Installation instructions


This document describes the steps needed to get FeinCMS up and running.

FeinCMS is based on Django, so you need a working Django installation first. The minimum support version of Django is the 1.2 line of releases.

You can download a stable release of FeinCMS using easy_install:

$ sudo easy_install feincms

Please note that the package installable with easy_install only contains the files needed to run FeinCMS. It does not include documentation, tests or the example project which comes with the development version, which you can download using the Git version control system:

$ git clone git://

In addition, you will need a django-mptt installation.

Finally, some content types or extensions require recent versions of lxml, django-tagging, feedparser and the python imaging library PIL (PIL is actually a dependency of Django‘s ImageField).


There isn’t much left to do apart from adding feincms to INSTALLED_APPS. The customized administration interface needs some media and javascript libraries which you have to make available to the browser. If you use Django 1.3’s django.contrib.staticfiles application, the media files will be picked up automatically by the collectstatic management command. If you use /static/ as STATIC_URL, all is fine. Otherwise you have to set FEINCMS_ADMIN_MEDIA to the path where the FeinCMS media files can be found.

If you use an older version of Django, publish the files in the folder feincms/static/feincms/ somewhere on your site and set FEINCMS_ADMIN_MEDIA to the location.

Please note that the feincms module will not create or need any database tables, but you need to put it into INSTALLED_APPS because otherwise the templates in feincms/templates/ will not be found by the template loader.

The tools contained in FeinCMS can be used for many CMS-related activities. The most common use of a CMS is to manage a hierarchy of pages and this is the most advanced module of FeinCMS too. Please proceed to The built-in page module to find out how you can get the page module up and running.

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FeinCMS - An extensible Django-based CMS

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The built-in page module

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