Source code for cslbot.helpers.server

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Samuel Damashek, Peter Foley, James Forcier, Srijay Kasturi, Reed Koser, Christopher Reffett, and Fox Wilson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

import socketserver

from . import backtrace, reloader

Welcome to the IRCbot console.
Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Samuel Damashek, Peter Foley, James Forcier, Srijay Kasturi, Reed Koser, Christopher Reffett, and Fox Wilson
Licensed under the GNU GPL version 2.

Type "help" for a list of commands.
HELP = """
help\t\t\tshow this help
admins\t\t\tshow the list of admins
reload\t\t\treload the bot
raw\t\t\tenter raw mode
endraw\t\t\texit raw mode
quit\t\t\tquit the console session

[docs]def init_server(bot): port = bot.config.getint('core', 'serverport') try: server = BotNetServer(('localhost', port), BotNetHandler) except OSError as ex: bot.shutdown_mp() if ex.errno == 98: raise Exception("Please make sure that there is no other service running on port %d" % port) else: raise ex = bot bot.handler.workers.start_thread(server.serve_forever) return server
[docs]class BotNetServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True
[docs]class BotNetHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
[docs] def get_data(self): size = 4096 msg = "".encode() while True: data = self.request.recv(size) msg += data if len(data) != size: break return msg.decode()
[docs] def handle_cmd(self, cmd, bot, send): if cmd[0] == "help": send(HELP) elif cmd[0] == "admins": admins = ", ".join(bot.handler.admins.keys()) send("%s\n" % admins) elif cmd[0] == "reload": cmdargs = cmd[1] if len(cmd) > 1 else '' ctrlchan = bot.config['core']['ctrlchan'] bot.reload_event.set() if reloader.do_reload(bot, ctrlchan, cmdargs, send): bot.server = init_server(bot) bot.reload_event.clear() send("Aye Aye Capt'n\n") bot.connection.privmsg(ctrlchan, "Aye Aye Capt'n (triggered from server)") self.request.close() return False elif cmd[0] == "raw": while cmd[0] != "endraw": send("ircbot-raw> ") cmd = self.get_data().strip() if cmd == "endraw": return False bot.handler.connection.send_raw(cmd) elif cmd[0] == "quit": send("Goodbye.\n") self.request.close() return False else: send("Unknown command. Type help for more info.\n") return True
[docs] def handle(self): try: def send(msg): self.request.send(msg.encode()) bot = send("Password: ") msg = self.get_data().splitlines() ctrlpass = bot.config['auth']['ctrlpass'] if not msg or msg[0].strip() != ctrlpass: send("Incorrect password.\n") self.request.close() return if len(msg) > 1: msg = list(reversed(msg[1:])) end = len(msg) send("\n") else: send(WELCOME) end = 0 while True: if end: cmd = msg[end - 1].strip().split() end -= 1 else: try: send("ircbot> ") cmd = self.get_data().strip().split() except BrokenPipeError: # connection has been closed return if not cmd: continue if not self.handle_cmd(cmd, bot, send): break except Exception as ex: msg, _ = backtrace.output_traceback(ex) ctrlchan = bot.config['core']['ctrlchan'] send('%s\n' % msg) bot.connection.privmsg(ctrlchan, msg)