Source code for brownie.functional

# coding: utf-8

    Implements functions known from functional programming languages and other
    things which are useful when dealing with functions.

    :copyright: 2010-2011 by Daniel Neuhäuser
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE.rst for details
from inspect import getargspec
from functools import wraps

from brownie.itools import izip_longest, unique
from brownie.datastructures import namedtuple, FixedDict

[docs]def compose(*functions): """ Returns a function which acts as a composition of several `functions`. If one function is given it is returned if no function is given a :exc:`TypeError` is raised. >>> from brownie.functional import compose >>> compose(lambda x: x + 1, lambda x: x * 2)(1) 3 .. note:: Each function (except the last one) has to take the result of the last function as argument. """ if not functions: raise TypeError('expected at least 1 argument, got 0') elif len(functions) == 1: return functions[0] return reduce(lambda f, g: lambda *a, **kws: f(g(*a, **kws)), functions)
[docs]def flip(function): """ Returns a function which behaves like `function` but gets the given positional arguments reversed; keyword arguments are passed through. >>> from brownie.functional import flip >>> def f(a, b): return a >>> f(1, 2) 1 >>> flip(f)(1, 2) 2 """ @wraps(function) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): return function(*reversed(args), **kwargs) return wrap
[docs]class Signature(namedtuple('SignatureBase', [ 'positionals', 'kwparams', 'varargs', 'varkwargs' ])): """ A named tuple representing a function signature. :param positionals: A list of required positional parameters. :param kwparams: A list containing the keyword arguments, each as a tuple containing the name and default value, in order of their appearance in the function definition. :param varargs: The name used for arbitrary positional arguments or `None`. :param varkwargs: The name used for arbitary keyword arguments or `None`. .. warning:: The size of :class:`Signature` tuples may change in the future to accommodate additional information like annotations. Therefore you should not rely on it. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_function(cls, func): """ Constructs a :class:`Signature` from the given function or method. """ func = getattr(func, 'im_func', func) params, varargs, varkwargs, defaults = getargspec(func) defaults = [] if defaults is None else defaults return cls( params[ :0 if len(defaults) == len(params) else -len(defaults) or len(params) ], zip(params[-len(defaults):], defaults), varargs, varkwargs )
[docs] def bind_arguments(self, args=(), kwargs=None): """ Returns a dictionary with the names of the parameters as keys with their arguments as values. Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if there are too many `args` and/or `kwargs` that are missing or repeated. """ kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs required = set(self.positionals) overwritable = set(name for name, default in self.kwparams) settable = required | overwritable positional_count = len(self.positionals) kwparam_count = len(self.kwparams) result = dict(self.kwparams, **dict(zip(self.positionals, args))) remaining = args[positional_count:] for (param, _), arg in zip(self.kwparams, remaining): result[param] = arg overwritable.discard(param) if len(remaining) > kwparam_count: if self.varargs is None: raise ValueError( 'expected at most %d positional arguments, got %d' % ( positional_count + kwparam_count, len(args) ) ) else: result[self.varargs] = tuple(remaining[kwparam_count:]) remaining = {} unexpected = [] for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if key in result and key not in overwritable: raise ValueError("got multiple values for '%s'" % key) elif key in settable: result[key] = value elif self.varkwargs: result_kwargs = result.setdefault(self.varkwargs, {}) result_kwargs[key] = value else: unexpected.append(key) if len(unexpected) == 1: raise ValueError( "got unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % unexpected[0] ) elif len(unexpected) == 2: raise ValueError( "got unexpected keyword arguments '%s' and '%s'" % tuple(unexpected) ) elif unexpected: raise ValueError("got unexpected keyword arguments %s and '%s'" % ( ', '.join("'%s'" % arg for arg in unexpected[:-1]), unexpected[-1] )) if set(result) < set(self.positionals): missing = set(result) ^ set(self.positionals) if len(missing) == 1: raise ValueError("'%s' is missing" % missing.pop()) elif len(missing) == 2: raise ValueError("'%s' and '%s' are missing" % tuple(missing)) else: missing = tuple(missing) raise ValueError("%s and '%s' are missing" % ( ', '.join("'%s'" % name for name in missing[:-1]), missing[-1] )) if self.varargs: result.setdefault(self.varargs, ()) if self.varkwargs: result.setdefault(self.varkwargs, {}) return result
[docs]class curried(object): """ :class:`curried` is a decorator providing currying for callable objects. Each call to the curried callable returns a new curried object unless it is called with every argument required for a 'successful' call to the function:: >>> foo = curried(lambda a, b, c: a + b * c) >>> foo(1, 2, 3) 6 >>> bar = foo(c=2) >>> bar(2, 3) 8 >>> baz = bar(3) >>> baz(3) 9 By the way if the function takes arbitrary positional and/or keyword arguments this will work as expected. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ def __init__(self, function): self.function = function self.signature = Signature.from_function(function) self.params = self.signature.positionals + [ name for name, default in self.signature.kwparams ] self.args = {} self.changeable_args = set( name for name, default in self.signature.kwparams ) @property def remaining_params(self): return unique(self.params, set(self.args) - self.changeable_args) def _updated(self, args): result = object.__new__(self.__class__) result.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) result.args = args return result def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): collected_args = self.args.copy() for remaining, arg in izip_longest(self.remaining_params, args): if remaining is None: if self.signature.varargs is None: raise TypeError('unexpected positional argument: %r' % arg) collected_args.setdefault(self.signature.varargs, []).append(arg) elif arg is None: break else: collected_args[remaining] = arg self.changeable_args.discard(remaining) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if key in self.params: if key in collected_args: raise TypeError("'%s' has been repeated: %r" % (key, value)) self.changeable_args.discard(key) collected_args[key] = value else: if self.signature.varkwargs is None: raise TypeError( '%s is an unexpected keyword argument: %r' % ( key, value ) ) else: collected_args.setdefault( self.signature.varkwargs, FixedDict() )[key] = value if set(self.signature.positionals) <= set(collected_args): func_kwargs = dict(self.signature.kwparams) func_kwargs = FixedDict(self.signature.kwparams, **collected_args) func_kwargs.update(func_kwargs.pop(self.signature.varkwargs, {})) args = map(func_kwargs.pop, self.params) args += func_kwargs.pop(self.signature.varargs, []) return self.function(*args, **func_kwargs) return self._updated(collected_args)
__all__ = ['compose', 'flip', 'Signature', 'curried']


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