Flask-Actions ========================================= .. module:: Flask-Actions The **Flask-Actions** extension provides support for writing external actions in Flask. This includes running a development server, a customized Python shell,a fastcgi server like django . Install ------------------------- Install with **easy_install**:: easy_install Flask-Actions Install with **pip**:: pip install Flask-Actions Start a new project ---------------------- **Flask-Actions** even has an auto code generator for creating a new flask project,let's look at it's usage:: usage: flask_admin.py [] flask_admin.py --help actions: startproject: Start new flask project --proj-name string now we create a new project:: flask_admin.py startproject helloproject let's look at what we created:: helloproject/ ├── helloproject │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── static │   │   └── style.css │   ├── templates │   │   └── layout.html │   └── views │   ├── frontend.py │   ├── frontend.pyc │   ├── __init__.py │   └── __init__.pyc ├── manage.py └── settings.py Action Usage -------------------------- A normal startup scripts is like this:: # manage.py # -*- encoding:utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask from flaskext.actions import Manager import settings from helloproject import app app.config.from_object(settings) manager = Manager(app) if __name__ == "__main__": manager.run() And you can run 'python manage.py --help' to see more :: usage: manage.py [] manage.py --help actions: bshell: run shell use bpython clean: Clean the specify filename extention files from the directory. :param pretend: Instead of actually performing the clean,just print it -d, --directory string . -e, --extention string .pyc --no-pretend --no-verbose compile_pyc: Compile all python files in the directory into bytecode files. -d, --directory string . --no-verbose generate_secret_key: creates a new secret key -l, --length integer 32 runserver: Start a new development server. -h, --hostname string -p, --port integer 7777 --no-reloader --no-debugger --no-evalex --no-threaded --processes integer 1 shell: Start a new interactive python session. --no-ipython show_urls: Displays all of the url matching routes for the project. less commands ````````````````` you can change the manage.py and modify the line:: manager = Manager(app) to the line :: manager = Manager(app,default_help_actions=False) This will avoid load the default help actions. more commands ```````````````` you can change the manage.py and modify the line:: manager = Manager(app) to the line :: manager = Manager(app,default_server_actions=True) This will load the default server actions. currently,flask-actions has supported the following servers: - appengine - flup - paste - cherrypy - twisted - gevent - eventlet - gunicorn - tornado - fapws - diesel - meinheld - eurasia - rocket Add Custom action ----------------------- **Flask-Actions** uses werkzeug management script utilities,you'd rather dive into it's documentation :`Werkzeug Documentation - Management Script Utilities `_ here is an simple example:: def hello(app): def action(user=('u','world')): """ test command """ print "hello %s!"%user return action manager.add_action('hello',hello) or you can use the `manager.register` decorator instead:: @manager.register('hello') def hello(app): def action(user=('u','world')): """ test command """ print "hello %s!"%user return action then your can run the **hello** command:: python manage.py hello -u honey You will see:: hello honey! Deploy use fastcgi ------------------------ To start your server,run the `runfcgi` command (to do this,you must enable the `default_sever_actions`):: ./manage.py runfcgi [options] Select your preferred protocol by using the ``protocol=`` option with ``./manage.py runfcgi`` -- where ```` may be one of: ``scgi`` (the default), ``fcgi`` or ``ajp``. Running a threaded server on a TCP port:: ./manage.py runfcgi --method=threaded --host= --port=3033 or ./manage.py runfcgi --method=threaded -h localhost -p 3001 Running a preforked server on a Unix domain socket:: ./manage.py runfcgi --method=prefork --socket=/home/user/mysite.sock --pidfile=flask.pid Run without daemonizing (backgrounding) the process (good for debugging):: ./manage.py runfcgi --daemonize=false --socket=/tmp/mysite.sock --maxrequests=1 Stopping the FastCGI daemon ````````````````````````````` If you have the process running in the foreground, it's easy enough to stop it: Simply hitting ``Ctrl-C`` will stop and quit the FastCGI server. However, when you're dealing with background processes, you'll need to resort to the Unix ``kill`` command. If you specify the ``pidfile`` option to `runfcgi`, you can kill the running FastCGI daemon like this:: kill `cat $PIDFILE` ...where ``$PIDFILE`` is the ``pidfile`` you specified. Setup Nginx `````````````````````````````` Run the application using fastcgi daemonize mode ,like this:: python manage.py runfcgi --protocol=fcgi -p 7777 --daemonize --pidfile=/var/run/flaskapp.pid but you would rather use an init.d scripts to execute above commands , then you can configure the nginx like this :: upstream flaskapp { server; } server { listen 8080; server_name; location / { fastcgi_pass flaskapp; fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method; fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string; fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type; fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length; fastcgi_param SERVER_ADDR $server_addr; fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port; fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name; fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr; fastcgi_param REMOTE_PORT $remote_port; fastcgi_pass_header Authorization; fastcgi_intercept_errors off; } .. _api: API --- .. module:: flaskext.actions .. autoclass:: Manager :members: register,add_actions,add_action