Source code for flask_dropin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import six
from flask import current_app

def load_object(obj_name):
    if ':' in obj_name:
        mod, name = obj_name.split(':')
        mod, name = obj_name, None
    mod = __import__(mod, fromlist=[''])
    if name:
        return getattr(mod, name)
    return mod

[docs]class BaseDropsLoader(object): """Load `drops` from python source code and register those to flask app. Base class of other loaders. Attributes: drops_type (string): The name of drops type. It is used to locate the drops. """ drops_type = None def __init__(self, app): = app
[docs] def load_drops(self, dropin): """Load `drops` from the given dropin. Args: dropin (string): path of a dropin, e.g. dropin.auth Returns: An iterable contains the drops object in the given dropin This method load drops object by some sort of convension. For example, assuming we want to load drops type `models` from dropin `dropin.articls`. The drops are discoveried with the following sequence:: import dropin.articles drops = dropin.articles.models if anything goes wrong, next try is :: import dropin.articles.models as drops if the current drops object has attribute **__drops__** :: drops = drops.__drops__ if the current drops object is a callable :: drops = drops() if not drops was found, an empty list is returned. """ obj = load_object(dropin) try: drops = getattr(obj, self.drops_type) except AttributeError: try: drops = load_object('%s.%s' % (dropin, self.drops_type)) except ImportError: drops = None if hasattr(drops, '__drops__'): drops = drops.__drops__ if callable(drops): drops = drops( return drops or []
[docs] def register_drops(self, dropin): """Register the `drops` in given `dropin` to a flask app. Args: app (Flask): the flask app to be initialized dropin (string): path of a python module or object, e.g. dropin.auth This is the only method that a drops loader **must** implment. The default behavior in the base loader is to store all the drops object in the app's extentions dict. For example, the drops with type `models` will be stored in a list which is accessible through:: app.extensions['dropin']['models'] or through DropInManager instance which provide a simple proxy to the dropin extension of `current_app`:: dropin = DropInManager() dropin.models Whereas the BlueprintsLoader overrided this method to actually register the blueprints to the app. """ drops =['dropin'].setdefault(self.drops_type, []) drops.extend(self.load_drops(dropin))
[docs]class ModelsLoader(BaseDropsLoader): """Load `drops` with type `models`. """ drops_type = 'models'
[docs]class ServicesLoader(BaseDropsLoader): """Load `drops` with type `services`. """ drops_type = 'services'
[docs]class BlueprintsLoader(BaseDropsLoader): """Load `drops` with type `blueprints`, and register blueprints to flask app. """ drops_type = 'blueprints' def register_drops(self, dropin): trans ='DROPIN_BLUEPRINTS_TRANSFORM') or {} if '*' in trans: default_trans = trans['*'] else: default_trans = lambda pf: None for bp in self.load_drops(dropin): if bp.url_prefix in trans:, url_prefix=trans[bp.url_prefix]) elif default_trans:, url_prefix=default_trans(bp.url_prefix))
[docs]class MiddlewaresLoader(BaseDropsLoader): """Load `drops` with type `middlewares`, and register middlewares to flask app. The `before_request`, `after_request` and `teardown_request` attributes will be registered to the given app respectively. """ drops_type = 'middlewares' def register_drops(self, dropin): for mw in self.load_drops(dropin): for cb in ['before_request', 'after_request', 'teardown_request']: if hasattr(mw, cb): getattr(, cb)(getattr(mw, cb))
[docs]class ContextProcessorsLoader(BaseDropsLoader): """Load `drops` with type `context_processors`, and register context_processors to flask app. """ drops_type = 'context_processors' def register_drops(self, dropin): for cp in self.load_drops(dropin):
default_loaders = [ ModelsLoader, BlueprintsLoader, MiddlewaresLoader, ContextProcessorsLoader, ServicesLoader, ]
[docs]class DropInManager(object): """A flask extension to initialize flask app with activated dropins, and also provide shortcut to access drops object if available. Its behavior is controled by three settings. **DROPINS**: a list of python object path for ativated dropins. **DROPINS_ITER**: a callable (or python path to the callable) which return a list of dropins. **DROPS_LOADERS**: a list of drops loader (or python path to drops loader). If not provided, ther following loaders will be used:: [ flask_dropin.ModelsLoader, flask_dropin.BlueprintsLoader, flask_dropin.MiddlewaresLoader, flask_dropin.ContextProcessorsLoader, flask_dropin.ServicesLoader, ] Usage: Same as other flask extensions, DropInManager could be used in two flavors:: dropin = DropInManager(app) or:: dropin = DropInManager() dropin.init(app) """ def __init__(self, app=None): = app if app: self.init_app(app) def iter_loaders(self, app): for l in app.config.get('DROPS_LOADERS', default_loaders): if isinstance(l, six.string_types): l = load_object(l) if callable(l): l = l(app) yield l def iter_dropins(self, app): for dropin in app.config.get('DROPINS') or []: yield dropin dropins_iter = app.config.get('DROPINS_ITER') if dropins_iter: if isinstance(dropins_iter, six.string_types): dropins_iter = load_object(dropins_iter) if callable(dropins_iter): dropins_iter = dropins_iter(app) for dropin in dropins_iter: yield dropin def init_app(self, app, slots=None): if not hasattr(app, 'extensions'): app.extensions = {} # only do the initiation if the app was never inited if app.extensions.get('dropin') is None: app.extensions['dropin'] = {} for drops_loader in self.iter_loaders(app): for dropin in self.iter_dropins(app): drops_loader.register_drops(dropin) def __getattr__(self, key): try: return current_app.extensions['dropin'][key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key)