- Refactored code for Python 3 compatibility via 2to3 during installation.
- Dropped compatibility for Python 2 versions less than 2.7.
- Added dependency on mock for unit tests. This dependency is
satisfied by the standard library for Python 3.3 and newer.
- Renamed convutils.convutils to convutils.utils; renamed
convutils.convstructs to convutils.structs.
- Added unit tests for convutils.utils.
- Renamed ExcelTabNewlineDialect to SimpleTsvDialect, and
changed its quoting style to no quoting.
- Refactored make_csv_reader and make_simple_tsv_dict_writer to
use the csv.excel dialect by default, to be more in line with the
standard library. Added new functions make_simple_tsv_reader and
make_simple_tsv_dict_writer for the previous functionality.
- Renamed the headers parameter to header for
make_csv_reader and make_simple_tsv_reader.
- Changed the signatures of split_file_by_num_lines and
split_file_by_parts. The functions now accept a file handle
instead of a file name. The parameter has_header has been renamed
header. Added two new parameters, pad_file_names and
num_lines_total. If pad_file_names is True, the numerical
portion of the output file names will be zero-padded. If
num_lines_total is provided in addition to pad_file_names,
split_file_by_num_lines and split_file_by_parts will skip
counting the number of lines in the file, itself, which can save time.
- SortedTupleKeysDict and TwoWaySetDict now subclass
collections.MutableMapping instead of dict directly due to the
suggestions on best-practices from Stack Overflow:
- Relocated sample_list_dict and sample_list_dict_low_mem to
- Added Sphinx-based documentation.
v1.1 2012-03-23
- Changed docstrings to use Sphinx info field lists.
- Added cumsum
- Added sample_list_dict and sample_list_dict_low_mem.
v1.0.1 2011-01-18
- Added imports of modules into package