# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Samuel Damashek, Peter Foley, James Forcier, Srijay Kasturi, Reed Koser, Christopher Reffett, and Fox Wilson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
# USA.
import json
import re
import string
from html import escape, unescape
from random import choice, randint, random, randrange
from lxml import etree, html
from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_string
from requests import get, post
from .tokens import token_cache
slogan_cache = []
[docs]def gen_removevowels(msg):
return re.sub('[aeiouy]', '', msg, flags=re.I)
[docs]def gen_word():
return get('http://randomword.setgetgo.com/get.php').text.strip()
[docs]def gen_hashtag(msg):
msg = "".join([x.strip() for x in msg.split()])
return '#' + msg.translate(dict.fromkeys(map(ord, string.punctuation)))
[docs]def gen_yoda(msg):
req = post("http://www.yodaspeak.co.uk/index.php", data={'YodaMe': msg})
return html.fromstring(req.content.decode(errors='ignore')).findtext('.//textarea[@readonly]').strip()
[docs]def gen_gizoogle(msg):
req = post("http://www.gizoogle.net/textilizer.php", data={'translatetext': escape(msg).encode('utf-7')})
# This mess is needed because gizoogle has a malformed textarea, so the text isn't within the tag
response = unescape(html.tostring(html.fromstring(req.text).find('.//textarea')).decode('utf-7')).strip()
response = re.sub(".*</textarea>", '', response)
return unescape(response)
[docs]def gen_shakespeare(msg):
# Originally from http://www.shmoop.com/shakespeare-translator/
table = json.loads(resource_string(Requirement.parse('CslBot'), 'cslbot/static/shakespeare-dictionary.json').decode())
replist = reversed(sorted(table.keys(), key=len))
pattern = re.compile(r'\b(' + '|'.join(replist) + r')\b', re.I)
# Normalize text to hopefully match more words.
result = pattern.sub(lambda x: table[x.group().lower()], transform_text(msg))
return result
[docs]def gen_praise(msg):
praise = get_praise()
while not praise:
praise = get_praise()
return '%s: %s' % (msg, praise)
[docs]def get_praise():
doc = html.fromstring(get('http://www.madsci.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~lynn/jardin/SCG').text)
return doc.find('body/center/h2').text.replace('\n', ' ').strip()
[docs]def gen_fwilson(x, mode=None):
if x.lower().startswith('fwil'):
mode = 'w'
if mode is None:
mode = 'w' if random() < 0.5 else 'f'
if mode == 'w':
output = "wh%s %s" % ('e' * randrange(3, 20), x)
return output.upper()
output = ['fwil%s' % q for q in x.split()]
output = ' '.join(output)
return output.lower()
[docs]def gen_creffett(msg):
return '\x02\x038,04%s!!!' % msg.upper()
[docs]def gen_slogan(msg):
# Originally from sloganizer.com
if not slogan_cache:
slogan_cache.extend(resource_string(Requirement.parse('CslBot'), 'cslbot/static/slogans').decode().splitlines())
return re.sub('%s', msg, choice(slogan_cache))
[docs]def gen_morse(msg):
morse_codes = {"a": ".-", "b": "-...", "c": "-.-.", "d": "-..", "e": ".", "f": "..-.",
"g": "--.", "h": "....", "i": "..", "j": ".---", "k": "-.-", "l": ".-..",
"m": "--", "n": "-.", "o": "---", "p": ".--.", "q": "--.-", "r": ".-.",
"s": "...", "t": "-", "u": "..-", "v": "...-", "w": ".--", "x": "-..-",
"y": "-.--", "z": "--..", "1": ".----", "2": "..---", "3": "...--",
"4": "....-", "5": ".....", "6": "-....", "7": "--...", "8": "---..",
"9": "----.", "0": "-----", " ": " ", ".": ".-.-.-", ",": "--..--",
"?": "..--..", "'": ".----.", "!": "-.-.--", "/": "-..-.", "(": "-.--.",
")": "-.--.-", "&": ".-...", ":": "---...", ";": "-.-.-.", "=": "-...-",
"+": ".-.-.", "-": "-....-", "_": "..--.-", '"': ".-..-.", "$": "...-..-", "@": ".--.-."}
morse = ""
for i in msg.lower():
if i in morse_codes:
morse += morse_codes[i] + " "
morse += "? "
return morse
[docs]def gen_insult(user):
adj = [
"acidic", "antique", "contemptible", "culturally-unsound",
"despicable", "evil", "fermented", "festering", "foul", "fulminating",
"humid", "impure", "inept", "inferior", "industrial", "left-over",
"low-quality", "malodorous", "off-color", "penguin-molesting",
"petrified", "pointy-nosed", "salty", "sausage-snorfling", "tastless",
"tempestuous", "tepid", "tofu-nibbling", "unintelligent", "unoriginal",
"uninspiring", "weasel-smelling", "wretched", "spam-sucking",
"egg-sucking", "decayed", "halfbaked", "infected", "squishy", "porous",
"pickled", "coughed-up", "thick", "vapid", "hacked-up", "unmuzzleld",
"bawdy", "vain", "lumpish", "churlish", "fobbing", "rank", "craven",
"puking", "jarring", "fly-bitten", "pox-marked", "fen-sucked",
"spongy", "droning", "gleeking", "warped", "currish", "milk-livered",
"surly", "mammering", "ill-borne", "beef-witted", "tickle-brained",
"half-faced", "headless", "wayward", "rump-fed", "onion-eyed",
"beslubbering", "villainous", "lewd-minded", "cockered", "full-gorged",
"rude-snouted", "crook-pated", "pribbling", "dread-bolted",
"fool-born", "puny", "fawning", "sheep-biting", "dankish", "goatish",
"weather-bitten", "knotty-pated", "malt-wormy", "saucyspleened",
"motley-mind", "it-fowling", "vassal-willed", "loggerheaded",
"clapper-clawed", "frothy", "ruttish", "clouted", "common-kissing",
"pignutted", "folly-fallen", "plume-plucked", "flap-mouthed",
"swag-bellied", "dizzy-eyed", "gorbellied", "weedy", "reeky",
"measled", "spur-galled", "mangled", "impertinent", "bootless",
"toad-spotted", "hasty-witted", "horn-beat", "yeasty", "boil-brained",
"tottering", "hedge-born", "hugger-muggered", "elf-skinned"]
amt = [
"accumulation", "bucket", "coagulation", "enema-bucketful", "gob",
"half-mouthful", "heap", "mass", "mound", "petrification", "pile",
"puddle", "stack", "thimbleful", "tongueful", "ooze", "quart", "bag",
"plate", "ass-full", "assload"]
noun = [
"bat toenails", "bug spit", "cat hair", "chicken piss", "dog vomit",
"dung", "fat-woman's stomach-bile", "fish heads", "guano", "gunk",
"pond scum", "rat retch", "red dye number-9", "Sun IPC manuals",
"waffle-house grits", "yoo-hoo", "dog balls", "seagull puke",
"cat bladders", "pus", "urine samples", "squirrel guts",
"snake assholes", "snake bait", "buzzard gizzards", "cat-hair-balls",
"rat-farts", "pods", "armadillo snouts", "entrails", "snake snot",
"eel ooze", "slurpee-backwash", "toxic waste", "Stimpy-drool", "poopy",
"poop", "craptacular carpet droppings", "jizzum", "cold sores",
"anal warts"]
msg = '%s is a %s %s of %s.' % (user, choice(adj), choice(amt), choice(noun))
return msg
[docs]def char_to_bin(c):
i = ord(c)
n = 8
# We need to be able to handle wchars
if i > 1 << 8:
n = 16
if i > 1 << 16:
n = 32
ret = ""
for _ in range(n):
ret += str(i & 1)
i >>= 1
return ret[::-1]
[docs]def gen_binary(text):
return "".join(map(char_to_bin, text))
[docs]def gen_xkcd_sub(msg, hook=False):
# http://xkcd.com/1288/
substitutions = {'witnesses': 'these dudes I know',
'allegedly': 'kinda probably', 'new study': 'tumblr post',
'rebuild': 'avenge', 'space': 'SPAAAAAACCCEEEEE',
'google glass': 'virtual boy', 'smartphone': 'pokedex',
'electric': 'atomic', 'senator': 'elf-lord', 'car': 'cat',
'election': 'eating contest', 'congressional leaders':
'river spirits', 'homeland security': 'homestar runner',
'could not be reached for comment':
'is guilty and everyone knows it'}
# http://xkcd.com/1031/
substitutions['keyboard'] = 'leopard'
# http://xkcd.com/1418/
substitutions['force'] = 'horse'
output = msg
if not hook or random() < 0.001 or True:
for text, replacement in substitutions.items():
if text in output:
output = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % text, replacement, output)
output = re.sub(r'(.*)(?:-ass )(.*)', r'\1 ass-\2', output)
if msg == output:
return None if hook else msg
return output
[docs]def reverse(msg):
return msg[::-1]
[docs]def gen_lenny(msg):
return "%s ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" % msg
[docs]def gen_shibe(msg):
topics = msg.split() if msg else [gen_word()]
reaction = 'wow'
adverbs = ['so', 'such', 'very', 'much', 'many']
for i in topics:
reaction += ' %s %s' % (choice(adverbs), i)
quotes = ['omg', 'amaze', 'nice', 'clap', 'cool', 'doge', 'shibe', 'ooh']
for i in range(randint(1, 2)):
reaction += ' %s' % choice(quotes)
reaction += ' wow'
return reaction
[docs]def gen_underscore(msg):
return msg.replace(' ', '_').lower()
[docs]def transform_text(msg):
# Don't die if no api key
if token_cache['translate'] == 'invalid':
return msg
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token_cache['translate']}
data = get('http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V3/json/TransformText', params={'language': 'en', 'sentence': msg}, headers=headers).json()
return data['sentence'] if data['ec'] == 0 else data['em']
[docs]def gen_translate(msg, outputlang='en'):
# Don't die if no api key
if token_cache['translate'] == 'invalid':
return msg
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token_cache['translate']}
req = get('http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Http.svc/Translate', params={'text': transform_text(msg), 'to': outputlang}, headers=headers)
xml = etree.fromstring(req.content)
if xml.tag == 'html':
doc = ' '.join(xml.itertext())
doc = ' '.join(doc.splitlines())
return "An error occurred: %s" % doc
return xml.text
[docs]def gen_random_translate(msg):
# Don't die if no api key
if token_cache['translate'] == 'invalid':
return msg
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % token_cache['translate'], 'Content-Type': 'text/xml'}
langs = get('http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Http.svc/GetLanguagesForTranslate', headers=headers)
names = post('http://api.microsofttranslator.com/V2/Http.svc/GetLanguageNames', params={'locale': 'en'}, data=langs.text, headers=headers)
langs_xml = etree.fromstring(langs.content)
names_xml = etree.fromstring(names.content)
langs = {langs_xml[x].text: names_xml[x].text for x in range(len(langs_xml))}
# No point in english->english
del langs['en']
# This Klingon variant seems to royally screw-up terminals.
del langs['tlh-Qaak']
outputlang = choice(list(langs.keys()))
translation = gen_translate(msg, outputlang)
return "%s (%s)" % (translation, langs[outputlang])
[docs]def append_filters(filters):
filter_list = []
for next_filter in filter(None, filters.split(',')):
if next_filter in output_filters.keys():
return None, "Invalid filter %s." % next_filter
return filter_list, "Okay!"
[docs]def gen_randfilter(msg):
randfilter = choice(list(output_filters.values()))
return randfilter(msg)
output_filters = {
"passthrough": lambda x: x,
"hashtag": gen_hashtag,
"fwilson": gen_fwilson,
"creffett": gen_creffett,
"slogan": gen_slogan,
"insult": gen_insult,
"morse": gen_morse,
"removevowels": gen_removevowels,
"binary": gen_binary,
"xkcd": gen_xkcd_sub,
"praise": gen_praise,
"reverse": reverse,
"lenny": gen_lenny,
"yoda": gen_yoda,
"gizoogle": gen_gizoogle,
"shakespeare": gen_shakespeare,
"bard": gen_shakespeare,
"shibe": gen_shibe,
"underscore": gen_underscore,
"translate": gen_translate,
"randtrans": gen_random_translate,
"randfilter": gen_randfilter