This appendix compares Cheetah with various other template/emdedded scripting languages and Internet development frameworks. As Cheetah is similar to Velocity at a superficial level, you may also wish to read comparisons between Velocity and other languages at http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/ymtd/ymtd.html.
For a basic introduction to Velocity, visit http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity.
Velocity is a Java template engine. It’s older than Cheetah, has a larger user base, and has better examples and docs at the moment. Cheetah, however, has a number of advantages over Velocity:
Cheetah is written in Python. Thus, it’s easier to use and extend.
Cheetah’s syntax is closer to Python’s syntax than Velocity’s is to Java’s.
Cheetah has a powerful caching mechanism. Velocity has no equivalent.
It’s far easier to add data/objects into the namespace where $placeholder values are extracted from in Cheetah. Velocity calls this namespace a ‘context’. Contexts are dictionaries/hashtables. You can put anything you want into a context, BUT you have to use the .put() method to populate the context; e.g.,
VelocityContext context1 = new VelocityContext();
context1.put("project", "Jakarta");
context1.put("duplicate", "I am in context1");
Cheetah takes a different approach. Rather than require you to manually populate the ‘namespace’ like Velocity, Cheetah will accept any existing Python object or dictionary AS the ‘namespace’. Furthermore, Cheetah allows you to specify a list namespaces that will be searched in sequence to find a varname-to-value mapping. This searchList can be extended at run-time.
If you add a ‘foo’ object to the searchList and the ‘foo’ has an attribute called ‘bar’, you can simply type {$bar} in the template. If the second item in the searchList is dictionary ‘foofoo’ containing {{‘spam’:1234, ‘parrot’:666}}, Cheetah will first look in the ‘foo’ object for a ‘spam’ attribute. Not finding it, Cheetah will then go to ‘foofoo’ (the second element in the searchList) and look among its dictionary keys for ‘spam’. Finding it, Cheetah will select {foofoo[‘spam’]} as {$spam}’s value.
In Cheetah, the tokens that are used to signal the start of $placeholders and #directives are configurable. You can set them to any character sequences, not just $ and #.
For a basic introduction to WebMacro, visit http://webmacro.org.
The points discussed in section comparisons.velocity also apply to the comparison between Cheetah and WebMacro. For further differences please refer to http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/differences.html.
For a basic introduction to DTML, visit http://www.zope.org/Members/michel/ZB/DTML.dtml.
Here are some examples of syntax differences between DTML and Cheetah:
<dtml-in frogQuery>
<li><dtml-var animal_name></li>
#for $animal_name in $frogQuery
#end for
<dtml-if expr="monkeys > monkey_limit">
<p>There are too many monkeys!</p>
<dtml-elif expr="monkeys < minimum_monkeys">
<p>There aren't enough monkeys!</p>
<p>There are just enough monkeys.</p>
#if $monkeys > $monkey_limit
<p>There are too many monkeys!</p>
#else if $monkeys < $minimum_monkeys
<p>There aren't enough monkeys!</p>
<p>There are just enough monkeys.</p>
#end if
<dtml-in expr="objectValues('File')">
<dtml-if sequence-even>
<tr bgcolor="grey">
<a href="&dtml-absolute_url;"><dtml-var title_or_id></a>
#set $evenRow = 0
#for $file in $files('File')
#if $evenRow
<tr bgcolor="grey">
#set $evenRow = 0
#set $evenRow = 1
#end if
<a href="$file.absolute_url">$file.title_or_id</a>
#end for
The last example changed the name of {$objectValues} to {$files} because that’s what a Cheetah developer would write. The developer would be responsible for ensuring {$files} returned a list (or tuple) of objects (or dictionaries) containing the attributes (or methods or dictionary keys) ‘absolute_url’ and ‘title_or_id’. All these names (‘objectValues’, ‘absolute_url’ and ‘title_or_id’) are standard parts of Zope, but in Cheetah the developer is in charge of writing them and giving them a reasonable behaviour.
Some of DTML’s features are being ported to Cheetah, such as {Cheetah.Tools.MondoReport}, which is based on the {<dtml-in>} tag. We are also planning an output filter as flexible as the {<dtml-var>} formatting options. However, neither of these are complete yet.
For a basic introduction to Zope Page Templates, please visit http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Articles/ZPT2.
PHP (http://www.php.net/) is one of the few scripting languages expressly designed for web servlets. However, it’s also a full-fledged programming language with libraries similar to Python’s and Perl’s. The syntax and functions are like a cross between Perl and C plus some original ideas (e.g.; a single array type serves as both a list and a dictionary, $arr[]="value"; appends to an array).
Smarty (http://smarty.php.net/) is an advanced template engine for PHP. ({ Note:} this comparision is based on Smarty’s on-line documentation. The author has not used Smarty. Please send corrections or ommissions to the Cheetah mailing list.) Like Cheetah, Smarty:
Features Smarty has that Cheetah lacks:
Features Cheetah has that Smarty lacks:
Comparisions of various Smarty constructs:
{assign var="name" value="Bob"} (#set has better syntax in the author's opinion)
counter (looks like equivalent to #for)
eval (same as #include with variable)
fetch: insert file content into output (#include raw)
fetch: insert URL content into output (no euqivalent, user can write
function calling urllib, call as $fetchURL('URL') )
fetch: read file into variable (no equivalent, user can write function
based on the 'open/file' builtin, or on .getFileContents() in
fetch: read URL content into variable (no equivalent, use above
function and call as: #set $var = $fetchURL('URL')
html_options: output an HTML option list (no equivalent, user can
write custom function. Maybe FunFormKit can help.)
html_select_date: output three dropdown controls to specify a date
(no equivalent, user can write custom function)
html_select_time: output four dropdown controls to specify a time
(no equvalent, user can write custom function)
math: eval calculation and output result (same as #echo)
math: eval calculation and assign to variable (same as #set)
popup_init: library for popup windows (no equivalent, user can write
custom method outputting Javascript)
Other commands:
capture (no equivalent, collects output into variable. A Python
program would create a StringIO instance, set sys.stdout to
it temporarily, print the output, set sys.stdout back, then use
.getvalue() to get the result.)
config_load (roughly analagous to #settings, which was removed
from Cheetah. Use Cheetah.SettingsManager manually or write
a custom function.)
include (same as #include, but can include into variable.
Variables are apparently shared between parent and child.)
include_php: include a PHP script (e.g., functions)
(use #extends or #import instead)
insert (same as #include not in a #cache region)
{ldelim}{rdelim} (escape literal $ and # with a backslash,
use #compiler-settings to change the delimeters)
literal (#raw)
php (``<% %>'' tags)
section (#for $i in $range(...) )
foreach (#for)
strip (like the #sed tag which was never implemented. Strips
leading/trailing whitespace from lines, joins several lines
Variable modifiers:
capitalize ( $STRING.capitalize() )
count_characters ( $len(STRING) )
count_paragraphs/sentances/words (no equivalent, user can write function)
date_format (use 'time' module or download Egenix's mx.DateTime)
default ($getVar('varName', 'default value') )
escape: html encode ($cgi.escape(VALUE) )
escape: url encode ($urllib.quote_plus(VALUE) )
escape: hex encode (no equivalent? user can write function)
escape: hex entity encode (no equivalent? user can write function)
indent: indent all lines of a var's output (may be part of future
#indent directive)
lower ($STRING.lower() )
regex_replace ('re' module)
replace ($STRING.replace(OLD, NEW, MAXSPLIT) )
spacify (#echo "SEPARATOR".join(SEQUENCE) )
string_format (#echo "%.2f" % FLOAT , etc.)
strip_tags (no equivalent, user can write function to strip HTML tags,
or customize the WebSafe filter)
truncate (no equivalent, user can write function)
upper ($STRING.upper() )
wordwrap ('writer' module, or a new module coming in Python 2.3)
Some of these modifiers could be added to the super output filter we want to write someday.
PHPLib ((http://phplib.netuse.de/) is a collection of classes for various web objects (authentication, shopping cart, sessions, etc), but what we’re interested in is the {Template} object. It’s much more primitive than Smarty, and was based on an old Perl template class. In fact, one of the precursors to Cheetah was based on it too. Differences from Cheetah:
Here’s a basic Cheetah example:
#for $client in $service.clients
<TD>$client.surname, $client.firstname</TD>
<TD><A HREF="mailto:$client.email" >$client.email</A></TD>
#end for
Compare this with PSP:
<% for client in service.clients(): %>
<TD><%=client.surname()%>, <%=client.firstname()%></TD>
<TD><A HREF="mailto:<%=client.email()%>"><%=client.email()%></A></TD>