#! /usr/bin/env python
frameset - A set-like object representing a frame range for fileseq.
from collections import Set, Sequence
from fileseq.utils import xfrange, unique, pad
from fileseq.constants import PAD_MAP, FRANGE_RE, PAD_RE
from fileseq.exceptions import ParseException
[docs]class FrameSet(Set):
A :class:`FrameSet` is an immutable representation of the ordered, unique
set of frames in a given frame range.
The frame range can be expressed in the following ways:
- 1-5
- 1-5,10-20
- 1-100x5 (every fifth frame)
- 1-100y5 (opposite of above, fills in missing frames)
- 1-100:4 (same as 1-100x4,1-100x3,1-100x2,1-100)
A :class:`FrameSet` is effectively an ordered frozenset, with
FrameSet-returning versions of frozenset methods:
>>> FrameSet('1-5').union(FrameSet('5-10'))
>>> FrameSet('1-5').intersection(FrameSet('5-10'))
Because a FrameSet is hashable, it can be used as the key to a dictionary:
>>> {FrameSet('1-20'): 'good'}
1. All frozenset operations return a normalized :class:`FrameSet`:
internal frames are in numerically increasing order.
2. Equality is based on the contents and order, NOT the frame range
string (there are a finite, but potentially
extremely large, number of strings that can represent any given range,
only a "best guess" can be made).
3. Human-created frame ranges (ie 1-100x5) will be reduced to the
actual internal frames (ie 1-96x5).
4. The "null" :class:`Frameset` (``FrameSet('')``) is now a valid thing
to create, it is required by set operations, but may cause confusion
as both its start and end methods will raise IndexError. The
property has been added to allow you to guard against this.
:type frange: str
:param frange: the frame range as a string (ie "1-100x5")
:rtype: None
:raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.ParseException` if the frame range
(or a portion of it) could not be parsed
__slots__ = ('_frange', '_items', '_order')
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Initialize the :class:`FrameSet` object.
:type frange: str
:param frange: the frame range as a string (ie "1-100x5")
:returns: the :class:`FrameSet` instance
:raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.ParseException` if the frame range
(or a portion of it) could not be parsed
self = super(cls, FrameSet).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return self
def __init__(self, frange):
# if the user provides anything but a string, short-circuit the build
if not isinstance(frange, basestring):
# if it's apparently a FrameSet already, short-circuit the build
if set(dir(frange)).issuperset(self.__slots__):
for attr in self.__slots__:
setattr(self, attr, getattr(frange, attr))
# if it's inherently disordered, sort and build
elif isinstance(frange, Set):
self._items = frozenset(map(int, frange))
self._order = tuple(sorted(self._items))
self._frange = FrameSet.framesToFrameRange(
self._order, sort=False, compress=False)
# if it's ordered, find unique and build
elif isinstance(frange, Sequence):
items = set()
order = unique(items, map(int, frange))
self._order = tuple(order)
self._items = frozenset(items)
self._frange = FrameSet.framesToFrameRange(
self._order, sort=False, compress=False)
# in all other cases, cast to a string
frange = str(frange)
except Exception as err:
msg = 'Could not parse "{0}": cast to string raised: {1}'
raise ParseException(msg.format(frange, err))
# we're willing to trim padding characters from consideration
# this translation is orders of magnitude faster than prior method
self._frange = str(frange).translate(None, ''.join(PAD_MAP.keys()))
# because we're acting like a set, we need to support the empty set
if not self._frange:
self._items = frozenset()
self._order = tuple()
# build the mutable stores, then cast to immutable for storage
items = set()
order = []
for part in self._frange.split(","):
# this is to deal with leading / trailing commas
if not part:
# parse the partial range
start, end, modifier, chunk = FrameSet._parse_frange_part(part)
# handle batched frames (1-100x5)
if modifier == 'x':
frames = xfrange(start, end, chunk)
frames = [f for f in frames if f not in items]
# handle staggered frames (1-100:5)
elif modifier == ':':
for stagger in xrange(chunk, 0, -1):
frames = xfrange(start, end, stagger)
frames = [f for f in frames if f not in items]
# handle filled frames (1-100y5)
elif modifier == 'y':
not_good = frozenset(xfrange(start, end, chunk))
frames = xfrange(start, end, 1)
frames = (f for f in frames if f not in not_good)
frames = [f for f in frames if f not in items]
# handle full ranges and single frames
frames = xfrange(start, end, 1 if start < end else -1)
frames = [f for f in frames if f not in items]
# lock the results into immutable internals
# this allows for hashing and fast equality checking
self._items = frozenset(items)
self._order = tuple(order)
[docs] def is_null(self):
Read-only access to determine if the :class:`FrameSet` is the null or
empty :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: bool
return not (self._frange and self._items and self._order)
[docs] def frange(self):
Read-only access to the frame range used to create this :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: frozenset
return self._frange
[docs] def items(self):
Read-only access to the unique frames that form this :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: frozenset
return self._items
[docs] def order(self):
Read-only access to the ordered frames that form this :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: tuple
return self._order
[docs] def from_iterable(cls, frames, sort=False):
Build a :class:`FrameSet` from an iterable of frames.
:param frames: an iterable object containing frames as integers
:param sort: True to sort frames before creation, default is False
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`
return FrameSet(sorted(frames) if sort else frames)
def _cast_to_frameset(cls, other):
Private method to simplify comparison operations.
:param other: the :class:`FrameSet`, set, frozenset, or iterable to be compared
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`
:returns: :class:`NotImplemented` if a comparison is impossible
if isinstance(other, FrameSet):
return other
return FrameSet(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
[docs] def index(self, frame):
Return the index of the given frame number within the :class:`FrameSet`.
:type frame: int
:param frame: the frame number to find the index for
:rtype: int
:raises: :class:`ValueError` if frame is not in self
return self.order.index(frame)
[docs] def frame(self, index):
Return the frame at the given index.
:type index: int
:param index: the index to find the frame for
:rtype: int
:raises: :class:`IndexError` if index is out of bounds
return self.order[index]
[docs] def hasFrame(self, frame):
Check if the :class:`FrameSet` contains the frame.
:type frame: int
:param frame: the frame number to search for
:rtype: bool
return frame in self
[docs] def start(self):
The first frame in the :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: int
:raises: :class:`IndexError` (with the empty :class:`FrameSet`)
return self.order[0]
[docs] def end(self):
The last frame in the :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: int
:raises: :class:`IndexError` (with the empty :class:`FrameSet`)
return self.order[-1]
[docs] def frameRange(self, zfill=0):
Return the frame range used to create this :class:`FrameSet`, padded if
>>> FrameSet('1-100').frameRange()
>>> FrameSet('1-100').frameRange(5)
:type zfill: int
:param zfill: the width to use to zero-pad the frame range string
:rtype: str
return FrameSet.padFrameRange(self.frange, zfill)
[docs] def invertedFrameRange(self, zfill=0):
Return the inverse of the :class:`FrameSet` 's frame range, padded if
The inverse is every frame within the full extent of the range.
>>> FrameSet('1-100x2').invertedFrameRange()
>>> FrameSet('1-100x2').invertedFrameRange(5)
:type zfill: int
:param zfill: the width to use to zero-pad the frame range string
:rtype: str
result = []
frames = sorted(self.items)
for idx, frame in enumerate(frames[:-1]):
next_frame = frames[idx + 1]
if next_frame - frame != 1:
result += xrange(frame + 1, next_frame)
if not result:
return ''
return FrameSet.framesToFrameRange(
result, zfill=zfill, sort=False, compress=False)
[docs] def normalize(self):
Returns a new normalized (sorted and compacted) :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`
return FrameSet(FrameSet.framesToFrameRange(
self.items, sort=True, compress=False))
[docs] def __getstate__(self):
Allows for serialization to a pickled :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: tuple (frame range string, )
# we have to special-case the empty FrameSet, because of a quirk in
# Python where __setstate__ will not be called if the return value of
# bool(__getstate__) == False. A tuple with ('',) will return True.
return (self.frange, )
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state):
Allows for de-serialization from a pickled :class:`FrameSet`.
:type state: tuple, str, or dict
:param state: A string/dict can be used for backwards compatibility
:rtype: None
:raises: :class:`ValueError` if state is not an appropriate type
if isinstance(state, tuple):
# this is to allow unpickling of "3rd generation" FrameSets,
# which are immutable and may be empty.
elif isinstance(state, basestring):
# this is to allow unpickling of "2nd generation" FrameSets,
# which were mutable and could not be empty.
elif isinstance(state, dict):
# this is to allow unpickling of "1st generation" FrameSets,
# when the full __dict__ was stored
if '__frange' in state and '__set' in state and '__list' in state:
self._frange = state['__frange']
self._items = frozenset(state['__set'])
self._order = tuple(state['__list'])
for k in self.__slots__:
setattr(self, k, state[k])
msg = "Unrecognized state data from which to deserialize FrameSet"
raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index):
Allows indexing into the ordered frames of this :class:`FrameSet`.
:type int:
:param index: the index to retrieve
:rtype: int
:raises: :class:`IndexError` if index is out of bounds
return self.order[index]
[docs] def __len__(self):
Returns the length of the ordered frames of this :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: int
return len(self.order)
[docs] def __str__(self):
Returns the frame range string of this :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: str
return self.frange
[docs] def __repr__(self):
Returns a long-form representation of this :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: str
return '{0}("{1}")'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.frange)
[docs] def __iter__(self):
Allows for iteration over the ordered frames of this :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: generator
return (i for i in self.order)
[docs] def __reversed__(self):
Allows for reversed iteration over the ordered frames of this
:rtype: generator
return (i for i in reversed(self.order))
[docs] def __contains__(self, item):
Check if item is a member of this :class:`FrameSet`.
:type item: int
:param item: the frame number to check for
:rtype: bool
return item in self.items
[docs] def __hash__(self):
Builds the hash of this :class:`FrameSet` for equality checking and to
allow use as a dictionary key.
:rtype: int
return hash(self.frange) | hash(self.items) | hash(self.order)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other):
Check if self < other via a comparison of the contents. If other is not
a :class:`FrameSet`, but is a set, frozenset, or is iterable, it will be
cast to a :class:`FrameSet`.
.. note::
A :class:`FrameSet` is less than other if the set of its contents are
less, OR if the contents are equal but the order of the items is less.
.. code-block:: python
:caption: Same contents, but (1,2,3,4,5) sorts below (5,4,3,2,1)
>>> FrameSet("1-5") < FrameSet("5-1")
:type other: FrameSet
:param other: Can also be an object that can be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other` fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.items < other.items or (
self.items == other.items and self.order < other.order)
[docs] def __le__(self, other):
Check if `self` <= `other` via a comparison of the contents.
If `other` is not a :class:`FrameSet`, but is a set, frozenset, or
is iterable, it will be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`.
:type other: FrameSet
:param other: Also accepts an object that can be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other` fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.items <= other.items
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
Check if `self` == `other` via a comparison of the hash of
their contents.
If `other` is not a :class:`FrameSet`, but is a set, frozenset, or
is iterable, it will be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`.
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:param other: Also accepts an object that can be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other` fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
if not isinstance(other, FrameSet):
if not hasattr(other, '__iter__'):
return NotImplemented
other = self.from_iterable(other)
this = hash(self.items) | hash(self.order)
that = hash(other.items) | hash(other.order)
return this == that
[docs] def __ne__(self, other):
Check if `self` != `other` via a comparison of the hash of
their contents.
If `other` is not a :class:`FrameSet`, but is a set, frozenset, or
is iterable, it will be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`.
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:param other: Also accepts an object that can be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other` fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
is_equals = self == other
if is_equals != NotImplemented:
return not is_equals
return is_equals
[docs] def __ge__(self, other):
Check if `self` >= `other` via a comparison of the contents.
If `other` is not a :class:`FrameSet`, but is a set, frozenset, or
is iterable, it will be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`.
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:param other: Also accepts an object that can be cast to one a :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other` fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.items >= other.items
[docs] def __gt__(self, other):
Check if `self` > `other` via a comparison of the contents.
If `other` is not a :class:`FrameSet`, but is a set, frozenset, or
is iterable, it will be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`.
.. note::
A :class:`FrameSet` is greater than `other` if the set of its
contents are greater,
OR if the contents are equal but the order is greater.
.. code-block:: python
:caption: Same contents, but (1,2,3,4,5) sorts below (5,4,3,2,1)
>>> FrameSet("1-5") > FrameSet("5-1")
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:param other: Also accepts an object that can be cast to a :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if :param: other fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.items > other.items or (
self.items == other.items and self.order > other.order)
[docs] def __and__(self, other):
Overloads the ``&`` operator.
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` that holds only the
frames `self` and `other` have in common.
.. note::
The order of operations is irrelevant:
``(self & other) == (other & self)``
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`, or :class:`NotImplemented` if :param: other
fails to convert to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.from_iterable(self.items & other.items, sort=True)
__rand__ = __and__
[docs] def __sub__(self, other):
Overloads the ``-`` operator.
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` that holds only the
frames of `self` that are not in `other.`
.. note::
This is for left-hand subtraction (``self - other``).
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other`
fails to convert to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.from_iterable(self.items - other.items, sort=True)
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other):
Overloads the ``-`` operator.
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` that holds only the
frames of `other` that are not in `self.`
.. note::
This is for right-hand subtraction (``other - self``).
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other`
fails to convert to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.from_iterable(other.items - self.items, sort=True)
[docs] def __or__(self, other):
Overloads the ``|`` operator.
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` that holds all the
frames in `self,` `other,` or both.
.. note::
The order of operations is irrelevant:
``(self | other) == (other | self)``
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other`
fails to convert to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.from_iterable(self.items | other.items, sort=True)
__ror__ = __or__
[docs] def __xor__(self, other):
Overloads the ``^`` operator.
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` that holds all the
frames in `self` or `other` but not both.
.. note::
The order of operations is irrelevant:
``(self ^ other) == (other ^ self)``
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other`
fails to convert to a :class:`FrameSet`.
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.from_iterable(self.items ^ other.items, sort=True)
__rxor__ = __xor__
[docs] def isdisjoint(self, other):
Check if the contents of :class:self has no common intersection with the
contents of :class:other.
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other` fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.items.isdisjoint(other.items)
[docs] def issubset(self, other):
Check if the contents of `self` is a subset of the contents of
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other` fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.items <= other.items
[docs] def issuperset(self, other):
Check if the contents of `self` is a superset of the contents of
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: bool, or :class:`NotImplemented` if `other` fails to convert
to a :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return self.items >= other.items
[docs] def union(self, *other):
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` with the elements of `self` and
of `other`.
:type other: :class:`FrameSet` or objects that can cast to :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`
from_frozenset = self.items.union(*map(set, other))
return self.from_iterable(from_frozenset, sort=True)
[docs] def intersection(self, *other):
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` with the elements common to `self` and
:type other: :class:`FrameSet` or objects that can cast to :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`
from_frozenset = self.items.intersection(*map(set, other))
return self.from_iterable(from_frozenset, sort=True)
[docs] def difference(self, *other):
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` with elements in `self` but not in
:type other: :class:`FrameSet` or objects that can cast to :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`
from_frozenset = self.items.difference(*map(set, other))
return self.from_iterable(from_frozenset, sort=True)
[docs] def symmetric_difference(self, other):
Returns a new :class:`FrameSet` that contains all the elements in either
`self` or `other`, but not both.
:type other: :class:`FrameSet`
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`
other = self._cast_to_frameset(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
from_frozenset = self.items.symmetric_difference(other.items)
return self.from_iterable(from_frozenset, sort=True)
[docs] def copy(self):
Returns a shallow copy of this :class:`FrameSet`.
:rtype: :class:`FrameSet`
return FrameSet(str(self))
[docs] def isFrameRange(frange):
Return True if the given string is a frame range. Any padding
characters, such as '#' and '@' are ignored.
:type frange: str
:param frange: a frame range to test
:rtype: bool
# we're willing to trim padding characters from consideration
# this translation is orders of magnitude faster than prior method
frange = str(frange).translate(None, ''.join(PAD_MAP.keys()))
if not frange:
return True
for part in frange.split(','):
if not part:
except ParseException:
return False
return True
[docs] def padFrameRange(frange, zfill):
Return the zero-padded version of the frame range string.
:type frange: str
:param frange: a frame range to test
:rtype: str
def _do_pad(match):
Substitutes padded for unpadded frames.
result = list(match.groups())
result[1] = pad(result[1], zfill)
if result[4]:
result[4] = pad(result[4], zfill)
return ''.join((i for i in result if i))
return PAD_RE.sub(_do_pad, frange)
def _parse_frange_part(frange):
Internal method: parse a discrete frame range part.
:type frange: str
:param frange: single part of a frame range as a string (ie "1-100x5")
:rtype: tuple (start, end, modifier, chunk)
:raises: :class:`fileseq.exceptions.ParseException` if the frame range
can not be parsed
match = FRANGE_RE.match(frange)
if not match:
msg = 'Could not parse "{0}": did not match {1}'
raise ParseException(msg.format(frange, FRANGE_RE.pattern))
start, end, modifier, chunk = match.groups()
start = int(start)
end = int(end) if end is not None else start
chunk = abs(int(chunk)) if chunk is not None else 1
# a zero chunk is just plain illogical
if chunk == 0:
msg = 'Could not parse "{0}": chunk cannot be 0'
raise ParseException(msg.format(frange))
return start, end, modifier, chunk
def _build_frange_part(start, stop, stride, zfill=0):
Private method: builds a proper and padded
:class:`fileseq.framerange.FrameRange` string.
:type start: int
:param start: first frame
:type stop: int
:param stop: last frame
:type stride: int
:param stride: increment
:type zfill: int
:param zfill: width for zero padding
:rtype: str
if stop is None:
return ''
pad_start = pad(start, zfill)
pad_stop = pad(stop, zfill)
if stride is None or start == stop:
return '{0}'.format(pad_start)
elif abs(stride) == 1:
return '{0}-{1}'.format(pad_start, pad_stop)
return '{0}-{1}x{2}'.format(pad_start, pad_stop, stride)
[docs] def framesToFrameRanges(frames, zfill=0):
Converts a sequence of frames to a series of padded
:class:`fileseq.framerange.FrameRange` s.
:type frames: iterable
:param frames: sequence of frames to process
:type zfill: int
:param zfill: width for zero padding
:rtype: generator
_build = FrameSet._build_frange_part
curr_start = None
curr_stride = None
curr_frame = None
last_frame = None
curr_count = 0
for curr_frame in frames:
if curr_start is None:
curr_start = curr_frame
last_frame = curr_frame
curr_count += 1
if curr_stride is None:
curr_stride = abs(curr_frame-curr_start)
new_stride = abs(curr_frame-last_frame)
if curr_stride == new_stride:
last_frame = curr_frame
curr_count += 1
elif curr_count == 2:
yield _build(curr_start, curr_start, None, zfill)
curr_start = last_frame
curr_stride = new_stride
last_frame = curr_frame
yield _build(curr_start, last_frame, curr_stride, zfill)
curr_stride = None
curr_start = curr_frame
last_frame = curr_frame
curr_count = 1
if curr_count == 2:
yield _build(curr_start, curr_start, None, zfill)
yield _build(curr_frame, curr_frame, None, zfill)
yield _build(curr_start, curr_frame, curr_stride, zfill)
[docs] def framesToFrameRange(frames, sort=True, zfill=0, compress=False):
Converts an iterator of frames into a
:type frames: iterable
:param frames: sequence of frames to process
:type sort: bool
:param sort: sort the sequence before processing
:type zfill: int
:param zfill: width for zero padding
:type compress: bool
:param compress: remove any duplicates before processing
:rtype: str
if compress:
frames = unique(set(), frames)
frames = list(frames)
if not frames:
return ''
if len(frames) == 1:
return pad(frames[0], zfill)
if sort:
return ','.join(FrameSet.framesToFrameRanges(frames, zfill))