Source code for flask_formencode

from flask import request
from formencode.variabledecode import variable_decode

[docs]class Form(object): """ Wrapper around `formencode.schema.Schema`. :param schema: The :class:`formencode.schema.Schema` to wrap. :param params: If provided, it will be decoded with :func:`formencode.variabledecode.variable_decode` and used in the call to :meth:`to_python`. Defaults to `None`. """ def __init__(self, schema, params=None): self.schema = schema self.params = self.get_params(params=params)
[docs] def get_params(self, params=None): """ Returns the request's form parameters. If params is not `None`, it is decoded and returned. Else if `request.json` is available, that is returned unmodified. Otherwise, if `request.method` is POST or PUT, `request.form` and `request.files` are decoded, combined and returned. If `request.method` is neither POST nor PUT, `request.args` is decoded and returned. Note that this will hide potential multivalued keys from `werkzeug.datastructures.MultiDict`, used for `request.args`, `request.form` and `request.files`. That is, if the client sends two values for the key 'name', only the first will be used. Additionally, if there is a key present in both `request.form` and `request.files`, the key from `request.files` will be used. For the way to submit multivalued fields to formencode, see: :param params: Default `None`. If provided, this object will be passed through `variable_decode` and returned. """ if params is not None: return variable_decode(params) if request.json is not None: return request.json if request.method in ('POST', 'PUT'): params = variable_decode(request.form) files = variable_decode(request.files) params.update(files) return params else: return variable_decode(request.args)
[docs] def to_python(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around `formencode.schema.Schema.to_python`. If validation fails, `formencode.Invalid` is raised. See: """ return self.schema(*args, **kwargs).to_python(self.params)

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