========== REST /repo ========== Rest repository allow to upload files to REST server. This files are given an unique id and are downloadable with this id. Exemple ======= Send a file to REST server: :: $ curl --request PUT --data-binary @foo.jpg {"status" : "OK", "code" : 0, "description" : "None", "repository" : [{"file" : "c624fd17-704c-4ed3-a905-12312c2bd29f.jpg"}]} Here, your file will be accessible as ****. Why a repository ? ================== This repository exists for plugins that need to give a file (picture, sound) to user itnerfaces. For example, a vocal message or a text to speech audio file. How can a plugin find repository ? ================================== A plugin doesn't know where is REST. So, it will have to read /etc/domogik/domogik.cfg file to get REST ip and port. API === /repo/put?filename=foo.wav -------------------------- This url is te be called with **PUT** method. **filename** value could be different of real filename, only the extension is important and will be kept. Complete filename is used in log files to keep a trace. REST will answer a Json structure: :: {"status" : "OK", "code" : 0, "description" : "None", "repository" : [{"file" : "c624fd17-704c-4ed3-a905-12312c2bd29f.jpg"}]} **file** is the file id (file name on server and name to use with /repo/get to download file). /repo/get/foo.wav ----------------- This url could be called with GET/OPTIONS or POST method. It will give you the file. In case of error, it will return you a typical REST Json error structure. For example: :: {"status" : "ERROR", "code" : 999, "description" : "You must give a file name : ?filename=foo.txt"} So, you should test mimetype of the data you get before using it ;)