.. Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Bryan A. Jones. This file is part of CodeChat. CodeChat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CodeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CodeChat. If not, see . ************************* History of recent changes ************************* - Development version: - Nothing yet. - 1.3.1, 29-Apr-2016: - Installer fixes. - CI testing added. - Test more languages. - 1.3.0, 19-Mar-2016: - Ported to Python 3. - Added NSIS, Spec file support. - Tests now reside in a separate ``test/`` subdirectory. - Documentation fixes. - 1.2.1, 12-Nov-2015: - Fixed broken hyperlinks in the :ref:`tutorial-examples`. - Provide correct Linux installation instructions. - Correctly report the line number of errors. - 1.2.0, 12-Nov-2015: - Prevent errors when an indented comment follows code. - Display the correct line number of errors/warnings. - Document brokenness when headings are indented. - 1.1.1, 11-Nov-2015: - Fix to actually support ``SConscript`` and ``Makefiles``. - 1.1.0, 10-Nov-2015: - Dropped support for pre-v1.3 Sphinx. - The extension of source files is now preserved, rather than being stripped. This makes for a simpler ``conf.py``, since ``source_suffix`` is no longer modified. - The corret HTML extension is now written to ``sphinx-enki-info.txt``. - A link to install instructions is now provided in :doc:`../README`. - The ``.ini`` file format is now supported. - ``SConscript`` and ``Makefiles`` are now supported. - 1.0.1, 21-Aug-2015: - Support MATLAB (``.m``) files. - Provide a tutorial in the docs. - 1.0.0, 20-Jul-2015: - Update ``setup.py`` based on modern usage. - Update docs. - Add support for Sphinx v1.3. Process source files in memory, instead of creating ``.rst`` files. This allows source links to refer to the source code, not the intermediate ``.rst`` files. - Creation of a tutorial. - Support for all Sphinx themes. - Use of fenced code blocks to more cleanly include code in reST. - Support for Sphinx's conf.py ``highlight_language = 'python'``. - Improved CSS for better layout of paragraphs following code. - Support for block comments with or without indents. - Support for many more languages. - Simpler integration of CodeChat into a Sphinx ``conf.py``. - Support for user-specified extensions. - Support for indented headings; note that they won't be indented in the resulting HTML. - Whitespace is removed in auto-save and build mode. - Errors and warnings are now displayed in the Preview dock's status bar, which replaces the useless progress bar. - Avoid double builds when in auto-save and build mode. - Template project now include ``conf.py`` and ``CodeChat.css``. - 0.0.18, 11-Feb-2015: - Remove unused PyQt dependencies. - Modernize documentation style in ``CodeChat/LanguageSpecificOptions``. - 0.0.17, 17-Nov-2014: - Support Sphinx versions before 1.2. - Move non-CodeChat templates to Enki. - 0.0.16 - 0.0.13, 11-Nov-2014: - Improved Sphinx template: doesn't replace default.css. - Updated CSS to work better with docutils. - 0.0.12, released 1-Sep-2014: - Fixes so that CodeChat's Sphinx extension now works. - File encoding can now be specified. - Installaiton instructions added and docs reworked. - 0.0.11, released 1-May-2014: - Fixed Unicode errors. - Removed incorrect extra spacing between code and comments. - Fixed unit tests and added a few more. - Removed unused CodeLink directive. - 0.0.10, released 17-Apr-2014: - Revamped packaging. - Updated docs. - Used ``..`` instead of marker to indent comments, producing cleaner ReST. - Split ``CodeToRest`` into ``CodeToRest``, ``CodeToRestSphinx`` modules.