The following is autogenerated from the doc strings in the Python code. This section is not going to be useful if you are simply working with Benthic Photo Survey as a user. This documentation will be of use to those who want understand how the code works. ...or it might be of use if I get around to finishing it. Much of the code is poorly documented at the moment.
An object to make accessing image files and metadata easier.
Try to get a datetime object for the image’s creation from the Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal value via pyexiv2.
Get the depth and temp readings out of the db that match the photo’s origination time (considering that the photo’s time stamp is in the local timezone and the logs are in UTC) and write those values to the image’s exif data.
Return a dict with all exif and xmp keys and values.
Get a position that matches the time of creation for the image out of the database and set the exif data accordingly. We assume that the photo timestamp is local and the gps position is utc.
Look at the exif data and return a position object (as defined in gps_log_io). Return None if there’s no GPSInfo in the exif.
You probably won’t need to do this but I did a few times during testing.
You probably won’t need to do this but I did a few times during testing.
You probably won’t need to do this but I did a few times during testing.