Source code for ecoxipy.string_output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

:mod:`ecoxipy.string_output` - Building XML Strings

:class:`StringOutput` creates strings of XML.

.. _ecoxipy.string_output.examples:

Usage Example:

>>> xml_output = StringOutput(check_well_formedness=True)
>>> from ecoxipy import MarkupBuilder
>>> b = MarkupBuilder(xml_output)
>>> xml = b[:'section'] (
...     b.section(
...         b.p('Hello World!'),
...         None,
...         b.p(u'äöüß'),
...         b.p(b & '<&>'),
...         b(
...             '<raw/>text',,
...             (str(i) for i in range(3)), (str(i) for i in range(3, 6))
...         ),
...         b | '<This is a comment!>',
...         b['pi-target':'<PI content>'],
...         b['pi-without-content':],
...         attr='\\'"<&>'
...     )
... )
>>> xml == u"""<?xml version="1.0"?>\\n<!DOCTYPE section><section attr="'&quot;&lt;&amp;&gt;"><p>Hello World!</p><p>äöüß</p><p>&lt;&amp;&gt;</p><raw/>text<br/>012345<!--<This is a comment!>--><?pi-target <PI content>?><?pi-without-content?></section>"""

>>> from ecoxipy import XMLWellFormednessException
>>> def catch_not_well_formed(method, *args):
...     try:
...         return getattr(xml_output, method)(*args)
...     except XMLWellFormednessException as e:
...         print(e)
>>> t = catch_not_well_formed(u'document', u'1nvalid-xml-name', None, None, [], True, u'UTF-8')
The value "1nvalid-xml-name" is not a valid XML name.
>>> t = catch_not_well_formed(u'document', u'html', u'"', None, [], True, u'UTF-8')
The value "\\"" is not a valid document type public ID.
>>> t = catch_not_well_formed(u'document', u'html', None, u'"\\'', [], True, u'UTF-8')
The value "\\"'" is not a valid document type system ID.
>>> t = catch_not_well_formed(u'element', u'1nvalid-xml-name', [], {})
The value "1nvalid-xml-name" is not a valid XML name.
>>> t = catch_not_well_formed(u'element', u't', [], {u'1nvalid-xml-name': u'content'})
The value "1nvalid-xml-name" is not a valid XML name.
>>> t = catch_not_well_formed(u'processing_instruction', u'1nvalid-xml-name', None)
The value "1nvalid-xml-name" is not a valid XML processing instruction target.
>>> t = catch_not_well_formed(u'processing_instruction', u'target', u'invalid PI content ?>')
The value "invalid PI content ?>" is not a valid XML processing instruction content because it contains "?>".
>>> t = catch_not_well_formed(u'comment', u'invalid XML comment --')
The value "invalid XML comment --" is not a valid XML comment because it contains "--".

from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr, escape

from ecoxipy import Output, _python2, _unicode, _helpers

[docs]class StringOutput(Output): '''\ An :class:`ecoxipy.Output` implementation which creates XML as strings. :param entities: A mapping of characters to text to replace them with when escaping. :param check_well_formedness: The property :attr:`check_well_formedness` is determined by this value. :type check_well_formedness: :func:`bool` ''' def __init__(self, entities=None, check_well_formedness=False): if entities is None: entities = {} self._entities = entities if bool(check_well_formedness): self._check_name = _helpers.enforce_valid_xml_name self._check_pi_target = _helpers.enforce_valid_pi_target self._check_pi_content = _helpers.enforce_valid_pi_content self._check_comment = _helpers.enforce_valid_comment else: nothing = lambda value: None self._check_name = nothing self._check_pi_target = nothing self._check_pi_content = nothing self._check_comment = nothing self._check_well_formedness = check_well_formedness self._join = u''.join self._format_element = u'<{0}{1}>{2}</{0}>'.format self._format_element_empty = u'<{}{}/>'.format self._format_attribute = u' {}={}'.format self._format_pi = u'<?{}{}?>'.format self._format_comment = u'<!--{}-->'.format self._format_document = u'{}{}{}'.format self._format_xml_declaration = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="{}"?>\n'.format self._xml_declaration_no_encoding = u'<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' self._format_doctype_empty = u'<!DOCTYPE {}>'.format self._format_doctype_public = u'<!DOCTYPE {} PUBLIC "{}">'.format self._format_doctype_system = u'<!DOCTYPE {} SYSTEM {}>'.format self._format_doctype_public_system = u'<!DOCTYPE {} PUBLIC "{}" {}>'.format self._format_doctype_systemid_quotes = u'"{}"'.format self._format_doctype_systemid_apos = u"'{}'".format @property
[docs] def check_well_formedness(self): '''If :const:`True` the nodes will be checked for valid values.''' return self._check_well_formedness
def _prepare_text(self, value): return escape(value, self._entities) def _prepare_attribute(self, name, value): self._check_name(name) return self._format_attribute( self._prepare_text(name), quoteattr(value, self._entities) ) @staticmethod
[docs] def is_native_type(content): '''\ Tests if an object is a :class:`XMLFragment` instance. :returns: :const:`True` for instances having :class:`XMLFragment` as their class, :const:`False` otherwise. ''' return content.__class__ is XMLFragment
[docs] def element(self, name, children, attributes): '''\ Creates an element string. :returns: The element created. :rtype: :class:`XMLFragment` :raises ecoxipy.XMLWellFormednessException: If :attr:`check_well_formedness` is :const:`True` and the ``name`` is not a valid XML name. ''' self._check_name(name) name = self._prepare_text(name) attributes = self._join([ self._prepare_attribute(attr_name, attr_value) for attr_name, attr_value in attributes.items() ]) if len(children) == 0: return XMLFragment(self._format_element_empty(name, attributes)) return XMLFragment(self._format_element(name, attributes, self._join([child for child in children]) ))
[docs] def text(self, content): '''\ Creates text string. :returns: The created text. :rtype: :class:`XMLFragment` ''' return XMLFragment(self._prepare_text(content))
[docs] def comment(self, content): '''\ Creates a comment string. :returns: The created comment. :rtype: :class:`XMLFragment` :raises ecoxipy.XMLWellFormednessException: If :attr:`check_well_formedness` is :const:`True` and ``content`` is not valid. ''' self._check_comment(content) return XMLFragment(self._format_comment(content))
[docs] def processing_instruction(self, target, content): '''\ Creates a processing instruction string. :returns: The created processing instruction. :rtype: :class:`XMLFragment` :raises ecoxipy.XMLWellFormednessException: If :attr:`check_well_formedness` is :const:`True` and either the ``target`` or the ``content`` are not valid. ''' self._check_pi_target(target) if content is not None: self._check_pi_content(content) return XMLFragment(self._format_pi(target, u'' if content is None or len(content) == 0 else u' ' + content ))
[docs] def document(self, doctype_name, doctype_publicid, doctype_systemid, children, omit_xml_declaration, encoding): '''\ Creates a XML document. :returns: The created document. :rtype: :class:`XMLDocument` :raises ecoxipy.XMLWellFormednessException: If :attr:`check_well_formedness` is :const:`True` and the document type's document element name is not a valid XML name, ``doctype_publicid`` is not a valid public ID or ``doctype_systemid`` is not a valid system ID. ''' if omit_xml_declaration: xml_declaration = u'' else: if encoding.upper() == u'UTF-8': xml_declaration = self._xml_declaration_no_encoding else: xml_declaration = self._format_xml_declaration(encoding) if doctype_name is None: doctype = u'' else: if doctype_systemid is not None: if u'"' in doctype_systemid: systemid_creator = self._format_doctype_systemid_apos else: systemid_creator = self._format_doctype_systemid_quotes self._check_name(doctype_name) if doctype_publicid is None and doctype_systemid is None: doctype = self._format_doctype_empty(doctype_name) elif doctype_systemid is None: if self._check_well_formedness: _helpers.enforce_valid_doctype_publicid( doctype_publicid) doctype = self._format_doctype_public( doctype_name, doctype_publicid) elif doctype_publicid is None: if self._check_well_formedness: _helpers.enforce_valid_doctype_systemid( doctype_systemid) doctype = self._format_doctype_system( doctype_name, systemid_creator(doctype_systemid)) else: if self._check_well_formedness: _helpers.enforce_valid_doctype_publicid( doctype_publicid) _helpers.enforce_valid_doctype_systemid( doctype_systemid) doctype = self._format_doctype_public_system( doctype_name, doctype_publicid, systemid_creator(doctype_systemid)) document = self._format_document(xml_declaration, doctype, self._join([child for child in children]) ) return XMLDocument._create(document, encoding)
[docs] def fragment(self, children): '''\ Return a XML fragment created from the children. :rtype: :class:`XMLFragment` ''' return XMLFragment(self._join([child for child in children]))
[docs]class XMLFragment(_unicode): '''\ An XML Unicode string created by :class:`StringOutput`. ''' def __repr__(self): return u'ecoxipy.string_output.XMLFragment({})'.format( _unicode.__repr__(self))
[docs]class XMLDocument(XMLFragment): '''\ An Unicode string representing a XML document created by :class:`StringOutput`. ''' __slots__ = ('_encoding', '_v_encoded') def __repr__(self): return u'ecoxipy.string_output.XMLDocument({}, {})'.format( _unicode.__repr__(self), repr(self._encoding)) @classmethod def _create(cls, value, encoding): instance = XMLDocument(value) instance._encoding = encoding return instance @property
[docs] def encoding(self): '''\ The encoding of the document. ''' return self._encoding
[docs] def encoded(self): '''\ The document encoded with :attr:`encoding`, a byte string. The data of this property is created on first access, further retrieval of this property yields the same object. ''' try: return self._v_encoded except AttributeError: self._v_encoded = self.encode(self._encoding) return self._v_encoded
del Output