========================= FeinCMS 1.4 release notes ========================= * FeinCMS supports more than one site from the same database with ``django.contrib.sites`` now. Thanks to Bojan Mihelac and Stephen Tyler for the work and insistence on this issue. * It is possible to customize the administration model inline used for content types. This means that it's possible to customize more aspects of content type editing and to reuse more behaviors from Django itself, such as ``raw_id_fields``. * FeinCMS has gained support for ``django-reversion``. * Reusing the media library in your own content types has become much easier than before. When using a ``feincms.module.medialibrary.fields.MediaFileForeignKey`` instead of the standard ``django.db.models.ForeignKey`` and adding the media file foreign key to ``raw_id_fields``, you get the standard Django behavior supplemented with a thumbnail if the media file is an image. This requires the next feature too, which is... * Custom ``InlineModelAdmin`` classes may be used for the content types now by adding a ``feincms_item_editor_inline`` attribute to the content type specifying the inline class to be used. * New projects should use ``feincms.content.medialibrary.v2.MediaFileContent`` instead of ``feincms.content.medialibrary.models.MediaFileContent``. The argument ``POSITION_CHOICES`` and the corresponding field have been renamed to ``TYPE_CHOICES`` and ``type`` because that's a more fitting description of the intended use. The old and the new media file content should not be mixed; the hand-woven ``raw_id_fields`` support of the old media file content was not specific enough and interferes with Django's own ``raw_id_fields`` support. * FeinCMS has gained a preview feature for pages which shouldn't be accessible to the general public yet. Just add the following line above the standard FeinCMS handler:: url(r'', include('feincms.contrib.preview.urls')), Another button will be automatically added in the page item editor. Apart from all these new features a few cleanups have been made: * FeinCMS 1.2 removed the CKEditor-specific rich text content in favor of a generalized rich text content supporting different rich text editors. Unfortunately the documentation and the available settings only reflected this partially. This has been rectified. Support for ``TINYMCE_JS_URL``, ``FEINCMS_TINYMCE_INIT_TEMPLATE`` and ``FEINCMS_TINYMCE_INIT_CONTEXT`` has been completely removed. The two settings ``FEINCMS_RICHTEXT_INIT_CONTEXT`` and ``FEINCMS_RICHTEXT_INIT_TEMPLATE`` should be used instead. See the :ref:`contenttypes` documentation for more details. * The two settings ``FEINCMS_MEDIALIBRARY_ROOT`` and ``FEINCMS_MEDIALIBRARY_URL`` have been removed. Their values always defaulted to ``MEDIA_ROOT`` and ``MEDIA_URL``. The way they were used made it hard to support other storage backends in the media library. If you still need to customize the storage class used in the media library have a look at ``MediaFile.reconfigure``. * Support for the ``show_on_top`` option for the ``ItemEditor`` has been completely removed. This functionatliy has been deprecated since 1.2. * A few one-line Page manager methods which were too similar to each other have been deprecated. They will be removed in the next release of FeinCMS. This concerns ``page_for_path_or_404``, ``for_request_or_404``, ``best_match_for_request`` and ``from_request``. The improved ``for_request`` method should cover all bases. * A few page methods have been deprecated. This concerns ``active_children``, ``active_children_in_navigation`` and ``get_siblings_and_self``. The useful bits are already available through Django's own related managers.