Source code for cudapyint.CodeGenerator

import numpy as np

_SUPPORTED_SIMPLE_TYPES = [int, float, np.float32, np.float64]
_SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES = [type(np.array([]))]

_CONSTANT_KEY_WORD = "__constant__ "
_DEVICE_KEY_WORD = "__device__ "

[docs]class CodeGenerator(object): """ Abstract code generator. Provides function for type conversion and file persisting """ _SOURCE_FILE_NAME = "" _DATA_TYPES ={int: "int", float: "double", np.float32: "float", np.float64: "double", np.dtype(np.float32): "float", np.dtype(np.float64): "double"}
[docs] def __init__(self, cudaCodePath, constants): """ Constructor for the ode solver. Parameters ---------- cudaCodePath : string Path to the cuda kernel. constants : dict Dictionary containing constants value used for the integration. Supported values are: int, float, numpy.float32, numpy.float64, numpy.array """ self.constants = constants self.cudaCode = open(cudaCodePath,'r').read()
[docs] def _writeCode(self, code): """ Writes the given code to the disk Parameters ---------- code : string The code to be written """ out = open(self._SOURCE_FILE_NAME,'w') print >>out, code
[docs] def _create_constants_fields(self): """ Generates CUDA C code to store the constants. The Python structures are automatically converted in C structures. See _SUPPORTED_DATA_TYPES for the supported data types :returns: Generated code for constants """ constants = "" for key in self.constants: values = self.constants[key] assert type(values) in _SUPPORTED_DATA_TYPES, "The provided data type is not supported. Type " + str(type(values)) + " supported "+str(_SUPPORTED_DATA_TYPES) if(type(values) in _SUPPORTED_SIMPLE_TYPES): constants += _CONSTANT_KEY_WORD + self._DATA_TYPES[type(values)] +" " + key + ";\n" else: constants += _CONSTANT_KEY_WORD + self._DATA_TYPES[values.dtype] +" " + key + "[" + repr(len(values)) + "];\n" constants += _DEVICE_KEY_WORD + "int " + key + "_len = " + repr(len(values)) + ";\n\n" constants += "\n" return constants