Source code for bt_manager.interface

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import dbus
import types
import pprint

from exceptions import BTSignalNameNotRecognisedException

[docs]def translate_to_dbus_type(typeof, value): """ Helper function to map values from their native Python types to Dbus types. :param type typeof: Target for type conversion e.g., 'dbus.Dictionary' :param value: Value to assign using type 'typeof' :return: 'value' converted to type 'typeof' :rtype: typeof """ if ((isinstance(value, types.UnicodeType) or isinstance(value, str)) and typeof is not dbus.String): # FIXME: This is potentially dangerous since it evaluates # a string in-situ return typeof(eval(value)) else: return typeof(value)
[docs]class Signal(): """ Encapsulation of user callback wrapper for signals fired by dbus. This allows us to prepend the signal name and the user callback argument. :param str signal: Signal name :param func user_callback: User-defined callback function to call when the signal triggers :param user_arg: User-defined callback argument to be passed as callback function """ def __init__(self, signal, user_callback, user_arg): self.signal = signal self.user_callback = user_callback self.user_arg = user_arg
[docs] def signal_handler(self, *args): """ Method to call in order to invoke the user callback. :param args: list of signal-dependent arguments :return: """ self.user_callback(self.signal, self.user_arg, *args)
[docs]class BTSimpleInterface: """ Wrapper around dbus to encapsulated a BT simple interface entry point (i.e., has no signals or properties). :param str path: Object path pertaining to the interface to open e.g., '/org/bluez/985/hci0' :param str addr: dbus address of the interface instance to open e.g., 'org.bluez.Adapter' .. note:: This class should always be sub-classed with a concrete implementation of a bluez interface which has no signals or properties. """ def __init__(self, path, addr): self._dbus_addr = addr self._bus = dbus.SystemBus() self._object = self._bus.get_object('org.bluez', path) self._interface = dbus.Interface(self._object, addr) # This class is not intended to be instantiated directly and should be # sub-classed with a concrete implementation for an interface
[docs]class BTInterface(BTSimpleInterface): """ Wrapper around DBus to encapsulated a BT interface entry point e.g., an adapter, a device, etc. :param str path: Object path pertaining to the interface to open e.g., '/org/bluez/985/hci0' :param str addr: dbus address of the interface instance to open e.g., 'org.bluez.Adapter' .. note:: This class should always be sub-classed with a concrete implementation of a bluez interface which has both signals and properties. """ SIGNAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED = 'PropertyChanged' """ :signal PropertyChanged(sig_name, user_arg, prop_name, prop_value): Signal notifying when a property has changed. """ def __init__(self, path, addr): BTSimpleInterface.__init__(self, path, addr) self._signals = {} self._signal_names = [] self._properties = self._interface.GetProperties().keys() self._register_signal_name(BTInterface.SIGNAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED) def _register_signal_name(self, name): """ Helper function to register allowed signals on this instance. Need only be called once per signal name and must be done for each signal that may be used via :py:meth:`add_signal_receiver` :param str name: Signal name to register e.g., :py:attr:`SIGNAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED` :return: """ self._signal_names.append(name)
[docs] def add_signal_receiver(self, callback_fn, signal, user_arg): """ Add a signal receiver callback with user argument See also :py:meth:`remove_signal_receiver`, :py:exc:`.BTSignalNameNotRecognisedException` :param func callback_fn: User-defined callback function to call when signal triggers :param str signal: Signal name e.g., :py:attr:`.BTInterface.SIGNAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED` :param user_arg: User-defined callback argument to be passed with callback function :return: :raises BTSignalNameNotRecognisedException: if the signal name is not registered """ if (signal in self._signal_names): s = Signal(signal, callback_fn, user_arg) self._signals[signal] = s self._bus.add_signal_receiver(s.signal_handler, signal, dbus_interface=self._dbus_addr) else: raise BTSignalNameNotRecognisedException
[docs] def remove_signal_receiver(self, signal): """ Remove an installed signal receiver by signal name. See also :py:meth:`add_signal_receiver` :py:exc:`exceptions.BTSignalNameNotRecognisedException` :param str signal: Signal name to uninstall e.g., :py:attr:`SIGNAL_PROPERTY_CHANGED` :return: :raises BTSignalNameNotRecognisedException: if the signal name is not registered """ if (signal in self._signal_names): s = self._signals.get(signal) if (s): self._bus.remove_signal_receiver(s.signal_handler, signal, dbus_interface=self._dbus_addr) # noqa self._signals.pop(signal) else: raise BTSignalNameNotRecognisedException
[docs] def get_property(self, name=None): """ Helper to get a property value by name or all properties as a dictionary. See also :py:meth:`set_property` :param str name: defaults to None which means all properties in the object's dictionary are returned as a dict. Otherwise, the property name key is used and its value is returned. :return: Property value by property key, or a dictionary of all properties :raises KeyError: if the property key is not found in the object's dictionary :raises dbus.Exception: org.bluez.Error.DoesNotExist :raises dbus.Exception: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments """ if (name): return self._interface.GetProperties()[name] else: return self._interface.GetProperties()
[docs] def set_property(self, name, value): """ Helper to set a property value by name, translating to correct dbus type See also :py:meth:`get_property` :param str name: The property name in the object's dictionary whose value shall be set. :param value: Properties new value to be assigned. :return: :raises KeyError: if the property key is not found in the object's dictionary :raises dbus.Exception: org.bluez.Error.DoesNotExist :raises dbus.Exception: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments """ typeof = type(self.get_property(name)) self._interface.SetProperty(name, translate_to_dbus_type(typeof, value))
def __getattr__(self, name): """Override default getattr behaviours to allow DBus object properties to be exposed in the class for getting""" if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] elif '_properties' in self.__dict__ and name in self._properties: return self.get_property(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Override default setattr behaviours to allow DBus object properties to be exposed in the class for setting""" if '_properties' in self.__dict__ and name not in self.__dict__: self.set_property(name, value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value def __repr__(self): """Stringify the Dbus interface properties as raw""" return self.__str__() def __str__(self): """Stringify the Dbus interface properties in a nice format""" return pprint.pformat(self._interface.GetProperties())