed then fallback to JSON response.
  • add_quotes – If view returns a string then surround it with extra quotes.

JSONP response with javascript function call.

Return type:


  • ValueError – if return value is not supported.
  • BadRequest – if callback is missing in URL query (if optional=False).
class flask_json.JsonError(status_=400, headers_=None, **kwargs)

Exception which will be converted to JSON response.


raise JsonError(description='text')
raise JsonError(status_=401, one='text', two=12)
__init__(status_=400, headers_=None, **kwargs)

Construct error object.

Parameters are the same as for json_response().

  • status_ – HTTP response status code.
  • headers_ – iterable or dictionary with header values.
  • kwargs – keyword arguments to put in result JSON.
class flask_json.JsonTestResponse(response=None, status=None, headers=None, mimetype=None, content_type=None, direct_passthrough=False)

JSON Response class for testing.

It provides convenient access to JSON content without explicit response data decoding.

Flask-JSON replaces Flask’s response class with this one on initialization if testing mode enabled.


app = Flask()
app.config['TESTING'] = True
client = app.test_client()
r = client.get('/view')  # suppose it returns json_response(param='12)
assert r.json['param'] == 12

If you enable testing after Flask-JSON initialization the you have to set JsonTestResponse by yourself:

app = Flask()
app.config['TESTING'] = True
app.response_class = JsonTestResponse

Response JSON content.

Low-Level API

class flask_json.JsonRequest(environ, populate_request=True, shallow=False)

This class changes flask.Request behaviour on JSON parse errors.

flask.Request.get_json() will raise JsonError by default on invalid JSON content.

class flask_json.JSONEncoderEx(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, encoding=’utf-8’, default=None)

Extends default Flask JSON encoder with more types:

Time related values will be converted to ISO 8601 format by default.

Flask-JSON Changelog


  • Add non-dictionary values support.
  • Fix tests.


  • Switch to pytest.


  • JSONP support.
  • Allow to control HTTP status filed in json_response().


  • Support None and response instances in @as_json.
  • Fix @as_json documentation.


This release is not fully backwards compatible with the 0.0.1 version.

  • New @as_json decorator.
  • New JsonTestResponse class.
  • Allow to change HTTP status field name.
  • Allow to set custom JSON response headers.
  • Better JSON error class API.
  • Better encoding: more types out of the box, better time values format handling, fixed encoding order.
  • Better project documentation.
  • Better tests.

Incompatible changes:

  • JsonErrorResponse renamed to JsonError.
  • Changed json_response() signature.


First public alpha.