Introduction to developing Brownie

Developing Brownie is really easy, this is going to show you how to do it. However if you are not already familiar with virtualenv, you might want to familiarize yourself with it first.

So the first thing we do is cloning the repository:

$ git clone git://

This will clone the repository in a directory called brownie, now cd into that directory.

As I mentioned earlier we use virtualenv to create an environment. If you are in the brownie directory simply execute make dev-env, this will create a virtualenv in the env directory and install everything required for development.


By specifying the DIR environment variable you can change the location of the virtualenv created my make dev-env.

Now activate the environment and you are “done”:

$ . env/bin/activate

Building the documentation

During development you usually write documentation, you want to check that everything looks right or want to lookup something without having to access the documentation online.

In order to view the documentation simply execute:

$ make view-doc

This will build the documentation and open it in your web browser, if you just want to build the documentation a simple make doc will do.

Further Information

For further information run the make help command which will give you an overview. If you have specific questions ask on the IRC Channel for help.

Table Of Contents


Documentation overview

This Page

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