Source code for cudapyint.Solver

import numpy as np
import time, math,os

#import as tools
#import pycuda.driver as driver

[docs]class Solver(object): """ 'Abstract' base class for gpu based solver implementations. """ _MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE = 500 _MAXTHREADSPERBLOCK = 64 _WARP_SIZE = 32 _info = False # private variables _compiledKernel = None _completeCode = None _timepoints = None _neq = None _nsystems = None _resultNumber = None # device used # ToDo enable more than default device to be used _device = None # _maxThreadsPerMP = None # _maxBlocksPerMP = None generator = None def __init__(self): """ Constructor for the Solver. """ device = os.getenv("CUDA_DEVICE") if(device==None): self._device = 0 else: self._device = int(device) # compability = driver.Device(self._device).compute_capability() # self._maxThreadsPerMP = utils.getMaxThreadsPerMP(compability) # self._maxBlocksPerMP = utils.getMaxBlocksPerMP(compability) # method for calculating optimal number of blocks and threads per block
[docs] def _getOptimalGPUParam(self, compiledKernel = None): """ Returns the optimal size of blocks and threads for the given compiled source Parameters ---------- compiledKernel : sourceModule The kernel to use to determine the optimal param config :returns: blocks, threads """ if compiledKernel == None: compiledKernel = self._compiledKernel # general parameters # maxThreadsPerBlock = driver.Device(self._device).max_threads_per_block # calculate number of threads per block; assuming that registers are the limiting factor #maxThreads = min(driver.Device(self._device).max_registers_per_block/compiledKernel.num_regs,maxThreadsPerBlock) # assume smaller blocksize creates less overhead; ignore occupancy.. maxThreads = min(driver.Device(self._device).max_registers_per_block/compiledKernel.num_regs, self._MAXTHREADSPERBLOCK) maxWarps = maxThreads / self._WARP_SIZE # warp granularity up to compability 2.0 is 2. Therefore if maxWarps is uneven only maxWarps-1 warps # can be run #if(maxWarps % 2 == 1): #maxWarps -= 1 # maximum number of threads per block threads = maxWarps * self._WARP_SIZE # assign number of blocks if (self._nsystems%threads == 0): blocks = self._nsystems/threads else: blocks = self._nsystems/threads + 1 return blocks, threads
[docs] def solve(self, y0, t, args=None, timing=False, info=False, write_code=False, full_output=False, **kwargs): """ Integrate a system of ordinary differential equations. Solves the initial value problem for stiff or non-stiff systems of first order ode-s:: dy/dt = func(y,t0,...) where y can be a vector. Parameters: y0 : array Initial condition on y (can be a vector). t : array A sequence of time points for which to solve for y. The initial value point should be the first element of this sequence. args : array Extra arguments to pass to function. full_output : boolean True if to return a dictionary of optional outputs as the second output use_jacobian: bool Flag indicating if a jacobian matrix is provided. Requires an implementation in the kernel rtol, atol : float The input parameters rtol and atol determine the error control performed by the solver. The solver will control the vector, e, of estimated local errors in y, according to an inequality of the form ``max-norm of (e / ewt) <= 1``, where ewt is a vector of positive error weights computed as: ``ewt = rtol * abs(y) + atol`` rtol and atol can be either vectors the same length as y or scalars. Defaults to 1.49012e-8. h0 : float, (0: solver-determined) The step size to be attempted on the first step. mxstep : integer, (0: solver-determined) Maximum number of (internally defined) steps allowed for each integration point in t. :returns: y : array, shape (len(t), len(y0)) Array containing the value of y for each desired time in t, with the initial value y0 in the first row. infodict : dict, only returned if full_output == True Dictionary containing additional output information ========= ============================================================ key meaning ========= ============================================================ 'message' message representing state of system 'system' index of system 'nst' cumulative number of time steps 'nfe' cumulative number of function evaluations for each time step 'nje' cumulative number of jacobian evaluations for each time step ========= ============================================================ """ self._info = info self._nsystems=y0.shape[0] self._neq = y0.shape[1] self._timepoints = np.array(t,dtype=np.float32) self._resultNumber = len(t) if(self._compiledKernel == None): #compile to determine blocks and threads if timing: start = time.time() self._completeCode, self._compiledKernel = self._compile(write_code) if timing: print("CudaPyInt: compiling kernel took: {0} s").format(round((time.time()-start),4)) blocks, threads = self._getOptimalGPUParam() if info: print("CudaPyInt: threads: {0}, blocks: {1}").format(threads, blocks) print("CudaPyInt: kernel mem local: {0}, shared: {1}, registers: {2}").format(self._compiledKernel.local_size_bytes, self._compiledKernel.shared_size_bytes, self._compiledKernel.num_regs) occ = tools.OccupancyRecord( tools.DeviceData(), threads=threads, shared_mem=self._compiledKernel.shared_size_bytes, registers=self._compiledKernel.num_regs ) print("CudaPyInt: threadblocks per mp: {0}, limit: {1}, occupancy:{2}").format(occ.tb_per_mp, occ.limited_by, occ.occupancy) if timing: start = time.time() # number of device calls runs = int(math.ceil(blocks / float(self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE))) for i in range(runs): # for last device call calculate number of remaining threads to run if(i==runs-1): runblocks = int(blocks % self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE) if(runblocks == 0): runblocks = self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE else: runblocks = int(self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE) if info: print("CudaPyInt: Run {0} blocks.").format(runblocks) minIndex = self._MAXBLOCKSPERDEVICE*i*threads maxIndex = minIndex + threads*runblocks runParameters = args[minIndex:maxIndex] runInitValues = y0[minIndex:maxIndex] values, outputs = self._solve_internal(runInitValues, runParameters, runblocks, threads, full_output=full_output, **kwargs) if(i==0): returnValue = values returnOutputs = outputs else: returnValue = np.append(returnValue,values,axis=0) returnOutputs = np.append(returnOutputs,outputs,axis=0) if timing: print("CudaPyInt: GPU blocks: {0}, threads: {1}, systems: {2}, running time: {3}s").format(blocks, threads, self._nsystems, round((time.time()-start),4)) if full_output: return returnValue, returnOutputs return returnValue