Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Flask-AppFactory
# Copyright (C) 2015 CERN.
# Flask-AppFactory is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the Revised BSD License; see LICENSE
# file for more details.

"""Flask application factory."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings

import ast
from flask import Flask
from flask_cli import FlaskCLI
from flask_registry import BlueprintAutoDiscoveryRegistry, \
    ConfigurationRegistry, ExtensionRegistry, PackageRegistry, Registry

[docs]def configure_warnings(): """Configure warnings by routing warnings to the logging system. It also unhides ``DeprecationWarning``. """ if not sys.warnoptions: # Route warnings through python logging logging.captureWarnings(True) # DeprecationWarning is by default hidden, hence we force the # "default" behavior on deprecation warnings which is not to hide # errors. warnings.simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning)
[docs]def load_config(app, module_name, **kwargs_config): """Load configuration. Configuration is loaded in the following order: 1. Configuration module (i.e. ``module_name``). 2. Instance configuration in ``<instance folder>/<app name>.cfg`` 3. Keyword configuration arguments. 4. Environment variables specified in ``<app name>_APP_CONFIG_ENVS`` configuration variable or comma separated list in environment variable with the same name. Additionally checks if ``SECRET_KEY`` is set in the configuration and warns if it is not. :param app: Flask application. :param module_name: Configuration module. :param kwargs_config: Configuration keyword arguments """ # 1. Load site specific default configuration if module_name: app.config.from_object(module_name) # 2. Load <app name>.cfg from instance folder app.config.from_pyfile('{0}.cfg'.format(, silent=True) # 3. Update application config from parameters. app.config.update(kwargs_config) # 4. Update config with specified environment variables. envvars = '{0}_APP_CONFIG_ENVS'.format( for cfg_name in app.config.get(envvars, os.getenv(envvars, '')).split(','): cfg_name = cfg_name.strip().upper() if cfg_name: cfg_value = app.config.get(cfg_name) cfg_value = os.getenv(cfg_name, cfg_value) try: cfg_value = ast.literal_eval(cfg_value) except (SyntaxError, ValueError): pass app.config[cfg_name] = cfg_value app.logger.debug("{0} = {1}".format(cfg_name, cfg_value)) # Ensure SECRET_KEY is set. SECRET_KEY = app.config.get('SECRET_KEY') if SECRET_KEY is None: app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = 'change_me' warnings.warn( "Set variable SECRET_KEY with random string in {}".format( os.path.join(app.instance_path, "{}.cfg".format(, ), UserWarning) # Initialize application registry, used for discovery and loading of # configuration, extensions and blueprints Registry(app=app) app.extensions['registry'].update( # Register packages listed in PACKAGES conf variable. packages=PackageRegistry(app)) app.extensions['loaded'] = False
[docs]def load_application(app): """Load the application. Assembles the application by use of ``PACKAGES`` and ``EXTENSIONS`` configuration variables. 1. Load extensions by calling ``setup_app()`` in module defined in ``EXTENSIONS``. 2. Register blueprints from each module defined in ``PACAKGES`` by looking searching in ```` for a ``blueprint`` or ``blueprints`` variable. :param app: Flask application. """ # Extend application config with default configuration values from packages # (app config takes precedence) app.extensions['registry'].update( # Register extensions listed in EXTENSIONS conf variable. extensions=ExtensionRegistry(app), # Register blueprints from packages in PACKAGES configuration variable. blueprints=BlueprintAutoDiscoveryRegistry(app=app), ) ConfigurationRegistry(app) app.extensions['loaded'] = True
[docs]def base_app(app_name, instance_path=None, static_folder=None, static_url_path='/static/', instance_relative_config=True, template_folder='templates', flask_cls=Flask): """Create a base Flask Application. Ensures instance path and is set and created. Instance path defaults to ``<sys.prefix>/var/<app name>-instance``. Additionally configure warnings to be routed to the Python logging system, and by default makes ``DeprecationWarning`` loud. .. versionchanged:: v0.2.0 Added ``flask_cls`` parameter. :param app_name: Flask application name. :param instance_path: Instance path :param static_folder: Static folder. :param static_url_path: URL path of static folder. Default: ``/static/``. :param instance_relative_config: Use instance relative config Default: ``True``. :param template_folder: Template folder. Default: ``templates``. :param flask_cls: Flask Application class. Default: ``Flask``. """ configure_warnings() # Prefix for env variables env_prefix = re.sub('[^A-Z]', '', app_name.upper()) # Detect instance path instance_path = instance_path or \ os.getenv(env_prefix + '_INSTANCE_PATH') or \ os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'var', app_name + '-instance') # Detect static files path static_folder = static_folder or \ os.getenv(env_prefix + '_STATIC_FOLDER') or \ os.path.join(instance_path, 'static') # Create instance path try: if not os.path.exists(instance_path): os.makedirs(instance_path) except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass # Create the Flask application instance app = flask_cls( app_name, static_url_path=static_url_path, static_folder=static_folder, instance_relative_config=instance_relative_config, instance_path=instance_path, template_folder=template_folder, ) # Compatibility layer to support Flask 1.0 click integration on v0.10 FlaskCLI(app=app) return app
[docs]def appfactory(app_name, module_name, load=True, **kwargs_config): """Create a Flask application according to a defined configuration. :param app_name: Flask application name. :param module_name: Python configuration module. :param load: Load application (instead of only the configuration). Default: ``True``. :param kwargs_config: Extra configuration variables for the Flask application. """ app = base_app(app_name) load_config(app, module_name, **kwargs_config) if load: load_application(app) return app