Source code for BinPy.Combinational.combinational

from BinPy.Gates.gates import *
import math

[docs]class HalfAdder(GATES): """This Class implements Half Adder, Arithmetic sum of two bits and return its Sum and Carry Output: [SUM, CARRY] Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> ha = HalfAdder(0, 1) >>> ha.output() [1, 0] """ def __init__(self, input1, input2): GATES.__init__(self, [input1, input2]) self.outputType = [0, 0] self.outputConnector = [None, None] self.trigger()
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return S = XOR(self.inputs[0], self.inputs[1]).output() C = AND(self.inputs[0], self.inputs[1]).output() self._updateResult([S, C])
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i]
[docs]class FullAdder(GATES): """This Class implements Full Adder, Arithmetic sum of three bits and return its Sum and Carry Output: [SUM, CARRY] Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> fa = FullAdder(0, 1, 1) >>> fa.output() [0, 1] """ def __init__(self, input1, input2, carry): GATES.__init__(self, [input1, input2, carry]) self.outputType = [0, 0, 0] self.outputConnector = [None, None, None] self.trigger()
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return ha1 = HalfAdder(self.inputs[0], self.inputs[1]).output() ha2 = HalfAdder(ha1[0], self.inputs[2]).output() S = ha2[0] C = OR(ha2[1], ha1[1]).output() self._updateResult([S, C])
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i]
[docs]class BinaryAdder(GATES): """This Class implements Binary Adder, Arithmetic sum of two bit strings and return its Sum and Carry Output: [CARRY, SUM] Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> ba = BinaryAdder([0, 1], [1, 0], 0) >>> ba.output() [0, 1, 1] """ def __init__(self, input1, input2, carry): self.carry = carry self.size = max(len(input1), len(input2)) input1 = self.fill(input1, self.size) input2 = self.fill(input2, self.size) GATES.__init__(self, [input1, input2]) self.outputType = [0] * (self.size + 1) self.outputConnector = [None] * (self.size + 1) self.trigger()
[docs] def fill(self, arr, size): arr = list(map(str, arr)) arr = "".join(arr) arr = str.zfill(arr, size) arr = list(arr) arr = list(map(int, arr)) return arr
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return result = [] carry = self.carry for i in range(self.size - 1, -1, -1): S, carry = FullAdder( self.inputs[0][i], self.inputs[1][i], carry).output() result.append(S) result.append(carry) result.reverse() self._updateResult(result)
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i]
[docs]class BCDAdder(GATES): """This Class implements 4 bit BCD Adder, and return its BCD Sum and Carry Output: [SUM, CARRY] Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> ba = BCDAdder([0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0], 0) >>> ba.output() [0, 0, 0, 0, 1] """ def __init__(self, input1, input2, carry): self.carry = carry self.size = max(len(input1), len(input2)) self.input1 = input1 self.input2 = input2 input3 = self.fill(self.input1, self.size) input4 = self.fill(self.input2, self.size) GATES.__init__(self, [input3, input4]) self.outputType = [0] * (self.size + 1) self.outputConnector = [None] * (self.size + 1) self.trigger()
[docs] def fill(self, arr, size): arr = list(map(str, arr)) arr = "".join(arr) arr = str.zfill(arr, size) arr = list(arr) arr = list(map(int, arr)) return arr
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return result = BinaryAdder(self.input1, self.input2, self.carry).output() temp = AND(result[1], result[2]).output() temp1 = AND(result[1], result[3]).output() temp = OR(temp1, temp).output() temp = OR(result[0], temp).output() self.input1[0] = 0 self.input1[1] = temp self.input1[2] = temp self.input1[3] = 0 self.input2[0] = result[1] self.input2[1] = result[2] self.input2[2] = result[3] self.input2[3] = result[4] self.carry = result[0] result = BinaryAdder(self.input1, self.input2, self.carry).output() self._updateResult(result)
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i]
[docs]class HalfSubtractor(GATES): """This Class implements Half Subtractor, Arithmetic difference of two bits and return its Difference and Borrow output Output: [DIFFERENCE, BORROW] Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> hs = HalfSubtractor(0, 1) >>> hs.output() [1, 1] """ def __init__(self, input1, input2): GATES.__init__(self, [input1, input2]) self.outputType = [0, 0] self.outputConnector = [None, None] self.trigger()
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return D = XOR(self.inputs[0], self.inputs[1]).output() B = AND(NOT(self.inputs[0]), self.inputs[1]).output() self._updateResult([D, B])
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i]
[docs]class FullSubtractor(GATES): """This Class implements Full Subtractor, Arithmetic difference of three bits and return its Difference and Borrow Output: [DIFFERENCE, BORROW] Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> fs = FullSubtractor(0, 1, 1) >>> fs.output() [0, 1] """ def __init__(self, input1, input2, borrow): GATES.__init__(self, [input1, input2, borrow]) self.outputType = [0, 0, 0] self.outputConnector = [None, None, None] self.trigger()
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return x = self.inputs[0] y = self.inputs[1] z = self.inputs[2] D = OR( AND( NOT(x), NOT(y), z), AND( NOT(x), y, NOT(z)), AND( x, NOT(y), NOT(z)), AND( x, y, z)).output() B = OR(AND(NOT(x), z), AND(NOT(x), y), AND(y, z)).output() self._updateResult([D, B])
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i]
[docs]class BinarySubtractor(GATES): """This Class implements Binary Subtractor, Arithmetic difference of two bit strings and return its difference and borrow Output: [BORROW, DIFFERENCE] Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> bs = BinarySubtractor([0, 1], [1, 0], 1) >>> bs.output() [1, 1, 0] """ def __init__(self, input1, input2, borrow): self.borrow = borrow self.size = max(len(input1), len(input2)) input1 = self.fill(input1, self.size) input2 = self.fill(input2, self.size) GATES.__init__(self, [input1, input2]) self.outputType = [0] * (self.size + 1) self.outputConnector = [None] * (self.size + 1) self.trigger()
[docs] def fill(self, arr, size): arr = list(map(str, arr)) arr = "".join(arr) arr = str.zfill(arr, size) arr = list(arr) arr = list(map(int, arr)) return arr
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return result = [] borrow = self.borrow for i in range(self.size - 1, -1, -1): D, borrow = FullSubtractor( self.inputs[0][i], self.inputs[1][i], borrow).output() result.append(D) result.append(borrow) result.reverse() self._updateResult(result)
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i]
[docs]class MUX(GATES): """ This class can be used to create MUX in your circuit. MUX is used to select a single output line out of many inputs. This class can be used as any 2^n X n Multiplexer where n is the number of select lines used to select the input out of 2^n input lines. INPUT: nth index has nth input value, input should be power of 2 OUTPUT: single output, 1 or 0 SELECT LINES: In binary form, select line for 4 will be 1 0 0 Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> mux = MUX(0, 1) "MUX takes its 2^n inputs (digital or Connector)" >>> mux.selectLines(0) "Put select Line" >>> mux.output() 0 >>> mux.selectLine(0, 1) "Select line at index 0 is changed to 1" >>> mux.output() 1 >>> mux.setInput(1, 0) "Input line at index 1 is changed to 0" >>> mux.output() 0 """ def __init__(self, *inputs): if not (len(inputs) > 1 and (len(inputs) & (len(inputs) - 1) == 0)): raise Exception("ERROR: Number inputs should be a power of 2") self.selects = [] GATES.__init__(self, list(inputs))
[docs] def selectLines(self, *select): if not (pow(2, len(select)) == len(self.inputs)): raise Exception( "ERROR: No. of Select lines are inconsistent with the inputs") self.selects = list(select) self._updateConnections(self.selects) self.trigger()
[docs] def selectLine(self, index, value): if index >= len(self.selects): self.selects.append(value) else: self.selects[index] = value if isinstance(value, Connector): value.tap(self, 'input') self.trigger()
[docs] def setInput(self, index, value): if index >= len(self.inputs): self.inputs.append(value) else: self.inputs[index] = value if isinstance(value, Connector): value.tap(self, 'input') self.trigger()
[docs] def trigger(self): if len(self.selects) == 0: return if not (len(self.inputs) > 1 and (len(self.inputs) & (len(self.inputs) - 1) == 0)): raise Exception("ERROR: Number of inputs should be a power of 2") bstr = '' for i in self.selects: if isinstance(i, Connector): bstr = bstr + str(i.state) else: bstr = bstr + str(i) try: if isinstance(self.inputs[int(bstr, 2)], Connector): self._updateResult(self.inputs[int(bstr, 2)].state) else: self._updateResult(self.inputs[int(bstr, 2)]) except IndexError: raise Exception( "Error: Select lines are inconsistent with Input lines") if self.outputType: self.outputConnector.trigger()
def __str__(self): return self.buildStr("MUX")
[docs]class DEMUX(GATES): """ This class can be used to create DEMUX in your circuit. DEMUX is used to select It takes single input and n select lines and decode the select lines into BCD form base upon the input. In case of high input, it works as a decoder. INPUT: Single Input, 1 or 0 OUTPUT: BCD form of select lines in case of high input, else low output SELECT LINES: nth select line at nth index Example: >>> from BinPy import * >>> demux = DEMUX(0) "DEMUX takes 1 input (digital or Connector)" >>> demux.selectLines(0) "Put select Lines" >>> demux.output() [0, 0] >>> demux.selectLine(0, 1) "Select line at index 0 is changed to 1" >>> demux.output() [0, 1] """ def __init__(self, *inputs): if not (len(inputs) == 1): raise Exception("ERROR: Input should be 0/1") self.selects = [] GATES.__init__(self, list(inputs)) self.outputType = [] self.outputConnector = []
[docs] def selectLines(self, *select): if not (len(select) != 0): raise Exception( "ERROR: Number of select lines should be greater than zero") self.selects = list(select) for i in range(pow(2, len(select))): self.outputType.append(0) self.outputConnector.append(None) self._updateConnections(self.selects) self.trigger()
[docs] def selectLine(self, index, value): if index >= len(self.selects): self.selects.append(value) for i in range(len(self.outputType), pow(2, len(self.selects))): self.outputType.append(0) self.outputConnector.append(None) else: self.selects[index] = value if isinstance(value, Connector): value.tap(self, 'input') self.trigger()
[docs] def setInput(self, index, value): if not (index == 0): raise Exception("ERROR: There should be a single input") self.inputs[index] = value if isinstance(value, Connector): value.tap(self, 'input') self.trigger()
[docs] def trigger(self): if len(self.selects) == 0: return out = [] for i in range(pow(2, len(self.selects))): out.append(0) bstr = '' for i in self.selects: if isinstance(i, Connector): bstr = bstr + str(i.state) else: bstr = bstr + str(i) if isinstance(self.inputs[0], Connector): out[int(bstr, 2)] = self.inputs[0].state self._updateResult(out) else: out[int(bstr, 2)] = self.inputs[0] self._updateResult(out)
[docs] def setInputs(self, *inputs): if not (len(inputs) == 1): raise Exception("ERROR: There should be a single Input") self.inputs = list(inputs) self._updateConnections(self.inputs) self.trigger()
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i] def __str__(self): return self.buildStr("DEMUX")
[docs]class Decoder(GATES): """ This class can be used to create decoder in your circuit. Input is taken as Binary String and returns the equivalent BCD form. INPUT: n Binary inputs, nth input ant the nth index OUTPUT: Gives equivalent BCD form Example: >>> decoder = Decoder(0) "Decoder with 1 input, 0" >>> decoder.output() [1, 0] >>> decoder.setInputs(0, 1) "sets the new inputs to the decoder" [0, 1, 0, 1] """ def __init__(self, *inputs): if len(inputs) == 0: raise Exception("ERROR: Input Length should be greater than zero") GATES.__init__(self, list(inputs)) self.outputType = [] self.outputConnector = [] for i in range(pow(2, len(inputs))): self.outputType.append(0) self.outputConnector.append(None)
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return out = [] for i in range(pow(2, len(self.inputs))): out.append(0) bstr = '' for i in self.inputs: if isinstance(i, Connector): bstr = bstr + str(i.state) else: bstr = bstr + str(i) out[int(bstr, 2)] = 1 self._updateResult(out)
[docs] def setInputs(self, *inputs): if len(inputs) == 0: raise Exception("ERROR: Input length must be greater than zero") self.inputs = list(inputs) for i in range(len(self.outputType), pow(2, len(self.inputs))): self.outputType.append(0) self.outputConnector.append(None) self._updateConnections(self.inputs) self.trigger()
[docs] def setInput(self, index, value): if index >= len(self.inputs): self.inputs.append(value) for i in range(len(self.outputType), pow(2, len(self.inputs))): self.outputType.append(0) self.outputConnector.append(None) else: self.inputs[index] = value if isinstance(value, Connector): value.tap(self, 'input') self.trigger()
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i] def __str__(self): return self.buildStr("Decoder")
[docs]class Encoder(GATES): """ This class can be used to create encoder in your circuit. It converts the input BCD form to binary output. It works as the inverse of the decoder INPUT: Input in BCD form, length of input must me in power of 2 OUTPUT: Encoded Binary Form Example: >>> encoder = Encoder(0, 1) "Encoder with BCD input 01 " >>> encoder.output() "Binary Form" [1] >>> encoder.setInputs(0, 0, 0, 1) "Sets the new inputs" [1 , 1] """ def __init__(self, *inputs): if not (len(inputs) > 1 and (len(inputs) & (len(inputs) - 1) == 0)): raise Exception("ERROR: Number of inputs should be a power of 2") if not (inputs.count(1) == 1 or list(x.state for x in filter(lambda i: isinstance(i, Connector), inputs)).count(1) == 1): raise Exception("Invalid Input") GATES.__init__(self, list(inputs)) self.outputType = [] self.outputConnector = [] for i in range(int(math.log(len(self.inputs), 2))): self.outputType.append(0) self.outputConnector.append(None)
[docs] def trigger(self): if isinstance(self.outputType, int): return if not (len(self.inputs) > 1 and (len(self.inputs) & (len(self.inputs) - 1) == 0)): raise Exception("ERROR: Number of inputs should be a power of 2") temp = self.inputs[:] for i in range(len(temp)): if isinstance(temp[i], Connector): temp[i] = temp[i].state bstr = bin(temp.index(1))[2:] while len(bstr) < math.log(len(self.inputs), 2): bstr = '0' + bstr out = list(bstr) out = map(int, out) self._updateResult(list(out))
[docs] def setInputs(self, *inputs): if not (len(inputs) > 1 and (len(inputs) & (len(inputs) - 1) == 0)): raise Exception("ERROR: Number of inputs should be a power of 2") if not (inputs.count(1) == 1 or list(x.state for x in filter(lambda i: isinstance(i, Connector), inputs)).count(1) == 1): raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid Input") self.inputs = list(inputs) for i in range(len(self.outputType), int(math.log(len(self.inputs), 2))): self.outputType.append(0) self.outputConnector.append(None) self._updateConnections(self.inputs) self.trigger()
[docs] def setInput(self, index, value): temp = self.inputs[:] if index >= len(temp): temp.append(value) if not (temp.count(1) == 1 or list(x.state for x in filter(lambda i: isinstance(i, Connector), temp)).count(1) == 1): raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid Input") self.inputs.append(value) for i in range(len(self.outputType), int(math.log(len(self.inputs), 2))): self.outputType.append(0) self.outputConnector.append(None) else: temp[index] = value if not (temp.count(1) == 1 or list(x.state for x in filter(lambda i: isinstance(i, Connector), temp)).count(1) == 1): raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid Input") self.inputs[index] = value if isinstance(value, Connector): value.tap(self, 'input') self.trigger()
[docs] def setOutput(self, index, value): if not isinstance(value, Connector): raise Exception("ERROR: Expecting a Connector Class Object") value.tap(self, 'output') self.outputType[index] = 1 self.outputConnector[index] = value self.trigger()
def _updateResult(self, value): self.result = value for i in range(len(value)): if self.outputType[i] == 1: self.outputConnector[i].state = value[i] def __str__(self): return self.buildStr("Encoder")