If you don’t know what South is you should probably go and read about it right now!
FeinCMS itself does not come with any migrations. It does not have to: Its core models haven’t changed for several versions now. This does not mean South isn’t supported! You are free to use South to manage FeinCMS’ models which is a very useful technique especially if you are using Page extension modules.
The following steps should be sufficient to get up and running with South in your project:
Put a copy of South somewhere on your PYTHONPATH, with pip, hg or whatever pleases you most.
Add 'south' to INSTALLED_APPS.
Create a new folder in your app with an empty __init__.py file inside, e.g. yourapp/migrate/.
Add the following configuration variable to your settings.py:
'page': 'yourapp.migrate.page',
'medialibrary': 'yourapp.migrate.medialibrary', # if you are using the medialibrary
# which comes with FeinCMS
Run ./manage.py convert_to_south page and ./manage.py convert_to_south medialibrary
That’s it!