Flask-SQLAlchemy support ======================== `Flask-SQLAlchemy `_ supports pagination through its :meth:`~flask_sqlalchemy.BaseQuery.paginate`, which will return a :class:`~flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination` object. These can automatically rendered through the ``render_pagination`` macro: .. code-block:: jinja {% from "bootstrap/pagination.html" import render_pagination %} {# ... #} {{render_pagination(query_results)}} .. py:function:: render_pagination(pagination,\ endpoint=None,\ prev='«',\ next='»',\ ellipses='…',\ size=None,\ args={},\ **kwargs) Renders a pager for query pagination. :param pagination: :class:`~flask_sqlalchemy.Pagination` instance. :param endpoint: Which endpoint to call when a page number is clicked. :func:`~flask.url_for` will be called with the given endpoint and a single parameter, ``page``. If ``None``, uses the requests current endpoint. :param prev: Symbol/text to use for the "previous page" button. If ``None``, the button will be hidden. :param next: Symbol/text to use for the "previous next" button. If ``None``, the button will be hidden. :param ellipses: Symbol/text to use to indicate that pages have been skipped. If ``None``, no indicator will be printed. :param size: Can be 'sm' or 'lg' for smaller/larger pagination. :param args: Additional arguments passed to :func:`~flask.url_for`. If ``endpoint`` is ``None``, uses :attr:`~flask.Request.args` and :attr:`~flask.Request.view_args` :param kwargs: Extra attributes for the ``