Source code for cudapyint.ODESolver

import cudapyint.CulsodaCodeGenerator as generator
import cudapyint.Solver as solver
import cudapyint.PyCudaUtils as utils

#import pycuda.driver as driver
#from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
#import pycuda.autoinit

import numpy as np

[docs]class ODESolver(solver.Solver): """ Solver implementation to solve ODE using CULSODA. Manages the compilation and execution of the CUDA kernel """ IN_ISTATE_FIRST_CALL = 1 IN_ISTATE_CONTIUNE = 2 OUT_ISTATE_NOTHING_DONE = 1 OUT_ISTATE_SUCCESSFULL = 2 OUT_ISTATE_EXCESSIVE_WORK = -1 _MSGS = {OUT_ISTATE_NOTHING_DONE: "nothing was done; TOUT = T", OUT_ISTATE_SUCCESSFULL: "Integration successful.", OUT_ISTATE_EXCESSIVE_WORK: "Excess work done on this call (perhaps wrong Dfun type).", -2: "Excess accuracy requested (tolerances too small).", -3: "Illegal input detected (internal error).", -4: "Repeated error test failures (internal error).", -5: "Repeated convergence failures (perhaps bad Jacobian or tolerances).", -6: "Error weight became zero during problem.", -7: "Internal workspace insufficient to finish (internal error)." } _CULSODA_FILE_NAME = "" _CULSODA_MAIN_FILE_NAME = "" _KERNEL_NAME = "cuLsoda" _INIT_KERNEL_NAME = "init_common" _ARGS_TEX_NAME = "args_tex" _SOURCE_FILE_NAME = ""
[docs] def __init__(self, cudaCodePath, constants, compile_options=None): """ Constructor for the ode solver. Parameters ---------- cudaCodePath : string Path to the cuda kernel. constants : dict Dictionary containing constants value used for the integration. Supported values are: int, float, numpy.float32, numpy.float64, numpy.array compile_options : list 8optional) List of options passed to the compiler """ super(ODESolver, self).__init__() self.cudaCodePath = cudaCodePath self.constants = constants self.compile_options = compile_options self.generator = generator.CulsodaCodeGenerator(cudaCodePath, self.constants, self._CULSODA_FILE_NAME, self._CULSODA_MAIN_FILE_NAME, self._ARGS_TEX_NAME)
[docs] def _compile(self, write_code): """ Generates and compiles the cuda kernel. Parameters ---------- write_code : bool True if the generated code should be written to the disk """ if self._info: print("CudaPyInt: compiling cuda code using {0}").format(self.cudaCodePath) options = [] if(self.compile_options is not None): options = options + self.compile_options code = self.generator.generate(write_code=write_code) # dummy compile to determine optimal blockSize and gridSize sourceModule = self._compileSourceModule(code, options) blocks, threads = self._getOptimalGPUParam(sourceModule.get_function(self._KERNEL_NAME)) #real compile code = self.generator.generate(neq=self._neq, blocks=blocks, threads=threads, write_code=write_code) sourceModule = self._compileSourceModule(code, options) self._d_args = sourceModule.get_texref(self._ARGS_TEX_NAME) lsodaKernel = sourceModule.get_function(self._KERNEL_NAME) if self._info: print("CudaPyInt: compiling done") return (sourceModule, lsodaKernel)
[docs] def _compileSourceModule(self, code, options): """ Compiles the given code with pycuda using the given options. Parameters ---------- code : string valid CUDA C code to compile options : list List of options passed to the compiler """ return pycuda.compiler.SourceModule(code, nvcc="nvcc", options=options, no_extern_c=True)
[docs] def _solve_internal(self, initValues, args, blocks, threads, full_output=False, use_jacobian=False, in_atol=1e-12, in_rtol=1e-6, mxstep=500, h0=0.0): """ Integrates the ODE system for the current blocks. Initializes all required fields on the host and device, executes the gpu computations and returns the integrated values. Parameters ---------- initValues : array Values of y at t0 args : array Array of arguments used for the integration. blocks : int Number of threadblocks to launch threads : int Number of threads to launch per block fulll_output : bool (optional) True if to return a dictionary of optional outputs as the second output use_jacobian : bool (optional) True if a jacobian is provided and should be used for the integration rtol, atol : float (optional) Used for error control mxstep : integer, (0: solver-determined) Maximum number of (internally defined) steps h0 : float, (0: solver-determined) The step size to be attempted on the first step. """ totalThreads = threads * blocks experiments = len(args) init_common_Kernel = self._completeCode.get_function(self._INIT_KERNEL_NAME) init_common_Kernel( block=(threads,1,1), grid=(blocks,1) ) # output array ret_xt = np.zeros( [totalThreads, self._resultNumber, self._neq] ) # calculate sizes of work spaces isize = np.int_(20 + self._neq) rsize = np.int_(22 + self._neq * max(16, self._neq + 9)) # local variables t = np.zeros( [totalThreads], dtype=np.float64) jt = np.zeros( [1], dtype=np.int32) neq = np.zeros( [1], dtype=np.int32) itol = np.zeros( [1], dtype=np.int32) iopt = np.zeros( [1], dtype=np.int32) rtol = np.zeros( [1], dtype=np.float64) #iout = np.zeros( [totalThreads], dtype=np.int32) tout = np.zeros( [totalThreads], dtype=np.float64) itask = np.zeros( [1], dtype=np.int32) istate = np.zeros( [totalThreads], dtype=np.int32) atol = np.ones( [self._neq], dtype=np.float64)*in_atol liw = np.zeros( [1], dtype=np.int32) lrw = np.zeros( [1], dtype=np.int32) iwork = np.zeros( [isize*totalThreads], dtype=np.int32) rwork = np.zeros( [rsize*totalThreads], dtype=np.float64) y = np.zeros( [self._neq*totalThreads], dtype=np.float64) neq[0] = self._neq itol[0] = 2 rtol[0] = in_rtol iopt[0] = 0 liw[0] = isize lrw[0] = rsize if(use_jacobian): #1=with jacobian, 2 without jt[0] = 1 else: jt[0] = 2 itask[0] = 4 t[0:totalThreads] = self._timepoints[0] istate[0:totalThreads] = self.IN_ISTATE_FIRST_CALL for i in range(totalThreads): iwork[i*isize+5]=mxstep rwork[i*rsize+4]=h0 rwork[i*rsize+0]=self._timepoints[len(self._timepoints)-1] try: # initial conditions for j in range(self._neq): y[i*self._neq + j] = initValues[i][j] ret_xt[i, 0, j] = initValues[i][j] except IndexError: pass # allocate on device d_t = driver.mem_alloc(t.size * t.dtype.itemsize) d_jt = driver.mem_alloc(jt.size * jt.dtype.itemsize) d_neq = driver.mem_alloc(neq.size * neq.dtype.itemsize) d_liw = driver.mem_alloc(liw.size * liw.dtype.itemsize) d_lrw = driver.mem_alloc(lrw.size * lrw.dtype.itemsize) d_itol = driver.mem_alloc(itol.size * itol.dtype.itemsize) d_iopt = driver.mem_alloc(iopt.size * iopt.dtype.itemsize) d_rtol = driver.mem_alloc(rtol.size * rtol.dtype.itemsize) #d_iout = driver.mem_alloc(iout.size * iout.dtype.itemsize) d_tout = driver.mem_alloc(tout.size * tout.dtype.itemsize) d_itask = driver.mem_alloc(itask.size * itask.dtype.itemsize) d_istate = driver.mem_alloc(istate.size * istate.dtype.itemsize) d_y = driver.mem_alloc(y.size * y.dtype.itemsize) d_atol = driver.mem_alloc(atol.size * atol.dtype.itemsize) d_iwork = driver.mem_alloc(iwork.size * iwork.dtype.itemsize) d_rwork = driver.mem_alloc(rwork.size * rwork.dtype.itemsize) d_isize = driver.mem_alloc(isize.dtype.itemsize) d_rsize = driver.mem_alloc(rsize.dtype.itemsize) # copy to device driver.memcpy_htod(d_t, t) driver.memcpy_htod(d_jt, jt) driver.memcpy_htod(d_neq, neq) driver.memcpy_htod(d_liw, liw) driver.memcpy_htod(d_lrw, lrw) driver.memcpy_htod(d_itol, itol) driver.memcpy_htod(d_iopt, iopt) driver.memcpy_htod(d_rtol, rtol) #driver.memcpy_htod(d_iout, iout) driver.memcpy_htod(d_tout, tout) driver.memcpy_htod(d_itask, itask) driver.memcpy_htod(d_istate, istate) driver.memcpy_htod(d_y, y) driver.memcpy_htod(d_atol, atol) driver.memcpy_htod(d_iwork, iwork) driver.memcpy_htod(d_rwork, rwork) driver.memcpy_htod(d_isize, np.int_(isize)) driver.memcpy_htod(d_rsize, np.int_(rsize)) height = 0 #copy arguemnts if(args is not None): height, width = args.shape param = np.zeros((totalThreads,width),dtype=np.float32) param[0:height]=args[0:height] # parameter texture ary = utils.create_2D_array(param) utils.copy2D_host_to_array(ary, param, width*4, totalThreads ) self._d_args.set_array(ary) self._copy_constants() outputs = [[]] * height #prepare outputs if full_output: for i in xrange(height): outputs[i] = {"system": i, "nst":[], "nfe":[], "nje":[], } #run integrations for every timestep for i in range(0,self._resultNumber): tout = np.ones( [totalThreads], dtype=np.float64)*self._timepoints[i] driver.memcpy_htod( d_tout, tout ) self._compiledKernel( d_neq, d_y, d_t, d_tout, d_itol, d_rtol, d_atol, d_itask, d_istate, d_iopt, d_rwork, d_lrw, d_iwork, d_liw, d_jt, d_isize, d_rsize, block=(threads,1,1), grid=(blocks,1) ); driver.Context.synchronize() driver.memcpy_dtoh(t, d_t) driver.memcpy_dtoh(y, d_y) driver.memcpy_dtoh(istate, d_istate) driver.memcpy_dtoh(iwork, d_iwork) if full_output: for k in xrange(len(args)): outputs[k]["nst"].append(iwork[k*isize+10]) outputs[k]["nfe"].append(iwork[k*isize+11]) outputs[k]["nje"].append(iwork[k*isize+12]) #print "Stop at t=",t[k]," Number of Steps: ",iwork[k*isize+10], "state is:", istate[k] #print "---------" #1=nothing was done, 2 int done if(all(istate[0:len(args)]==self.OUT_ISTATE_NOTHING_DONE) or all(istate[0:len(args)]==self.OUT_ISTATE_SUCCESSFULL)): for j in range(totalThreads): for k in range(self._neq): ret_xt[j, i, k] = y[j*self._neq + k] #means an excessive amount of work if(any(istate[0:len(args)]==self.OUT_ISTATE_EXCESSIVE_WORK)): break if full_output: for i in xrange(height): outputs[i]["message"] = self._MSGS[istate[i]] return self._post_process_results(ret_xt, outputs, experiments, blocks, threads, full_output) #return ret_xt[0:experiments], outputs
[docs] def _post_process_results(self, ret_xt, outputs, experiments, blocks, threads, full_output): """ Template method to post process the results Parameters ---------- ret_xt : array Values of the integrated ODE's output : array Additional outputs experiments : int Number of ode systems blocks : int Number of executed blocks threads : int Number of executed threads per block full_output : bool True if additional output is required """ return ret_xt[0:experiments], outputs
[docs] def _copy_constants(self): """ Copies the constants from the host to the device using PyCuda """ for key in self.constants: field,_ = self._completeCode.get_global(key) value = self.constants[key] if(type(value) is float): value = np.float_(value) elif(type(value) is int): value = np.int_(value) driver.memcpy_htod(field, value)