Source code for ecoxipy.pyxom.output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`ecoxipy.pyxom.output` - Building PyXOM Structures

:class:`PyXOMOutput` creates structures consisting of
:class:`ecoxipy.pyxom` data.

.. _ecoxipy.pyxom.output.examples:


Creating a document and retrieving the byte string:

>>> from ecoxipy import MarkupBuilder
>>> b = MarkupBuilder()
>>> document = b[:'section':True] (
...     b.article(
...         b.h1(
...             b & '<Example>', # Explicitly insert text
...             data='to quote: <&>"\\''
...         ),
...         b.p(
...             {'umlaut-attribute': u'äöüß'},
...             'Hello', b.em(' World', count=1), '!'
...         ),
...         None,
...         b.div(
...             # Insert elements with special names using subscripts:
...             b['data-element'](u'äöüß <&>'),
...             # Import content by calling the builder:
...             b(
...                 '<p attr="value">raw content</p>Some Text',
...                 # Create an element without calling the creating method:
...       ,
...                 (i for i in range(3))
...             ),
...             (i for i in range(3, 6))
...         ),
...         b | '<This is a comment!>',
...         b['pi-target':'<PI content>'],
...         b['pi-without-content':],
...         lang='en'
...     )
... )
>>> document_string = u"""<!DOCTYPE section><article lang="en"><h1 data="to quote: &lt;&amp;&gt;&quot;'">&lt;Example&gt;</h1><p umlaut-attribute="äöüß">Hello<em count="1"> World</em>!</p><div><data-element>äöüß &lt;&amp;&gt;</data-element><p attr="value">raw content</p>Some Text<br/>012345</div><!--<This is a comment!>--><?pi-target <PI content>?><?pi-without-content?></article>"""
>>> bytes(document) == document_string.encode('UTF-8')

For more examples see :mod:`ecoxipy.pyxom`.

:class:`Output` Implementation

.. autoclass:: ecoxipy.pyxom.output.PyXOMOutput

from ecoxipy import Output, _unicode, pyxom

[docs]class PyXOMOutput(Output): '''\ An :class:`Output` implementation which creates :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.XMLNode` instances and Unicode string instances. :param check_well_formedness: The attribute :attr:`check_well_formedness` is determined by this value. :type check_well_formedness: :func:`bool` ''' def __init__(self, check_well_formedness=False): self._check_well_formedness = bool(check_well_formedness) @property
[docs] def check_well_formedness(self): '''If :const:`True` the nodes will be checked for valid values.''' return self._check_well_formedness
[docs] def is_native_type(content): '''\ Tests if an object has the attribute ``_IS_PYXOM_NODE`` and that this is :const:`True`. :returns: :const:`True` if the object has the attribute ``_IS_PYXOM_NODE`` being :const`True`, :const:`False` otherwise. ''' try: return content._IS_PYXOM_NODE is True except AttributeError: return False
[docs] def element(self, name, children, attributes): '''\ Returns an :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.Element`. :rtype: :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.Element` :raises ecoxipy.XMLWellFormednessException: If :attr:`check_well_formedness` is :const:`True` and the ``name`` is not a valid XML name. ''' return pyxom.Element(name, children, attributes, self._check_well_formedness)
[docs] def text(self, content): '''\ Creates a :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.Text` node. :rtype: :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.Text` ''' return pyxom.Text(content)
[docs] def comment(self, content): '''\ Creates a :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.Comment`. :rtype: :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.Comment` :raises ecoxipy.XMLWellFormednessException: If :attr:`check_well_formedness` is :const:`True` and ``content`` is not valid. ''' return pyxom.Comment(content, self._check_well_formedness)
[docs] def processing_instruction(self, target, content): '''\ Creates a :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.ProcessingInstruction`. :rtype: :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.ProcessingInstruction` :raises ecoxipy.XMLWellFormednessException: If :attr:`check_well_formedness` is :const:`True` and either the ``target`` or the``content`` are not valid. ''' return pyxom.ProcessingInstruction(target, content, self._check_well_formedness)
[docs] def document(self, doctype_name, doctype_publicid, doctype_systemid, children, omit_xml_declaration, encoding): '''\ Creates a :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.Document` instance. :rtype: :class:`ecoxipy.pyxom.Document` :raises ecoxipy.XMLWellFormednessException: If :attr:`check_well_formedness` is :const:`True` and ``doctype_name`` is not a valid XML name, ``doctype_publicid`` is not a valid public ID or ``doctype_systemid`` is not a valid system ID. ''' return pyxom.Document(doctype_name, doctype_publicid, doctype_systemid, children, omit_xml_declaration, encoding, self._check_well_formedness)
del Output