Default settings for FeinCMS
All of these can be overridden by specifying them in the standard file.
Path to FeinCMS’ admin media
Link to google APIs instead of using local copy of JS libraries
Allow random gunk after a valid page?
Show frontend-editing button?
avoid jQuery conflicts – scripts should use feincms.jQuery instead of $
Local path to newly uploaded media files
Set to True if you want to run the FeinCMS test suite unconditionally:
If True, users will be allowed to ignore HTML warnings (errors are always blocked):
Name of the tidy function - anything which takes (html) and returns (html, errors, warnings) can be used:
If True, HTML will be run through a tidy function before saving:
If True, displays form validation errors so the user can see how their HTML has been changed:
Include ancestors in filtered tree editor lists
Enable checking of object level permissions. Note that if this option is enabled, you must plug in an authentication backend that actually does implement object level permissions or no page will be editable.
Enable caching intermediate results in feincms. Be aware that this might deliver slightly out of date pages if you are not using the ‘changedate’ page extension.