WTForms support ================ The ``bootstrap/wtf.html`` template contains macros to help you output forms quickly. Flask-WTF_ is not a dependency of Flask-Bootstrap, however, and must be installed explicitly. The API of Flask-WTF_ has changed quite a bit over the last few versions, Flask-Bootstrap is currently developed for Flask-WTF_ version 0.9.2. The most basic way is using them as an aid to create a form by hand: .. code-block:: jinja
{{ form.hidden_tag() }} {{ wtf.form_errors(form, hiddens="only") }} {{ wtf.form_field(form.field1) }} {{ wtf.form_field(form.field2) }}
However, often you just want to get a form done quickly and have no need for intense fine-tuning:: {{ wtf.quick_form(form) }} Form macro reference -------------------- .. py:function:: quick_form(form,\ action=".",\ method="post",\ extra_classes=None,\ role="form",\ form_type="basic",\ horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10),\ enctype=None,\ button_map={},\ id="") Outputs Bootstrap-markup for a complete Flask-WTF_ form. :param form: The form to output. :param method: ``
`` method attribute. :param extra_classes: The classes to add to the ````. :param role: ```` role attribute. :param form_type: One of ``basic``, ``inline`` or ``horizontal``. See the Bootstrap_ docs for details on different form layouts. :param horizontal_columns: When using the horizontal layout, layout forms like this. Must be a 3-tuple of ``(column-type, left-column-size, right-colum-size)``. :param enctype: ```` enctype attribute. If ``None``, will automatically be set to ``multipart/form-data`` if a :class:`~wtforms.fields.FileField` is present in the form. :param button_map: A dictionary, mapping button field names to names such as ``primary``, ``danger`` or ``success``. Buttons not found in the ``button_map`` will use the ``default`` type of button. :param id: The ```` id attribute. .. py:function:: form_errors(form, hiddens=True) Renders paragraphs containing form error messages. This is usually only used to output hidden field form errors, as others are attached to the form fields. :param form: Form, who's errors should be rendered. :param hiddens: If ``True``, render errors of hidden fields as well. If ``'only'``, render *only* these. .. py:function:: form_field(field,\ form_type="basic",\ horizontal_columns=('lg', 2, 10),\ button_map={}) Renders a single form-field with surrounding elements. Used mainly by ``quick_form``. .. _Flask-WTF: .. _Bootstrap: