Source code for

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from interface import BTSimpleInterface, BTInterface
from manager import BTManager
from adapter import BTAdapter
from exceptions import BTDeviceNotSpecifiedException
import dbus.service

[docs]class BTMedia(BTSimpleInterface): """ Wrapper around dbus to encapsulate org.bluez.Media interface. The media interface allows media endpoints to be established in accordance with the capabilities of a specific media service profile. For example, an A2DP media endpoint could be created allowing data from a remote device to be streamed to/from the sender. Each media endpoint is associated with a service object instance that implements the required behaviours of the endpoint. The service object must be created at a given path before it is registered. See also: :py:class:`.GenericEndpoint` """ def __init__(self, adapter_id=None): manager = BTManager() if (adapter_id is None): adapter_path = manager.default_adapter() else: adapter_path = manager.find_adapter(adapter_id) BTSimpleInterface.__init__(self, adapter_path, 'org.bluez.Media')
[docs] def register_endpoint(self, path, properties): """ Register a local end point to sender, the sender can register as many end points as it likes. The properties dictionary parameter may take the following fields: * UUID(str): UUID of the profile which the endpoint is for e.g., ``SERVICES['AudioSource']`` * Codec(byte): Assigned mumber of codec that the endpoint implements. The values should match the profile specification which is indicated by the UUID e.g., ``A2DP_CODECS['SBC']`` * Capabilities(array{byte}): Capabilities blob, it is used as it is so the size and byte order must match. See also: :py:data:`.A2DP_CODECS` and :py:data:`.SERVICES` If the sender disconnects the end points are automatically unregistered. :param: str path: a freely definable path name for registering the endpoint e.g., '/endpoint/a2dpsource'. :param: dict properties: a dictionary defining the endpoints properties which may contain. :return: :raises dbus.Exception: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments :raises dbus.Exception: org.bluez.Error.NotSupported """ self._interface.RegisterEndpoint(path, properties)
[docs] def unregister_endpoint(self, path): """ Unregister sender end point. :param: str path: a freely definable path name previously used for registering via :py:meth:`register_endpoint` :return: """ self._interface.UnregisterEndpoint(path)
[docs]class BTMediaTransport(BTInterface): """ Wrapper around dbus to encapsulate the org.bluez.MediaTransport interface. A media transport instance provides a mechanism by which data streamed to/from a device can be sent/received via the L2 transport. This is done by `acquiring` a transport file descriptor object which then allows the underlying file to be read from or written to. When finished, the file descriptor should be closed using a normal UNIX **close()** operation before `releasing` the media transport back again. .. warning:: The media transport interface does not implement any CODECs and should be regarded as providing direct access to the underlying data transport. :param: str path: [Optional] Absolute object path to the device's file descriptor node carrying the media transport. :param: str dev_path: [Optional] Device's object path. The file descriptor node will be provided via `fd` argument. :param: int fd: [Optional] File number for the file descriptor node associated with the device given by either `dev_path` or `dev_id` :param: str adapter_id: [Optional] Adapter identifier from which to look-up the `dev_id` :param: str dev_id: [Optional] Device identifier of the form e.g., '11:22:33:44:55:66'. :raises BTDeviceNotSpecifiedException: if the device path could not be determined unambiguously from the supplied parameters. :Properties: * **Device(str) [readonly]**: Device object which the transport is connected to. * **UUID(str) [readonly]**: UUID of the profile which the transport is for. * **Codec(byte) [readonly]**: Assigned mumber of codec that the transport support. The value should match the profile specification which is indicated by the UUID. * **Configuration(byte) [readonly]**: Configuration blob, it is used as it is so the size and byte order must match. * **Delay(uint16) [readwrite]**: Optional. Transport delay in 1/10 of milisecond, this property is only writeable when the transport was acquired by the sender. * **NREC(boolean) [readwrite]**: Optional. Indicates if echo cancelling and noise reduction functions are active in the transport, this property is only writeable when the transport was acquired by the sender. * **InbandRingtone(boolean) [readwrite]**: Optional. Indicates if the transport support sending ringtones, this property is only writeable when the transport was acquired by the sender. * **Routing(str) [readonly]**: Optional. Indicates where is the transport being routed and may be 'HCI' or 'PCM'. """ def __init__(self, path, fd=None, adapter_id=None, dev_path=None, dev_id=None): if (not path): fd_suffix = '/fd' + str(fd) if (dev_path): path = dev_path + fd_suffix elif (dev_id): if (adapter_id): adapter = BTAdapter(adapter_id) else: adapter = BTAdapter() path = adapter.find_device(dev_id) + fd_suffix else: raise BTDeviceNotSpecifiedException BTInterface.__init__(self, path, 'org.bluez.MediaTransport')
[docs] def acquire(self, access_type): """ Acquire transport file descriptor and the MTU for read and/or write respectively. Possible access_type: * "r" : Read only access * "w" : Write only access * "rw": Read and write access :param str access_type: as defined above. :return: A tuple of the form (fd, write_mtu, read_mtu) :rtype: tuple """ return self._interface.Acquire(access_type)
[docs] def release(self, access_type): """ Releases file descriptor. Possible access_type: * "r" : Read only access * "w" : Write only access * "rw": Read and write access :param str access_type: as defined above. """ return self._interface.Release(access_type)
[docs]class GenericEndpoint(dbus.service.Object): """ Generic media endpoint service object class. .. note:: GenericEndpoint can't be directly instantiated. It should be sub-classed and provides a template for implementing an endpoint service object. :param str path: Freely definable object path for the media endpoint e.g., '/endpoint/a2dpsink'. """ def __init__(self, path): bus = dbus.SystemBus() super(GenericEndpoint, self).__init__(bus, path)
[docs] def get_properties(self): """ Returns the properties of the endpoint. These should be initialized by a suitable subclass implementation by setting the `properties` class attribute. :return properties: dictionary of endpoint's capabilties :rtype: dict """ return # Service object entry points defined below here -- # you will need to implement these in your subclass
@dbus.service.method("org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", in_signature="", out_signature="")
[docs] def Release(self): """ Called by bluez to let us know our registration has been released and the endpoint no longer exists :return: """ pass
@dbus.service.method("org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", in_signature="", out_signature="")
[docs] def ClearConfiguration(self): """ Called by bluez to let us know that the audio streaming process has been reset, for whatever reason, and we should now perform clean-up. :return: """ pass
@dbus.service.method("org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", in_signature="oay", out_signature="")
[docs] def SetConfiguration(self, transport, config): """ Provides a path to the media transport to use and the active configuration that was negotiated. :param str transport: Path to a device's file descriptor node which can be used to acquire the media transport e.g., '/org/bluez/985/hci0/dev_00_11_67_D2_AB_EE/fd0' :param array{byte} config: The configuration being used for the media transport. See also: :py:class:`.BTMediaTransport` """ pass
@dbus.service.method("org.bluez.MediaEndpoint", in_signature="ay", out_signature="ay")
[docs] def SelectConfiguration(self, caps): """ Initiates negotiations of the capabilities which should be resolved by this method. :param dict caps: Dictionary of device's capabilities for resolving capability negotiation by comparing to own capabilities. :return config: The resolved configuration to be used for the media transport. :rtype: array{byte} """ pass