Source code for bt_manager.discovery

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from xml.etree.ElementTree import XML
import pprint

from serviceuuids import SERVICES
from attributes import ATTRIBUTES

[docs]class BTDiscoveryInfo: """ Parser for XML discovery service record obtained from the bluetooth service discovery procedure. The XML parser recursively and iteratively translates all known service UUIDs and attribute UUIDs to their human readable form thus allowing a BTDiscoveryInfo instance to be printed e.g., for debugging purposes. :param str text: An XML service record return as part of the device service discovery procedure. .. note:: A dictionary of XML service records is obtained by executing the :py:meth:`.BTDevice.discover_services` method. """ def __init__(self, text): tree = XML(text) rec = tree.iter().next() if (rec is not None): self._uuid = None self.__dict__ = self._parse_element(rec) def _parse_element(self, elem): if (elem.tag == 'record'): return {self._parse_element(k): self._parse_element(list(k)[0]) for k in elem.findall('attribute')} elif (elem.tag == 'sequence'): return [self._parse_element(k) for k in list(elem)] elif (elem.tag == 'attribute'): attrib_id = elem.attrib['id'][2:].upper() # Remove leading '0x' if (attrib_id in ATTRIBUTES['*']): return ATTRIBUTES['*'][attrib_id] elif (ATTRIBUTES.get(self._uuid)): return ATTRIBUTES[self._uuid].get(attrib_id, attrib_id) else: return attrib_id elif (elem.tag == 'uuid'): self._uuid = \ elem.attrib['value'][2:].upper() # Remove leading '0x' return {'uuid': SERVICES.get(self._uuid, self._uuid)} elif ('value' in elem.attrib): return elem.attrib['value'] def __repr__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.__dict__)