Cnc25D 0.1.10 documentation

32. Bagel Design

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32. Bagel Design

Ready-to-use parametric bagel design. It is the axle-guidance for the bell piece. The bagel is fixed to the bell but is mounted after the axle has been set in positon.

_images/bagel_part_example.png _images/bagel_3d.png

To get an overview of the possible bagel designs that can be generated by bagel(), run:

> python --run_self_test

32.1. Bagel Parts and Parameters

The bagel is composed out of the following flat parts:

  • external_bagel
  • middle_bagel
  • internal_bagel

32.2. Bagel Parameter Dependency

32.2.1. axle_internal_diameter

The bell design and the bagel design have both the axle_internal_diameter parameter. With ideal conditions, these two parameters get the same value. But you might want to but slightly different values to adjust the fit of the middle_bagel into the bell axle internal hole.

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