
class euphorie.client.survey.PathGhost(id)

Dummy object to fake a traversable element.

This object is inserted into the acquisition chain by SurveyPublishTraverser when it needs to add components to the acquisition chain when no corresponding object in the ZODB or SQL databsae exists.

Traversal logic

class euphorie.client.survey.SurveyPublishTraverser(context, request)

Publish traverser to setup the survey skin layers.

This traverser marks the request with IClientSkinLayer. We can not use BeforeTraverseEvent sine in Zope 2 that is only fired for site objects.

findSqlContext(session_id, session_timestamp, zodb_path)

Find the closest SQL tree node for a candidate path.

The path has to be given as a list of path entries. The session timestamp is only used as part of a cache key for this method.

The return value is the id of the SQL tree node. All consumed entries will be removed from the zodb_path list.


Check if the user has an active session for the survey.


Build an acquisition context for a tree node.


class euphorie.client.survey.View(context, request)
class euphorie.client.survey.Start(context, request)

Survey start screen.

This view shows basic introduction text and any extra information provided the sector if present. After viewing this page the user is forwarded to the profile page.

class euphorie.client.survey.Resume(context, request)

Survey resume screen.

This view is used when a user resumes an existing session.

class euphorie.client.survey.Identification(context, request)

Survey identification start page.

This view shows the introduction text for the identification phase. This includes an option to print a report with all questions.

This view is registered for PathGhost instead of euphorie.content.survey.ISurvey since the SurveyPublishTraverser generates a PathGhost object for the identification component of the URL.

class euphorie.client.survey.Evaluation(context, request)

Survey evaluation start page.

This view shows the introduction text for the evaluation phase. If the survey allows it an optionn is given to skip the evaluation phase and proceed directly to the action plan phase.

This view is registered for PathGhost instead of euphorie.content.survey.ISurvey since the SurveyPublishTraverser generates a PathGhost object for the evaluation component of the URL.

class euphorie.client.survey.ActionPlan(context, request)

Survey action plan start page.

This view shows the introduction text for the action plan phase.

This view is registered for PathGhost instead of euphorie.content.survey.ISurvey since the SurveyPublishTraverser generates a PathGhost object for the actionplan component of the URL.

class euphorie.client.survey.Status(context, request)

Show survey status information.

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