Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Samuel Damashek, Peter Foley, James Forcier, Srijay Kasturi, Reed Koser, Christopher Reffett, and Fox Wilson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

import datetime
import re
import socket
from os.path import join

import geoip2

from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename

from requests import get

from ..helpers import arguments
from ..helpers.command import Command
from ..helpers.geoip import get_zipcode
from ..helpers.orm import Weather_prefs

[docs]def get_default(nick, session, send, config, source): location = session.query(Weather_prefs.location).filter(Weather_prefs.nick == nick).scalar() if location is None: try: # attempt to get GeoIP location, can fail if the DB isn't available, hostmask doesn't have # an IP, etc. hostmask = source.split('@')[1] hostip ="\d{1,3}[.-]\d{1,3}[.-]\d{1,3}[.-]\d{1,3}", hostmask) # If that failed, could be a v6 addr if not hostip: try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, hostmask) hostip = hostmask except socket.error: pass else: hostip = if hostip: hostip = re.sub('-', '.', hostip) db_file = resource_filename(Requirement.parse('CslBot'), join('cslbot', config['db']['geoip'])) location = get_zipcode(db_file, hostip) if location is not None: send("No default location for %s, GeoIP guesses that your zip code is %s." % (nick, location)) return location except (FileNotFoundError, geoip2.errors.AddressNotFoundError): pass # default to TJHSST send("No default location for %s and unable to guess a location, defaulting to TJ (22312)." % nick) return '22312' else: return location
[docs]def valid_location(location, apikey): data = get('' % (apikey, location)).json() return 'current_observation' in data
[docs]def set_default(nick, location, session, send, apikey): """Sets nick's default location to location.""" if valid_location(location, apikey): send("Setting default location") default = session.query(Weather_prefs).filter(Weather_prefs.nick == nick).first() if default is None: default = Weather_prefs(nick=nick, location=location) session.add(default) else: default.location = location else: send("Invalid or Ambiguous Location")
[docs]def get_weather(cmdargs, send, apikey): if cmdargs.string.startswith("-"): data = get('' % (apikey, cmdargs.string[1:])).json() if 'current_observation' in data: data = {'display_location': {'full': cmdargs.string[1:]}, 'weather': 'Sunny', 'temp_f': '94.8', 'feelslike_f': '92.6', 'relative_humidity': '60%', 'pressure_in': '29.98', 'wind_string': 'Calm'} forecastdata = {'conditions': 'Thunderstorms... Extreme Thunderstorms... Plague of Insects... The Rapture... Anti-Christ', 'high': {'fahrenheit': '3841'}, 'low': {'fahrenheit': '-6666'}} alertdata = {'alerts': [{'description': 'Apocalypse', 'expires': 'at the end of days'}]} elif 'results' in data['response']: send("%d results found, please be more specific" % len(data['response']['results'])) return False else: send("Invalid or Ambiguous Location") return False else: data = get('' % (apikey, cmdargs.string)).json() forecastdata = get('' % (apikey, cmdargs.string)).json() alertdata = get('' % (apikey, cmdargs.string)).json() if 'current_observation' in data: data = data['current_observation'] elif 'results' in data['response']: send("%d results found, please be more specific" % len(data['response']['results'])) return False else: send("Invalid or Ambiguous Location") return False forecastdata = forecastdata['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday'][0] send("Current weather for %s:" % data['display_location']['full']) current = '%s, Temp: %s (Feels like %s), Humidity: %s, Pressure: %s", Wind: %s' % ( data['weather'], data['temp_f'], data['feelslike_f'], data['relative_humidity'], data['pressure_in'], data['wind_string']) forecast = '%s, High: %s, Low: %s' % ( forecastdata['conditions'], forecastdata['high']['fahrenheit'], forecastdata['low']['fahrenheit']) send(current) send("Forecast: %s" % forecast) if alertdata['alerts']: alertlist = [] for alert in alertdata['alerts']: alertlist.append("%s, expires %s" % ( alert['description'], alert['expires'])) send("Weather Alerts: %s" % ', '.join(alertlist)) return True
[docs]def get_forecast(cmdargs, send, apikey): forecastdata = get('' % (apikey, cmdargs.string)).json() if 'forecast' in forecastdata: forecastdata = forecastdata['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday'] elif 'results' in forecastdata['response']: send("%d results found, please be more specific" % len(forecastdata['response']['results'])) return False else: send("Invalid or Ambiguous Location") return False for day in forecastdata: if (day['date']['day'], day['date']['month'], day['date']['year']) == (,, forecast = '%s, High: %s, Low: %s' % ( day['conditions'], day['high']['fahrenheit'], day['low']['fahrenheit']) send("Forecast for %s on %s: %s" % (cmdargs.string,"%x"), forecast)) return send("Couldn't find data for %s in the 10-day forecast" % ("%x")))
[docs]def get_hourly(cmdargs, send, apikey): forecastdata = get('' % (apikey, cmdargs.string)).json() if 'hourly_forecast' in forecastdata: forecastdata = forecastdata['hourly_forecast'] elif 'results' in forecastdata['response']: send("%d results found, please be more specific" % len(forecastdata['response']['results'])) return False else: send("Invalid or Ambiguous Location") return False if not = for hour in forecastdata: # wunderground's API returns strings rather than ints for the date for some reason, so casting is needed here date = (int(hour['FCTIME'][x]) for x in ['hour', 'mday', 'mon', 'year']) if date == (cmdargs.hour,,, forecast = '%s, Temperature: %s' % ( hour['condition'], hour['temp']['english']) send("Forecast for %s on %s at %s00: %s" % (cmdargs.string,"%x"), cmdargs.hour, forecast)) return send("Couldn't find data for %s hour %s in the 10-day hourly forecast" % ("%x"), cmdargs.hour))
@Command(['weather', 'bjones'], ['nick', 'config', 'db', 'name', 'source'])
[docs]def cmd(send, msg, args): """Gets the weather. Syntax: {command} <[--date (date)] [--hour (hour)] (location)|--set (default)> Powered by Weather Underground, """ apikey = args['config']['api']['weatherapikey'] parser = arguments.ArgParser(args['config']) parser.add_argument('--date', action=arguments.DateParser) parser.add_argument('--hour', type=int) parser.add_argument('--set', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('string', nargs='*') try: cmdargs = parser.parse_args(msg) except arguments.ArgumentException as e: send(str(e)) return if isinstance(cmdargs.string, list): cmdargs.string = " ".join(cmdargs.string) if cmdargs.set: set_default(args['nick'], cmdargs.string, args['db'], send, apikey) return if cmdargs.hour is not None and cmdargs.hour > 23: send("Invalid Hour") cmdargs.hour = None nick = args['nick'] if args['name'] == 'weather' else '`bjones' if not cmdargs.string: cmdargs.string = get_default(nick, args['db'], send, args['config'], args['source']) if cmdargs.hour is not None: get_hourly(cmdargs, send, apikey) elif get_forecast(cmdargs, send, apikey) else: get_weather(cmdargs, send, apikey)