==================== Generate the package ==================== Check the list of the files =========================== First, check in the :doc:`json file ` if all your package's files are listed. If not, add the missing files. Set a valid version number ========================== Each time you create a new release for a package, you must update its version number (:doc:`see the dedicated page`). Update also the changelog in the :doc:`json file ` with a description of the updates. Set the Domogik min version =========================== When you develop a package or a new feature in a package, this feature may eventually use a new Domogik feature. In this case, you will have to update the :doc:`json file `. Generate the package ==================== From Domogik sources, lauch: :: $ dmg_pkgmgr --create --type Example for the plugin cidmodem: :: $ dmg_pkgmgr --create --type plugin cidmodem Plugin id : cidmodem Xml file OK ---- Package informations ------------------------------- Type : plugin Id : cidmodem Full name : plugin-cidmodem Release : 0.2 Technology : communication Link for doc : http://wiki.domogik.org/plugin_cidmodem Description : Get caller id with a modem : when receiving an incoming call on a classic telephonic line, this plugin gets the incoming call number and send it on xPL. Changelog : 0.2 - adapt plugin for release 0.2 0.1 - plugin creation Author : Fritz Author's email : fritz.smh at gmail.com Domogik min release : 0.2.0 ----- Python dependencies ------------------------------- - {'python': u'pyserial (>=2.5)'} ----- Package files ------------------------------------- - src/share/domogik/plugins/cidmodem.xml - src/share/domogik/stats/communication/cid.basic-cidmodem.xml - src/domogik/xpl/bin/cidmodem.py - src/domogik/xpl/lib/cidmodem.py ----- Package external files ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Are these informations OK ? [o/N]o Generating package : '/tmp/plugin-cidmodem-0.2.tgz' - src/share/domogik/plugins/cidmodem.xml - src/share/domogik/stats/communication/cid.basic-cidmodem.xml - src/domogik/xpl/bin/cidmodem.py - src/domogik/xpl/lib/cidmodem.py - info.xml OK Review your package =================== It is not mandatory (but recommended) that you launch the :doc:`review tool ` on your generated package. This may help you to find issue and to have an idea on which repository will be allowed for your package. How to put the package archive on a repository ============================================== You just need to write an email to *domogik-developers * Email example for the *plugin cidmodem 0.2* : Subject : Package plugin-cidmodem-0.2 File attached : plugin-cidmodem-0.2.tgz Body : Hi, Here is the version 0.2.0 of the plugin cidmodem. It includes : ..... This version is not yet totally functionnal. ... Then, the Domogik team will handle this package and put it on the appropriate repository