DataViewx menusΒΆ
File MENU:
Read Data File
display file browser to select data file to read
Accept Data
working data set copied to main data set
Restore Data
main data set copied to working data set
Write column format
writes current working data set to a file in column-oriented (space-separated value) format
Write comma-separated-value (csv) format
writes current working data set to a file in comma-separated value format
Write piece-wise-linear (pwl) format
writes current working data set to a file in piecewise-linear format
Reorder data
specify columns for re-ordering data set
open a TextWindow to view the working data set
Close window
close dataview window, do not exit decida
Exit DeCiDa
exit decida
Analysis MENU:
print time, signal statistics
open new dataview window with duty-cycle, frequency, period versus time.
Edges: Rise/Fall/Slew
open new dataview window with edge statistics of current signal.
Fourier transform.
clock jitter calculation and dataview window with jitter vs time, etc.
generate eye-diagram plot.
generate oscilloscope plot.
Low-Pass Filter
filter the current signal with a (single-pole) low-pass filter.
Moving Average Filter
filter the current signal with a moving-average filter.
Linear Regression
generate a linear regression line of the current signal.
Quadradic Regression
generate a quadradic regression line of the current signal.
Fourier Expansion
calculate a Fourier expansion up to specified order and generate the fitting curve.
plot a histogram of the current x-column.
generate WAV file
generate a sound file in WAV format using the current signal.
Operations MENU:
specify equation for old or new data column
Analog to Digital
create new data column which is the bus value of a set of bus bits, which are sliced from analog values to digital values.
Add delineator
add a delineator column, which toggles from a very low value to a very high value, whenever another column changes value.
negate x-column
negate y-column
absolute value of x-column
absolute value of y-column
inverse of y-column
difference between adjacent x-column values
differentiate y-column with respect to x-column
integ(y dx)
integrate y-column with respect to x-column
X: Y:
- select current x-column, XCOL and current y-column, YCOL
DataViewx Red Plotting Buttons:
plots YCOL_vs_XCOL curve
plots YCOL_vs_XCOL curve on current plot, overlayed
plots YCOL_vs_XCOL curve on current plot, stacked above last curve
starts new notebook page and plots YCOL_vs_XCOL curve
deletes current notebook page
DataViewx Other Buttons:
Calc Button:
- calculator
Help Button:
- opens help table of contents