REST /person

GET /person/

List all persons


        "last_name" : "Admin",
        "first_name" : "Admin",
        "id" : 1,
        "birthdate" : "1900-01-01"

????? /account/person/list/by-id/<id>

Result : same as /list with only the person filtered

PUT /person/

Add a person

HTTP content:
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • birthday (optional)

Result : same as GET /person/ with only the person added

POST /person/

Update person

HTTP content:
  • id
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • birthday (optional)

Result : same as GET /person/ with only the person updated

DELETE /person/

Del person (and user account linked if it exists)

HTTP content:
  • id

Result : same as GET /person/ with only the person deleted