
This module provides parallelization utilities.


Returns the number of available processors on this machine.

If default is None and the number cannot be determined a NotImplementedError is raised.

exception brownie.parallel.TimeoutError[source]

Exception raised in case of timeouts.

class brownie.parallel.AsyncResult(callback=None, errback=None)[source]

Helper object for providing asynchronous results.

  • callback – Callback which is called if the result is a success.
  • errback – Errback which is called if the result is an exception.

True if a result is available.


Blocks until the result is available or the given timeout has been reached.


Returns the result or raises the exception which has been set, if the result is not available this method is blocking.

If timeout is given this method raises a TimeoutError if the result is not available soon enough.

set(obj, success=True)[source]

Sets the given obj as result, set success to False if obj is an exception.


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