# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Samuel Damashek, Peter Foley, James Forcier, Srijay Kasturi, Reed Koser, Christopher Reffett, and Fox Wilson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
# USA.
import base64
import collections
import copy
import functools
import logging
import random
import re
import threading
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from irc import modes
from . import (admin, arguments, command, control, hook, identity, misc, orm,
sql, textutils, tokens, workers)
[docs]class BotHandler():
def __init__(self, config, connection, channels, confdir):
""" Set everything up.
| kick_enabled controls whether the bot will kick people or not.
| caps is a array of the nicks who have abused capslock.
| abuselist is a dict keeping track of how many times nicks have used
| rate-limited commands.
| modules is a dict containing the commands the bot supports.
| confdir is the path to the directory where the bot's config is stored.
| db - Is a db wrapper for data storage.
self.connection = connection
self.channels = channels
self.config = config
self.db = sql.Sql(config, confdir)
self.workers = workers.Workers(self)
self.caps = []
self.guarded = []
self.admins = {nick.strip(): None for nick in config['auth']['admins'].split(',')}
self.voiced = collections.defaultdict(dict)
self.opers = collections.defaultdict(dict)
self.features = {'account-notify': False, 'extended-join': False, 'whox': False}
start = datetime.now()
self.uptime = {'start': start, 'reloaded': start}
self.abuselist = {}
self.ping_map = {}
self.outputfilter = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.kick_enabled = True
self.who_map = {}
self.flood_lock = threading.Lock()
self.data_lock = threading.RLock()
self.last_msg_time = datetime.now()
self.confdir = confdir
self.log_to_ctrlchan = False
[docs] def get_data(self):
"""Saves the handler's data for :func:`bot.IrcBot.do_reload`"""
data = {}
data['caps'] = self.caps[:]
data['guarded'] = self.guarded[:]
data['admins'] = self.admins.copy()
data['voiced'] = copy.deepcopy(self.voiced)
data['opers'] = copy.deepcopy(self.opers)
data['features'] = self.features.copy()
data['uptime'] = self.uptime.copy()
data['abuselist'] = self.abuselist.copy()
return data
[docs] def set_data(self, data):
"""Called from :func:`bot.IrcBot.do_reload` to restore the handler's data."""
for key, val in data.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
self.uptime['reloaded'] = datetime.now()
[docs] def update_authstatus(self, nick):
if self.features['whox']:
tag = random.randint(0, 999)
# This just maps it off into nothingness, but that's okay, we just care about the auth
self.who_map[tag] = nick
self.connection.who('%s %%naft,%d' % (nick, tag))
elif self.config['feature']['servicestype'] == "ircservices":
self.connection.privmsg('NickServ', 'STATUS %s' % nick)
elif self.config['feature']['servicestype'] == "atheme":
self.connection.privmsg('NickServ', 'ACC %s' % nick)
[docs] def is_admin(self, send, nick):
"""Checks if a nick is a admin.
| If the nick is not in self.admins then it's not a admin.
| If NickServ hasn't responded yet, then the admin is unverified,
| so assume they aren't a admin.
if nick not in [x.strip() for x in self.config['auth']['admins'].split(',')]:
return False
# no nickserv support, assume people are who they say they are.
if not self.config['feature'].getboolean('nickserv'):
return True
# unauthed
if nick not in self.admins:
self.admins[nick] = None
if self.admins[nick] is None:
# We don't necessarily want to complain in all cases.
if send is not None:
send("Unverified admin: %s" % nick, target=self.config['core']['channel'])
return False
if not self.features['account-notify']:
# reverify every 5min
if datetime.now() - self.admins[nick] > timedelta(minutes=5):
return True
[docs] def get_admins(self):
"""Check verification for all admins."""
# no nickserv support, assume people are who they say they are.
if not self.config['feature'].getboolean('nickserv'):
for i, a in enumerate(self.admins):
if a is None:
self.workers.defer(i, False, self.update_authstatus, a)
[docs] def abusecheck(self, send, nick, target, limit, cmd):
""" Rate-limits commands.
| If a nick uses commands with the limit attr set, record the time
| at which they were used.
| If the command is used more than `limit` times in a
| minute, ignore the nick.
if nick not in self.abuselist:
self.abuselist[nick] = {}
if cmd not in self.abuselist[nick]:
self.abuselist[nick][cmd] = [datetime.now()]
count = 0
for x in self.abuselist[nick][cmd]:
# 60 seconds - arbitrary cuttoff
if datetime.now() - x < timedelta(seconds=60):
count = count + 1
if count > limit:
msg = "%s: don't abuse scores!" if cmd == 'scores' else "%s: stop abusing the bot!"
send(msg % nick, target=target)
with self.db.session_scope() as session:
send(misc.ignore(session, nick))
return True
[docs] def get_max_length(target, msgtype):
overhead = r"PRIVMSG %s: \r\n" % target
# FIXME: what the hell is up w/ message length limits?
if msgtype == 'action':
overhead += "\001ACTION \001"
max_len = 454 # 512
max_len = 453 # 512
return max_len - len(overhead.encode())
[docs] def send(self, target, nick, msg, msgtype, ignore_length=False, filters=None):
""" Send a message.
Records the message in the log.
if not isinstance(msg, str):
raise Exception("Trying to send a %s to irc, only strings allowed." % type(msg).__name__)
msgs = []
if filters is None:
filters = self.outputfilter[target]
for i in filters:
if target != self.config['core']['ctrlchan']:
msg = i(msg)
# Avoid spam from commands that produce excessive output.
max_len = 650
msg = [x.encode() for x in msg]
if functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), msg, 0) > max_len and not ignore_length:
msg, _ = misc.split_msg(msg, max_len)
msg += "..."
msg = [x.encode() for x in msg]
max_len = self.get_max_length(target, msgtype)
# We can't send messages > 512 bytes to irc.
while functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), msg, 0) > max_len:
split, msg = misc.split_msg(msg, max_len)
msgs.append(''.join([x.decode() for x in msg]).strip())
for i in msgs:
self.do_log(target, nick, i, msgtype)
if msgtype == 'action':
self.rate_limited_send('action', target, i)
self.rate_limited_send('privmsg', target, i)
[docs] def rate_limited_send(self, mtype, target, msg):
with self.flood_lock:
elapsed = datetime.now() - self.last_msg_time
# Don't send messages more then once every 0.5 sec.
time.sleep(max(0, 0.5 - elapsed.total_seconds()))
getattr(self.connection, mtype)(target, msg)
self.last_msg_time = datetime.now()
[docs] def do_log(self, target, nick, msg, msgtype):
""" Handles logging.
| Logs to a sql db.
if not isinstance(msg, str):
raise Exception("IRC doesn't like it when you send it a %s" % type(msg).__name__)
target = target.lower()
flags = 0
# Properly handle /msg +#channel
if target.startswith(('+', '@')):
target = target[1:]
with self.data_lock:
if target in self.channels:
if nick in self.opers[target]:
flags |= 1
if nick in self.voiced[target]:
flags |= 2
target = 'private'
# FIXME: should we special-case this?
# strip ctrl chars from !creffett
msg = msg.replace('\x02\x038,4', '<rage>')
self.db.log(nick, target, flags, msg, msgtype)
if self.log_to_ctrlchan:
ctrlchan = self.config['core']['ctrlchan']
if target != ctrlchan:
ctrlmsg = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (target, msgtype, nick, msg)
# If we call self.send, we'll get a infinite loop.
self.connection.privmsg(ctrlchan, ctrlmsg.strip())
[docs] def do_part(self, cmdargs, nick, target, msgtype, send, c):
""" Leaves a channel.
Prevent user from leaving the primary channel.
channel = self.config['core']['channel']
botnick = self.config['core']['nick']
if not cmdargs:
# don't leave the primary channel
if target == channel:
send("%s must have a home." % botnick)
cmdargs = target
if not cmdargs.startswith(('#', '+', '@')):
cmdargs = '#' + cmdargs
# don't leave the primary channel
if cmdargs == channel:
send("%s must have a home." % botnick)
# don't leave the control channel
if cmdargs == self.config['core']['ctrlchan']:
send("%s must remain under control, or bad things will happen." % botnick)
self.send(cmdargs, nick, "Leaving at the request of %s" % nick, msgtype)
[docs] def do_join(self, cmdargs, nick, msgtype, send, c):
""" Join a channel.
| Checks if bot is already joined to channel.
if not cmdargs:
send("Join what?")
if cmdargs == '0':
send("I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.")
if not cmdargs.startswith(('#', '+', '@')):
cmdargs = '#' + cmdargs
cmd = cmdargs.split()
# FIXME: use argparse
if cmd[0] in self.channels and not (len(cmd) > 1 and cmd[1] == "force"):
send("%s is already a member of %s" % (self.config['core']['nick'],
self.send(cmd[0], nick, "Joined at the request of " + nick, msgtype)
[docs] def check_mode(self, mode):
if mode[2] != self.connection.real_nickname:
return False
if (mode[0], mode[1]) == ('-', 'o'):
return True
elif (mode[0], mode[1]) == ('+', 'b'):
return True
return False
[docs] def do_mode(self, target, msg, nick, send):
""" reop and handle guard violations """
mode_changes = modes.parse_channel_modes(msg)
with self.data_lock:
for change in mode_changes:
if change[1] == 'v':
self.voiced[target][change[2]] = True if change[0] == '+' else False
if change[1] == 'o':
self.opers[target][change[2]] = True if change[0] == '+' else False
# reop
# FIXME: handle -o+o msbobBot msbobBot
if [x for x in mode_changes if self.check_mode(x)]:
send("%s: :(" % nick, target=target)
# Assume bot admins know what they're doing.
if not self.is_admin(None, nick):
send("OP %s" % target, target='ChanServ')
send("UNBAN %s" % target, target='ChanServ')
if len(self.guarded) > 0:
# if user is guarded and quieted, devoiced, or deopped, fix that
regex = r"(.*(-v|-o|\+q|\+b)[^ ]*) (%s)" % "|".join(self.guarded)
match = re.search(regex, msg)
if match and nick not in [match.group(3), self.connection.real_nickname]:
modestring = "+voe-qb %s" % (" ".join([match.group(3)] * 5))
self.connection.mode(target, modestring)
send('Mode %s on %s by the guard system' % (modestring, target), target=self.config['core']['ctrlchan'])
[docs] def do_kick(self, send, target, nick, msg, slogan=True):
""" Kick users.
| If kick is disabled, don't do anything.
| If the bot is not a op, rage at a op.
| Kick the user.
if not self.kick_enabled:
if target not in self.channels:
send("%s: you're lucky, private message kicking hasn't been implemented yet." % nick)
with self.data_lock:
ops = [k for k, v in self.opers[target].items() if v]
botnick = self.config['core']['nick']
if botnick not in ops:
ops = ['someone'] if not ops else ops
send(textutils.gen_creffett("%s: /op the bot" % random.choice(ops)), target=target)
elif random.random() < 0.01 and msg == "shutting caps lock off":
if nick in ops:
send("%s: HUEHUEHUE GIBE CAPSLOCK PLS I REPORT U" % nick, target=target)
self.connection.kick(target, nick, "HUEHUEHUE GIBE CAPSLOCK PLS I REPORT U")
msg = textutils.gen_slogan(msg).upper() if slogan else msg
if nick in ops:
send("%s: %s" % (nick, msg), target=target)
self.connection.kick(target, nick, msg)
[docs] def do_args(self, modargs, send, nick, target, source, name, msgtype):
""" Handle the various args that modules need."""
realargs = {}
args = {'nick': nick,
'handler': self,
'db': None,
'config': self.config,
'source': source,
'name': name,
'type': msgtype,
'botnick': self.connection.real_nickname,
'target': target if target[0] == "#" else "private",
'do_kick': lambda target, nick, msg: self.do_kick(send, target, nick, msg),
'is_admin': lambda nick: self.is_admin(send, nick),
'abuse': lambda nick, limit, cmd: self.abusecheck(send, nick, target, limit, cmd)}
for arg in modargs:
if arg in args:
realargs[arg] = args[arg]
raise Exception("Invalid Argument: %s" % arg)
return realargs
[docs] def do_welcome(self):
"""Do setup when connected to server.
| Join the primary channel.
| Join the control channel.
self.connection.join(self.config['core']['ctrlchan'], self.config['auth']['ctrlkey'])
# We use this to pick up info on admins who aren't currently in a channel.
self.workers.defer(5, False, self.get_admins)
extrachans = self.config['core']['extrachans']
if extrachans:
extrachans = [x.strip() for x in extrachans.split(',')]
# Delay joining extra channels to prevent excess flood.
for i, chan in enumerate(extrachans):
self.workers.defer(i, False, self.connection.join, chan)
[docs] def is_ignored(self, nick):
with self.db.session_scope() as session:
return session.query(orm.Ignore).filter(orm.Ignore.nick == nick).count()
[docs] def get_filtered_send(self, cmdargs, send, target):
"""Parse out any filters."""
parser = arguments.ArgParser(self.config)
filterargs, remainder = parser.parse_known_args(cmdargs)
except arguments.ArgumentException as ex:
return str(ex), None
cmdargs = ' '.join(remainder)
if filterargs.filter is None:
return cmdargs, send
filter_list, output = textutils.append_filters(filterargs.filter)
if filter_list is None:
return output, None
# define a new send to handle filter chaining
def filtersend(msg, mtype='privmsg', target=target, ignore_length=False):
self.send(target, self.connection.real_nickname, msg, mtype, ignore_length, filters=filter_list)
return cmdargs, filtersend
[docs] def do_rejoin(self, c, e):
# If we're still banned, this will trigger a bannedfromchan event so we'll try again.
if e.arguments[0] not in self.channels:
[docs] def handle_event(self, msg, send, c, e):
if e.type == 'whospcrpl':
elif e.type == 'account':
elif e.type == 'authenticate':
elif e.type == 'bannedfromchan':
self.workers.defer(5, False, self.do_rejoin, c, e)
elif e.type == 'cap':
elif e.type in ['ctcpreply', 'nosuchnick']:
misc.ping(self.ping_map, c, e, datetime.now())
elif e.type == 'error':
elif e.type == 'featurelist':
if 'WHOX' in e.arguments:
self.features['whox'] = True
elif e.type == 'nick':
self.handle_nick(send, e)
elif e.type == 'nicknameinuse':
self.connection.nick('Guest%d' % random.getrandbits(20))
elif e.type == 'privnotice':
if e.source.nick == 'NickServ':
admin.set_admin(msg, self)
elif e.type == 'welcome':
[docs] def handle_authenticate(self, e):
passwd = self.config['auth']['serverpass']
user = self.config['core']['nick']
if e.target == '+':
token = base64.b64encode('\0'.join([user, user, passwd]).encode())
self.connection.send_raw('AUTHENTICATE %s' % token.decode())
[docs] def handle_account(self, e):
if e.source.nick in self.admins:
if e.target == '*':
self.admins[e.source.nick] = None
self.admins[e.source.nick] = datetime.now()
[docs] def handle_welcome(self):
passwd = self.config['auth']['serverpass']
user = self.config['core']['nick']
logging.info("Connected to server %s", self.config['core']['host'])
if self.config.getboolean('feature', 'nickserv') and self.connection.real_nickname != self.config['core']['nick']:
self.connection.privmsg('NickServ', 'REGAIN %s %s' % (user, passwd))
[docs] def handle_who(self, e):
# arguments: type,nick,modes,account
# properly track voiced status.
location = self.who_map[int(e.arguments[0])]
self.voiced[location][e.arguments[1]] = '+' in e.arguments[2]
self.opers[location][e.arguments[1]] = '@' in e.arguments[2]
if e.arguments[1] in self.admins:
if e.arguments[3] != '0':
self.admins[e.arguments[1]] = datetime.now()
[docs] def handle_cap(self, e):
if e.arguments[0] == 'ACK':
if e.arguments[1].strip() == 'sasl':
self.connection.send_raw('AUTHENTICATE PLAIN')
elif e.arguments[1].strip() == 'account-notify':
self.features['account-notify'] = True
elif e.arguments[1].strip() == 'extended-join':
self.features['extended-join'] = True
[docs] def handle_nick(self, send, e):
with self.data_lock:
for channel in misc.get_channels(self.channels, e.target):
self.do_log(channel, e.source.nick, e.target, 'nick')
# Move the voice+op status to the new nick
if e.source.nick in self.voiced[channel].keys(): # In case we somehow didn't set the voice state on the old nick
self.voiced[channel][e.target] = self.voiced[channel].pop(e.source.nick)
if e.source.nick in self.opers[channel].keys(): # As above, for ops
self.opers[channel][e.target] = self.opers[channel].pop(e.source.nick)
if identity.handle_nick(self, e):
for x in misc.get_channels(self.channels, e.target):
self.do_kick(send, x, e.target, "identity crisis")
[docs] def handle_join(self, c, e, target, send):
if self.features['whox']:
tag = random.randint(0, 999)
self.who_map[tag] = target
if e.source.nick == c.real_nickname:
# http://faerion.sourceforge.net/doc/irc/whox.var
c.who('%s %%naft,%d' % (target, tag))
c.who('%s %%naft,%d' % (e.source.nick, tag))
if e.source.nick == c.real_nickname:
send("Joined channel %s" % target, target=self.config['core']['ctrlchan'])
elif self.features['extended-join']:
if e.source.nick in self.admins:
if e.arguments[0] == '*':
self.admins[e.source.nick] = None
self.admins[e.source.nick] = datetime.now()
[docs] def get_cmd(self, msg):
cmd = msg.split()[0]
cmdchar = self.config['core']['cmdchar']
cmdlen = len(cmd) + 1
# FIXME: figure out a better way to handle !s
if cmd.startswith('%ss' % cmdchar):
# escape special regex chars
raw_cmdchar = '\\' + cmdchar if re.match(r'[\[\].^$*+?]', cmdchar) else cmdchar
match = re.match(r'%ss(\W)' % raw_cmdchar, cmd)
if match:
cmd = cmd.split(match.group(1))[0]
cmdlen = len(cmd)
cmdargs = msg[cmdlen:]
cmd_name = cmd[len(cmdchar):].lower() if cmd.startswith(cmdchar) else None
return cmd_name, cmdargs
[docs] def run_cmd(self, send, nick, target, cmd_name, cmdargs, e):
cmdargs, filtersend = self.get_filtered_send(cmdargs, send, target)
if filtersend is None:
cmd_obj = command.registry.get_command(cmd_name)
if cmd_obj.is_limited() and self.abusecheck(send, nick, target, cmd_obj.limit, cmd_name):
if cmd_obj.requires_admin() and not self.is_admin(send, nick):
send("This command requires admin privileges.")
args = self.do_args(cmd_obj.args, send, nick, target, e.source, cmd_name, e.type)
cmd_obj.run(filtersend, cmdargs, args, cmd_name, nick, target, self)
[docs] def handle_kick(self, c, e, target, send):
if e.arguments[0] == c.real_nickname:
send("Kicked from channel %s" % target, target=self.config['core']['ctrlchan'])
# Auto-rejoin after 5 seconds.
self.workers.defer(5, False, self.connection.join, target)
[docs] def handle_hooks(self, send, nick, target, e, msg):
if self.config['feature'].getboolean('hooks'):
for h in hook.registry.get_hook_objects():
realargs = self.do_args(h.args, send, nick, target, e.source, h, e.type)
h.run(send, msg, e.type, self, target, realargs)
[docs] def handle_msg(self, c, e):
"""The Heart and Soul of IrcBot."""
if e.type not in ['authenticate', 'error', 'join', 'part', 'quit']:
nick = e.source.nick
nick = e.source
if e.arguments is None:
msg = ""
msg = " ".join(e.arguments).strip()
# Send the response to private messages to the sending nick.
target = nick if e.type == 'privmsg' else e.target
def send(msg, mtype='privmsg', target=target, ignore_length=False):
self.send(target, self.connection.real_nickname, msg, mtype, ignore_length)
if e.type in ['account', 'authenticate', 'bannedfromchan', 'cap', 'ctcpreply', 'error', 'featurelist', 'nosuchnick', 'nick', 'nicknameinuse', 'privnotice', 'welcome', 'whospcrpl']:
self.handle_event(msg, send, c, e)
# ignore empty messages
if not msg and e.type != 'join':
self.do_log(target, nick, msg, e.type)
if e.type == 'mode':
self.do_mode(target, msg, nick, send)
if e.type == 'join':
self.handle_join(c, e, target, send)
if e.type == 'part':
if nick == c.real_nickname:
send("Parted channel %s" % target, target=self.config['core']['ctrlchan'])
if e.type == 'kick':
self.handle_kick(c, e, target, send)
if e.target == self.config['core']['ctrlchan'] and self.is_admin(None, nick):
control.handle_ctrlchan(self, msg, send)
if self.is_ignored(nick) and not self.is_admin(None, nick):
self.handle_hooks(send, nick, target, e, msg)
msg = misc.get_cmdchar(self.config, c, msg, e.type)
admins = [x.strip() for x in self.config['auth']['admins'].split(',')]
cmd_name, cmdargs = self.get_cmd(msg)
if command.registry.is_registered(cmd_name):
self.run_cmd(send, nick, target, cmd_name, cmdargs, e)
# special commands
elif cmd_name == 'reload' and nick in admins:
send("Aye Aye Capt'n")