========== Test cases ========== .. todo:: Finish Purpose ======= Yes, * Writing some test cases is time losed for devleoping new features... * Writing some test cases is boring... * Writing some test cases will not impress girls... But, * Writing some test cases is **not** a waste of time! * Wirting some test cases allow to check the package works as expecting, even on minor features on each package release! * Writing some test cases allow ohter people that you to test the package and will give you more time the next time for developing! And moreover, your package will never see the *stable* repository if you don't write some test cases because we consider that a non tested package is not a reliable package. Writing the test cases ====================== Actually the test cases are written on a dedicated tool names *Testlink*. For more informations, send an email on the mailing list or directly ask us on irc. .. todo:: Testlink usage will be describe here.